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Ship pics request - me_b_kevin - 02-12-2008

anyone have any pics of the transports and freightors? i'm making a new character and haven't seen the new ones and like to see some of the old ones too. i'm planning on making him a scavenger/miner/explorer type....trying to decide on what ship i want. stats aren't's all about looks.

and the reason i ask is because i'm at work and can't view the reference linked pics...only attached ones. AND i'm not sure if i'll be able to check the forums when i get home to see all the reference linked images. AND due to my limited game time i'd rather not spend it going all across sirius to look at ships so i figured i'd ask for some screenshots if it's not too much trouble.

so i make a plea to all you kind hearted fellow's out there, can you help me pleeeeeeeeeeease?

Ship pics request - Jinx - 02-12-2008

only have the heavy tanker screenshot.

[Image: HeavyTanker.jpg]

i didn t like it much ( i like the model - but not the size ) - it was awesome - but ill suited for omicron trade. so - only if you plan to use tradelanes in well developed systems, i d really recommend that one.

Ship pics request - me_b_kevin - 02-12-2008

yeah see...that kinda of pic right there....i can't view it here. sorry if that sounds ungrateful, i didn't mean for it to. just agrivated with this work computer...MEOW...HISS HISS

well post them anyway, atleast i'll only have to look in one spot for them.

thanks DoOoOoDs!!!!

Ship pics request - Jinx - 02-12-2008

can you click / see that one?

Ship pics request - me_b_kevin - 02-12-2008

nope, it's a blocked page. maybe it's just that photobucket is blocked. because every so often i can see some screenshots. most are blocked though

Ship pics request - Stoat - 02-12-2008

Mmmmmm, Pirate Transport.


Ship pics request - me_b_kevin - 02-13-2008

i got a chance to look at the heavy tanker and though it would make an excellent junker doesn't match the look i've got in my head....i like the pirate transport but can a junker use one?

-i think i remember what the mammoth looks like, kinda like a dromedary right?

-the behemoth is fairly cool looking

-a mining ship would work but i'd like to see a pic of one again.

-i've thought about useing a Lifter's cool looking.

-not sure if i've seen the GMG transport yet.

-can't remember if i've seen the border worlds one either.

not sure what else is out there. any more pics?

Ship pics request - Jinx - 02-13-2008

quite blocky - similar to a heavy lifter but with a large container in the front. - it looks good. - very functional, not "beautiful" for sure - and very liberty like

my opinion about that one being used by a junker: not really - it associates too much with a liberty cooperation

well, its an official vanilla design, isn t it? - looks good - take the humpback to the next level - sadly it lost its gun mounts to make it a raider with a large cargospace.

my opinion about that one being used by a junker: maybe. its small and looks heavily armoured to withstand occasional bumps into debris. it also looks like its hull can be upgraded and repaired with scrap metal ( in contrast to the mammoth that looks like you have to fly it into a licensed liberty dry dock to repair it )

mining ship:
i don t like those much. factories that are as wide as they are long. they do look special though. nice feature - they sport exhaust graphics in other places than only the engines, too - so they look very much like working and functional factories. ( but not really like transport ships )

my opinion about that one being used by a junker: too big for a junker - it doesn t fit into the debris fields. and its too big - i think junkers don t like to be the middle of the attention too much.

GMG transport:
i think it was the ship that looks a bit like a maggot. a shell and 3 roundish containerboxes below. it does look like a gas transport - but i never had one - so i wouldn t know how it feels to fly it.

my opinion about that one being used by a junker: works - but it feels more like a freighter, even if its a transport. it is more a liquid gas transport than something that can pick up scrap metal or other debris.

the borderworld transport:
nice transport - agile enough to slip through asteroid fields and it looks and feels like the other borderworld designs.

my opinion about that one being used by a junker: fits a junker - a rich one. it doesn t look like its easy to maintain. - but since its a borderworld design, the junkers certainly know how to work on those ships.

pirate train:
a few containers, a few armor plates and a bridge. - the pirate train is not much more than that. - its quite small and has a good holdsize. it looks like its rediculously easy to repair and maintain.

my opinion about that one being used by a junker: fits well - and it can fly through debris. mind you, its really a simple ship that looks like it only has those parts that it really needs to fly and get its cargo from A to B.

Ship pics request - me_b_kevin - 02-13-2008

' Wrote:[Image: trainscompare2xq2.jpg]

i found this in the graveyard, apparently i can view pics from imageshack at work but not photobucket

Ship pics request - compfast - 02-13-2008

Cargo Train

[Image: trainwy9.jpg]