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Reputation adjusted - Printable Version

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Reputation adjusted - Athenian - 06-13-2011

There aren't many of you around, and now that the Liberty Rogues are unhappy with you, there may be even less by the time I finish typing.

Admin link

Reputation adjusted - tansytansey - 06-14-2011

Dear Admin team; thank you for applying this FR5 request; albeit about 2 weeks too late.

The RP with {Undead} has passed the point where this is necessary, they gave in to our demands and agreed to keep all their Capital Ships out of Liberty.

Reputation adjusted - Athenian - 06-14-2011

We apologise for this delay.

Thankfully, it appears it was not necessary. Also, I cannot appear to find any post requesting that we ignore it.

Reputation adjusted - AirAce - 06-15-2011

Erm... The Undead alliance... Is no more guys it was closed down..... last month