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What's the font for Freelancer Infocards? - Printable Version

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What's the font for Freelancer Infocards? - stewcool - 06-16-2011

As the title asks, can someone tell me the closest font to it?

What's the font for Freelancer Infocards? - stewcool - 06-16-2011

Erm, nvm I think I found a good replacement.

What's the font for Freelancer Infocards? - Hexx - 06-16-2011

What did you decide on?

What's the font for Freelancer Infocards? - Evan_ - 06-16-2011

I think it's Agency FB.

What's the font for Freelancer Infocards? - Xalrok - 06-16-2011

' Wrote:I think it's Agency FB.
That's only used by titles, menu buttons and targets. Tooltips and infocards use Arial Unicode MS.