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Faction Feedback Threads - Garrett Jax - 06-18-2011

Feedback Threads can be a useful tool. They can provide a faction an opportunity to see what effect, good or bad, they are having on the community. Unfortunately, many times the criticism is delivered in a rude and abrasive manner. Or, the faction members you are complaining about have a thin skin and chafe at any negative criticism directed at them. Nobody is happy. The complainant feels dissatisfied thinking the faction doesn'€™t care. On the other hand, the faction is miffed, because someone dared to thrust their beloved group into a bad light. Thus, the Feedback Thread ceases to be useful, and becomes instead, a breeding ground of discontent and resentment.

How can we fix this? I'€™ve written some tips for those who post in the Faction Feedback thread. There are also some tips for Factions who receive negative feedback.

For those who post a complaint

1) Don'€™t post angry. The four hour rule gives people time to calm down. This does not apply to the forums, but by taking some time to cool off after a supposed injustice, you will find yourself thinking more rationally. Who knows, you may even be capable of letting the situation slide. Certainly, if you want the faction to improve, posting an angry thread will immediately put the faction on the defensive and you will not get the result you want.

2) Use tact. You'€™ve waited a significant amount of time and you feel a little calmer about the incident. After giving it some thought, you decide that the matter is still important enough to bring to the attention of the faction. When writing the complaint, try and think of something positive to say about the faction first. This will immediately put the faction into a better frame of mind to listen to your constructive criticism.

3) State the facts clearly. Don'€™t bring up negative emotions in your complaint. Don'€™t call people names. Don'€™t impugn wrong motives. Do state the facts as clearly as possible. Do tell them how their gameplay may affect the community in general. Do tell them, if applicable, where there may be a server rule violation.

4) Conclude with commendation. When concluding your complaint, find something to commend the faction about. You just told them something that they didn'€™t want to hear. Concluding with commendation assures the faction that you don'€™t bear any grudges against them.

For those posting a Faction Response

1) Think before responding. Someone has just posted a complaint against your faction. Could they have been nicer? Yes. Do they have an agenda against your faction? Maybe. Are they hypocritical in their complaint? Absolutely. Think before responding. Your first response will be an emotional one. Let it pass. Afterwards, you will be better able to break down the complaint, weeding out the misinformation and finding the bits of truth.

2) Don'€™t respond negatively. The person with the complaint is probably upset, legitimately or not. They are emotionally charged, and the first words coming from you are probably the ones that will have the strongest effect. Thank them for their feedback. This is what you want as a Faction, a sampling of how the community views you. By expressing your gratitude, you disarm them, and start paving the way for a peaceful resolution.

3) Look for something to improve upon. Even the most wrongly motivated post will have some germ of truth in it. Find it. Could there be something your faction could improve in? Mention it in your response. Tell the player that you will discuss his concerns with your faction and express appreciation for him taking the time to post his constructive criticism. Even if what you tell the player is a boat load of lies, you will give him what he truly wants, acknowledgement, and thus diffuse a flammable situation before it even erupts.

4) Make the change. There may be a time when a person offering constructive criticism is dead on in his complaint. Your faction may indeed be guilty of some rule violation. Be humble and make the change. Admit to the player that your group was mistaken and that needed steps to correct it will be made immediately. Again, thank the player for bringing it to your attention. He could have just gone straight to the Admins with it. Instead, he gave you an opportunity to deal with the issue on your own.

These are a few helpful tips to keep in mind when posting and receiving Faction Feedback. To the extent that we can follow these steps, will be the degree in which we can avoid flamewars and effect positive changes in our community.