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Red Hessian War-time Grants - Printable Version

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Red Hessian War-time Grants - Radio Freies Rheinland - 06-19-2011

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]< Secure channel broadcast initiated >
< Recipients: Reaver Mercenaries, Mandalorian Mercenaries >
< Comm ID: RHA Spezialoperationsabteilung >

[Image: w1z5sm.jpg]

Mandalorians, Reavers.

It has come to our attention that both your groups are literally dying to be contracted by us again, figuratively speaking. Considering the rather apt timing, the Red Hessian Army does not feel it should impede a healthy competition by offering both of you separate contracts, only so that you can grow fat and complacent on our payrolls. What we are going to do instead is amp this up a small bit. Detailed below is the contract that both your organisations will follow:

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]COMBAT SHIPS

Bountied Factions:
Rheinland Military, Rheinland Federal Police, Corsairs, Bounty Hunters Guild, Reapers of Sirius, Kruger Minerals, Republican Shipping, Daumann Heavy Construction, ALG Waste Disposal

Requirement: Identification Papers (ID), Kill message or any other proof of destruction
  • Fighters and bombers belonging to the aforementioned factions are worth three (3) million credits per kill.
  • Gunboats and cruisers belonging to the aforementioned factions are worth five (5) million credits per kill.
  • Battleships belonging to the aforementioned factions are worth ten (10) million credits per kill.
[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]BOUNTY ZONES

All targets applies ONLY to systems of: Omega-3, Omega-5, Omega-7, Omega-11, Omega-47
Bounty on Rheinland Federal forces may also be claimed within Stuttgart system.
Bounty on Reapers of Sirius may also be claimed within Omicron Theta system.
Bounty on Corsair forces may also be claimed within Omega-41 system.

The pool for this contract is five hundred million (500,000,000) credits. The group that has claimed more money at the end of the contract will receive a bonus of fifty million (50,000,000) credits. Ten percent of the original bounty to the account of your choice.

Since you are both in the business for blood sport, you should enjoy this little... rivalry. Prove to us which one of you is the more efficient group.


<< UPDATE >> :

Wild Geese.

Access to this bounty is now granted for your members. Familiarise yourself with the above terms, as they now apply to your contract. There are also special terms applicable to you only. As part of the Molly movement, you are considered trusted allies and as such we are willing to grant you access to our weapons so that you can better carry out vengeance against our enemies. A scheme is set up below detailing how you may earn our weapons through your services to the movement:

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]WEAPONS EXCHANGE
  • Kills in the amount of five (5) million credits can be exchanged for access to one (1) Natterturn Zwei class gun or turret
  • Kills in the amount of twenty five (25) million credits can be exchanged for access to one (1) Loki class fighter
  • Kills in the amount of fourty (40) million credits can be exchanged for access to one (1) Odin class fighter
  • Kills in the amount of fifty (50) million credits can be exchanged for access to one (1) Thor class bomber
In addition to that, we can provide you immediate access to our surplus Sabres at production value for additional support in the dangerous Corsair infested edge worlds. Hopefully this will be enough of an incentive to get you started. Although the Reavers and Mandalorians already have a head start, should you be faster than them you are able to claim the bonus for the greatest number of claims, and prove your skill to the rest of the paltry mercs.

Good luck.

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]< broadcast terminated >
< trace signal found >
< channel available for reply >

Red Hessian War-time Grants - Silver - 06-20-2011

[Image: commslinkofficesilver.png]

*Lights up a cigar and exhales the smoke*

Count us in.


Reaver Merc. Co. Associate,
K. Silver.

[Image: commslinkend.png]

Red Hessian War-time Grants - The Mandalore - 06-20-2011

[Image: mmheader.png]

Who doesn't like a good challenge? You're on.

Red Hessian War-time Grants - Silver - 06-20-2011

[Image: commslinksilver.png]

Sweet smell of new bounty...
Ahhhh.. So good.

*Lights up a smoke*

A Rheinie in a bomber... Against me...


And some 'sair Ossie captain that thought being in Omega-11 was good for his health.

Gods.. What is wrong with people these days?

.:totenkomph ID Scan:.
.:One Bergelmir got komph'd:.

.:CNS-Saros ID Scan:.
.:Saros got boom'd and served:.

Send the 13.000.000 mio's to Silver.Reaver

Kisses and whatnot,

[Image: commslinkend.png]

Red Hessian War-time Grants - Ryummel - 06-21-2011

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Reaver Mercenary Company
-( "Sapphire" Reaver

Just scored a 'Sair kill for the Reavers. Payment may go to [color=#082567]Sapphire.Reaver
See ya'.
[Image: commslinkend.png]

Red Hessian War-time Grants - Silver - 06-21-2011

[Image: commslinksilver.png]

Hmmmmm, hmmmm. Time do dry this board up, loves.

*Sips some whisky*

'Sair party in O-41. There was fireworks and everything.
Legates and Ossies.. Everywhere.
Solaris fire was raging.. And woooowheeee.

Found the time and skill to wack some of them 'sairs.

.:Kane ID Scan:.
.:Pop'd the little blighter:.

.:>Seeker< ID Scan:.
.:He told me to shut up.. I told him to stand still:.

.:Esenin ID Scan:.
.:Down goes another Imperator:.

Send the 11.000.000 mio's to Silver.Reaver

Kisses and hot smooches,

[Image: commslinkend.png]

Red Hessian War-time Grants - Zapp - 06-22-2011

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Reaver Mercenary Company
-( James "Lemon" Hart - Company Grunt

Got a Corsair gunboat in Omega 41 for you!

Corsair Gunboat
[Image: th_corsair_gb2.png][Image: th_corsair_kill2.png]

That'll be 5.000.000 credits to Lemon.Reaver thanks.

-( Transmission Terminated

Red Hessian War-time Grants - Tutashkhia - 06-22-2011

Target:Sweeny(Kruger Minerals) ; Lanselot. (Rheinland Military)
1)Lanselot's ID/IFF

2)Sweeny's ID/IFF

Payment Status:
PAYMENT TO MM~Argonavtebi`

Red Hessian War-time Grants - Schwarzengel - 06-22-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

MM~Argonavtebi, Ich suggest you eizer learn to read, or ask someone vho knows how to, explain to you ze very basik terms ov zis kontract. First, you shoot a Kruger transport, vhile zis kontract kovers kombat vessels ONLY! Und sekond, you shoot a Rheinwehr flying an... Executioner? Ok, ich von't even try to komment on zat part, so... You shoot a Rheinwehr in Omikron Theta. Vhich is not kovered as part ov ze kontract on Rheinwehr. Zis makes both your klaims False.

Pay more attention fur your future klaims, or your right to klaim on zis board - despite being a part ov ze Mandalorians - vill be revoked.

All participants, take note zat all payments vill be paid out every sunday. So keep up ze gut vork und till zen spend a few minutes re-reading ze attached dokument, especially ze line #8.

Access Attachments:Major Dresner over und out!

[Transmission Terminated]

Red Hessian War-time Grants - BaconSoda - 06-24-2011

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Reaver Mercenary Company
-( John "Pumpernickel" Mackinac

Long time no see. Well, comparatively. More food stamps. You know, yay Socialism, and all that:

Bounty Hunter Blues
Turned into Collared Greens...Or Oranges?

Ten million credits to Pumpernickel.Reaver, please. Thanks.

Oh, yeah, and you can see the TLs in each of those shots. Hope that helps.

~John Mackinac

-( Transmission Terminated