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Agent "Goof" - Printable Version

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Agent "Goof" - Jaika - 06-16-2011

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Name: Martin Sanchez

Call sign: Goof

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Weight: 78 kg

Height: 188 cm


Martin "Goof" Sanchez, a fun-loving young pilot from the Order, he's not the "best you can get" kind of pilots but he knows how to fly a gunboat. He likes good jokes and always try to see the positive side of things even in the worst situation. He's motto is: "A day without laughing is a day wasted."


--//Personal log\\--

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I planing to leave Minor and the Omicrons for a while, maybe just a few days or a full week. It's just a normal scouting mission, go in take all data i can and come out whitout anyone notice me, and i hope things are going this easy as i say. Hell knows what exactly i find or encounter but who cares? Adveture awaits and i take the challenge. So if anything goes in order then i just gonna map all the house spaces and maybe Gallia too.
*speaks to himself* Good luck Goof, you gonna need it.

Agent "Goof" - Jaika - 06-19-2011

--//Personal log update\\--

[Image: Toledodeparture.png]

Today i left Minor and headed to Rheinland space. After i got the green mark i set up a waypoint to the Delta JH on my navmap and made my way to there, it was a bit unusual that i not encoutered even a single nomad but that doesn't bothered me too much. I've got other things to worry about anyways. When i arrived to the jumphole there was everything quiet so i initiated the jumping protocol and made a fast jump to Delta. The other side was also clean, quiet, too qiuet. I looked around for bounter traps but i found nothing. I made the trip to Freeport 11 and from there to the Kappa JH. It was almost too easy, in the middle on my way to the JH i met with four voidrunners and with a BHG patrol group. I was not intended to fight but the nomads engaged me. Four voidrunners against a Hathor, it is not a question who was the winner. A few minutes of firefight and there was only some floating bluish goo, when i finished all of them i made my way to Kappa and from there to Gamma. Gamma was normal, on my way to the O-41 JH i saw two Corsairs hunting Bounters, so just the usual things. In O-41 my first destination was Freeport 5 and there i met with a "friend". He owned me a favour and it was the time to do that. He got some codes for me to make my flight in house space more easy.

[Image: Freeport5mysteriousfriend.png]

I spent some time on Freeport 5 made a few repairs on my ship and tried to catch some interesting news. I ordered two cup of drink in the bar, one for me and another for my friend. I asked him how he got those codes so fast but he not really told me anything about that. What i deduced from all, he has some connections with the Hackers. Later i walked back to my ship to sleep before i fly towards to Rheinland. An hour later i left Freeport 5 and guided my ship to the O-11 JH. I known well O-11, i spent some time there when i was a freelancer. The radiation and the asteroid fields made a good cover for me. I flied behind the red giant to the JH what leads to Dresden. It wasn't much longer than the other route but it was much safer, no trading convoys, no patrols, only some background noise. I made my way to Dresden. Dresden *thinks a bit* it's a calm place i think, yeah i know there is a big Hessian base but in the time i arrived there, there was almost nothing except one contact on the long range scanners but i lost it fast. No contact on scanners not means i can lower my attention, i headed to the New Berlin JH as fast as i can. This time the jump was a bit longer, maybe someone used the hole from the other side too. Luckily i not met whit that person, so far so good, i was in New Berlin now, the middle of Rheinland space. No contact on scanners so i continued my way to Kreuzberg depot, that was my final destination for today. I flied under the two big asteroid fields, those big rock fields block any long range sensors. It was only ten or maybe fifteen minutes to make my way from the JH to Kreuzberg depot.

[Image: ArrivingtoKreuzbergdepot.png]

When i was in Dresden i picked up some diamonds from a wreck now i see a really good use of them, they ensure that the Junkers never seen me here, so i have a safety place to retreat when i need.

Agent "Goof" - Jaika - 06-23-2011

--//Personal log update\\--

Here i go again, this whole place, Rheinland, hell knows whi but it disturbs me somehow. I don't really know whi or how exactly but sometimes i feel strange, especially when i'm in the middle of those asteroid fields. Maybe when i retur to Minor i take some rest before i chose my next target. Currently i'm stationing in Munich but i go back to Frankfurt after i mapped the whole system. Who knows? Maybe i find something really interesting or maybe not, but one of these are certain. Nothing really big thing happened so far and i say this is the best for me right now. I only met with a few wings of bounter rookies but they ended up in my cargohold. After i fly back to Minor they will learn how "convincing" our interrogation can be.
*snickers* (you hear a beeping sound)'s lunch time, i heard the microwaver just finished its program. *goes back* Ouch!.......damn, it's hot! *turns off the recorder*

Agent "Goof" - Jaika - 07-07-2011

--//Personal log update\\--

Woa, this was my lucky day, i think i found what i searched for. A lot of Wild ships attacked me not far from the Sigma-13 JH, and when i say a lot it really meas a "LOT" not just a few but three or four patrol wings i not couted them really. It was a surprise a bit to meet Wild ships in New Berlin but they got what they deserved.

[Image: Wildproblem.png]

I captured some of them so our scientists will get some new subjects to study. After this little event, i come to that this is the time to abort the scouting mission and fly back to Minor.
*speaks to himself* Damn, i knew that Rheinland has something for me. *turns back to the recorder* I've taken the shortest way back to home. When i arrived the weather was cloudy, so finally i'm back.

[Image: Toledoarriving.png]

I missed Minor, maybe we have some problems with the nommies and bounters flying thru also but when it's quiet it just beautiful. *smiles* Sometimes when i can i just sit around Isis and enjoy the view. Oh, back to the point as i said before, i captured a few Wild pilots so before i do anything else i hand them over to our scientists. When i'm done with that.........i need some rest, and here's a little bonus. I scanned one of the Wild ships and here are the weapon settings they used.

[Image: Weaponscann.png]

Agent "Goof" - Jaika - 08-16-2011

--//Personal log update\\--

Iota....where should i start? From one point it's beautiful and from another it's dangerous like hell. No safe hiding places from nommies, no way to run when they fly around like sharks, trying to tear out a small bit from they prey. Yeah that place can give the worst nightmares, and death is NOT the worst thing what men can get there. But when we manage to take out all of the nommies and have some free time to look around we find some really, really beautiful places.

[Image: Iota.png]

When i fly in those clouds, i almost can hear that this place calling me.......just a voice from a deep shadowy place
*laughs* YAY, i talk like a loony young pilot. Well, i think i'm okay, or at least the voices told me that *laughs again*so back to Iota, it's a deadly mixture of pure beauti and unimaginable danger. One wrong move and we're dead. Damn, that place is gonna become to my favourite playground. Maybe one day i find my death there, but who cares? There's no adventure without risk. Well.......that's all for today.