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To all House Governments - Printable Version

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To all House Governments - Hone - 06-19-2011

[color=#FF0000]*Incoming Transmission*
*Encryption Level: NONE*
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[Image: 2s0ycqq.jpg]
*VL Established: Lord Humphrey Beauregard Chanceton; OSC Director of Passengers and Trade*
*RE Illegal Passenger Transport*

Dear Sirs/Madams, I am sending this to all House Governments because it concerns an LSF gunboat, illegaly carrying VIPs across the Bretonian/Kusarian borders, as well as an apparently Rogue Rhienland Gunboat carrying VIPs god knows where.

As you know OSC takes a very dim view of passengers being carried in anything but suitable ships as petitioned Here:

So when I observed This:

In the Cambridge system, I naturally enquired as to the meaning of it, and the reply I received I think bears out our point on the unwise-ness of allowing just anyone to ferry humans in just anything:

The LSF GB (Bretonia might want to know what an LSF GB was doing in cambridge in the first place)
that was leading (and spoke for, the other transports refused to speak) the other transports himself admits he is carrying illegal humans, although I do not pretend to understand his reasoning, mayby the house Intelligence departments can make better sense of it than I, he makes some vauge references to "Liberty Trade", but refused to explain. Nevertheless it is clear SOMETHING shadey is occuring.

I then met ANOTHER house gunboat carrying VIPs - This time a freelancer (Who I assume has stolen from you Rhienland) in a Rhienland gunboat next to southhampton shipyard, who refused to answer any questions.

I hope between you, you can makes sense of this mess, we cannot, but we believe it bears out our petition to restrict passenger transport, and urge you to consider it.


To all House Governments - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 06-19-2011

ID: Sir Markus Aquinas - Undersecretary for Communications, MP for Inverness
[Image: 52bbe7914a81bc63cb933f5d8ec5.jpg]
Ministry of Communication-GCHQ

Dear Sir,

We are glad to receive your communication, and I will gladly process the complaint document to the correct department, once you have obtained form 23T from Planet New London's conveniently available locations... all of which can be found on Form 683T or 342G available when you first register with the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Once you have the required complaint form, we recommend that you have it signed, in triplicate, and sent with a Self Addressed Envelope to us here at the Ministry for due processing. However, it should be noted that we do not process Direct Neural communications, as they pose a risk to national security in a time of war.

I hope this has been informative.

This reply is automated and will repeat until you deliver said forms.

Under Secretary for Communications
MP for Inverness

To all House Governments - Hone - 06-19-2011

[color=#FF0000]*Incoming Transmission*
*Encryption Level: NONE*
*Establishing Visual Link*
[Image: 2s0ycqq.jpg]
*VL Established: Lord Humphrey Beauregard Chanceton; OSC Director of Passengers and Trade*
*RE Illegal Passenger Transport*

Very informative, from now on we know not to share intelligence with Bretonia.

To all House Governments - Hone - 06-20-2011

Kusari relevant information: Illegal transportation

Rhienland relevant information: Stolen Gunboat

To all House Governments - Zelot - 06-20-2011

From: Tsu Takata

Yes, it seems we have a growing issue of transportation of Passengers across the Taus. The Kusari government in response to this information will be discussing stopping the trade in humans across this volatile war-zone. Thank you for this information.

Tsu Takata - Office of Imperial Council

To all House Governments - Hone - 06-22-2011

' Wrote:Thank you for this information.

Tsu Takata - Office of Imperial Council

You are welcome, OSC desires to help all lawful forces

' Wrote:<strike>Kusari relevant information: Illegal transportation</strike>

Rhienland relevant information: Stolen Gunboat

To all House Governments - Hone - 06-23-2011

<strike>Kusari relevant information: Illegal transportation</strike>

Rhienland relevant information: Stolen Gunboat