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To the GMG - Printable Version

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To the GMG - Jayce - 06-15-2011

///////INCOMING SIGNAL////////

[Image: TessRyan-1.jpg]
Source: Tess Ryan
Location: Barrier Gate Docking Wing, Coronado
Target: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: A Request

Hey there! My name is Tess Ryan, though I believe we have met before, to negotiate for some other tech. Specifically GMG Gunboat Turrets. I've come by again to request a little bit of extra tech. Now that I've handed my Conference back over to the Zoners and obtained myself a Light Fighter, I need something with a bit more speed and oomph than Purple Goddesses. I'm requesting the authorization to utilize a pair of Skyblast B Photon Blasters for use on my Light Fighter. I can assure you that they will never be utilized against the Guild, or any other lawful target. My typical Zone of Operation is Liberty and Kusari, though I occasionally venture to the edge worlds to hunt more high-value targets. I have yet to set a definite price for the weapons, as I know your version of a high command likes to vote on these matters to set a definite price. I will leave it to you to determine any other stipulations.

Catch ya' later!

///////SIGNAL LOST///////
///////END TRANSMISSION///////

To the GMG - Gas Miners Guild - 06-15-2011

Incoming Transmission:

To: Tess Ryan
From: GMG Administration
Subject: Request for SkyBs

Konnichiwa Tess-chan,

We have received your request and it has been forwarded to the GMG council for decision. We thank you for your patience.

GMG Administration

To the GMG - ProwlerPC - 06-15-2011

[Image: Prowlers.png]

Incoming Transmission

To: Tess Ryan
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: SkyBs
Priority: Normal

Message reads:

O-hayou gozaimasu Tess-chan,

We have come to a decision. You haven't caused us to regret selling you turrets for your Conference class gunboat and we are pretty certain that providing you with SkyBs isn't going to change this. The council vote concluded that an amount of 1 mill per gun be deposited to GMG|Armoury before pickup. Please notify us of the payment and they will be ready.

Arigato and sayonara,
Guild Master Raikoke

Transmission Ends

To the GMG - Jayce - 06-15-2011

///////INCOMING SIGNAL////////

[Image: TessRyan-1.jpg]
Source: Tess Ryan
Location: Newark Station, New York System
Target: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: A Request

The money has been sent to GMG|Armoury. See the attached file for proof. Pleasure doing business, Guild Master!

Attachments: 1

Catch ya' later!

///////SIGNAL LOST///////
///////END TRANSMISSION///////