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Liberty News Network Special Report - Printable Version

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Liberty News Network Special Report - Reverend Del - 02-11-2008

This is Dara Bratch reporting for the Liberty News Network,

We have just recieved word that there is to be a huge shakeup in the LSF. In light of public disapproval LSF Director Brian Copeland has stated that something must be done.

We ask why now? When the threat of Xenos, Rogues and Lane Hackers are at our very doorstep, why does the LSF choose now to change it's operations? We'll be putting these questions and many more to Director Copeland later. But first a look at what may have caused the camel's back to break.


This is RP to explain certain actions being undertaken by sniper. The opinions expressed are not mine, they are fictional opinions of fictional people.

Liberty News Network Special Report - Reverend Del - 02-11-2008

Recent activities by the LSF have been branded piracy by some extreme members of Liberty society, but just how true is this? Can we believe people like itinerant traders and Junkers? A few recent activities include the immediate destruction of a Junker holding lawful pilots in his hold and a trader sitting at the entrance to restricted space, were these actions piracy? Or just an officer doing his job?

Eyewitness accounts of the first incident do clearly state that the Junker was not given ample time to release the pilots. The second incident was a matter of independent ships opening fire at the orders of the LSF. Are these actions those of pirates? Of course not, just officers who have overstepped the mark a little bit.

The LSF is a grand institution which has saved the lives of more liberty citizens than could possibly be counted, they are heroes and a great asset to our proud nation.

Liberty News Network Special Report - Reverend Del - 02-11-2008

We have Director Copeland here with us today.

Welcome Director Copeland, it's good to have you on the show.

Liberty News Network Special Report - sn!p3r - 02-11-2008

Its good to be here, thanks.

Liberty News Network Special Report - Reverend Del - 02-11-2008

Director Copeland, I feel I must first address the most prominent thought that must be concerning Liberty's people. How would you describe your perfect Sunday?

Of course I jest.

Can you tell us what impact this shakeup will have to the LSFs day to day operations during the transition?