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Just watched "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" - Printable Version

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Just watched "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" - Chev - 06-14-2011

One thing I have to tell about the movie is...


Just watched "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" - Hexx - 06-14-2011

It was a bit out there, but I enjoyed it. ^^

Just watched "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" - Evan_ - 06-14-2011

Completely agreed, one of the best movies I saw in this century. Really... actual and modern. Can't wait for more movies from Edgar Wright, none of the previous ones were even half-bad.

Just watched "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" - Fletcher - 06-14-2011

I still haven't seen this film, though I remember seeing a clip where someone dolphin dived through a small window while someone was at the door. I was in tears... sadly this was in class...

Just watched "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" - mwerte - 06-14-2011

I watched it, and think that it was ok. Wasn't the greatest I've seen by a long shot, and I don't think I'll watch it again, but I don't want those hours back, so it's all good.

Just watched "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" - Agmen of Eladesor - 06-14-2011

Somehow I don't think Scott Pilgrim quite actually ranks with:

Battleship Potemkin
Citizen Kane
Twelve Angry Men (the original)
To Kill a Mockingbird

That's like saying 'Machete' is the finest movie ever produced.

Just watched "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" - Hexx - 06-14-2011

Quote:That's like saying 'Machete' is the finest movie ever produced.

Just watched "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" - chopper - 06-14-2011

' Wrote:Somehow I don't think Scott Pilgrim quite actually ranks with:

Battleship Potemkin
Citizen Kane
Twelve Angry Men (the original)
To Kill a Mockingbird

That's like saying 'Machete' is the finest movie ever produced.

Ummm... Potemkin and Kane are only important because they were very innovative (which wasn't very hard at the time). It's like saying that The Great Train Robbery is the best western.
Casablanca is even less important now. It's a movie of that time, it's value is significantly smaller if watched now. Same goes for Gone with the wind, being the biggest production up to that date.
I dare to say that Touch of evil is a much better movie then Citizen Kane.

Point being, you can't compare any of the stuff that goes out now with the stuff that got out while the cinema language was still being written.

That said, Edgar Wright is one of the most refreshing directors of 21st century. Every new movie he makes is different, and yet he keeps the quality level very high, which is rare now.
Scott Pilgrim is great :cool:

Just watched "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" - Blodo - 06-14-2011

' Wrote:That's like saying 'Machete' is the finest movie ever produced.
How dare you, sir? How dare you insult Machete in such a manner! He's coming for you next!

On a more on topic note: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.... well, it was ok storyline wise. It was mostly a video game culture inspired effects fest, but I guess that is also what the comics are - a gimmicky and over the top teenage life story. I guess the one thing that should be applauded is the actual technical art of directing and shooting the movie.

But I still prefer Fincher's work.

Just watched "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" - Kuze - 06-14-2011

OK it was a fun film to watch...eye candy like but not a movie that will be remembered after 50 years not even 10...but it was as I entertaining movie and Ramona is hooot.