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Corporate Bonuses - Printable Version

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Corporate Bonuses - Bowex - 06-21-2011

[Image: Bowex-Main-Logo.png]
A wise man once said, "you cannot purchase success". This is most certainly true. A good example of this would be Gateway; no matter how much money they pour into the industry, they'll never be able to progress out of our shadow. Despite this, money can of course be put to good use in the field of personnel. You cannot buy prosperity, but you can damn well subsidise a cracking work ethic. The following bonuses and incentives are designed to compliment and reward the high quality of work delivered by full time Bowex contractual workers. Consequently, they are not available for independent contractors.

Corporate Incentives
#1 - InfoNet Reports: The InfoNet is the core structure by which we can notify each other of our actions and bond as a communal work-group. Consequently, an employee who makes frequent and thorough use of this facility will find their pay-cheque amply boosted. The further you progress up the corporate ladder, the higher this 'InfoNet bonus' will be - an additional incentive to add a senior rank to your portfolio. Amusing or otherwise well written and structured reports may receive a bonus in addition to this stock bonus.
  • Trainees - $1,000,000.
  • Employees - $1,500,000.
  • Senior Employees - $2,000,000.
  • Supervisors - $2,500,000.
  • Senior managers - they should be too busy paying you to worry about this!
#2 - Bounty Bonuses: Bowex ExSec members (and most other members, come to think of it) will throughout the course of their careers be forced to kill in order to safeguard their House, co-workers and lives. This does not make you a murderer - it makes you a candidate for employee of the month! If you have had a hostile encounter with a listed enemy of Bowex and Bretonia - thus laying the rabid dog low - you can claim reimbursement for the tiresome ordeal of having to endure their shenanigans.
  • You will receive a 100% bonus on all claims (double the normal rate). This covers the base rate, not 'official' target bonuses.
  • Example: You kill a Corsair bomber, worth $1,500,000. You receive an additional $1,500,000 because it belonged to the 'Black Sails'. You receive another $1,500,000 because you are a Bowex) employee. Total: $4,500,000.
#3 - Template Datafiles: Each ship has a datafile attached to it that can be accessed by any member of the public. Bowex umbrella ships should fill out their personal infocards as demonstrated in the transmission below. Upon completing this infocard, you will receive a one-time only bonus of £3,000,000 to compensate you for the dull drudgery associated with form-filling. Note - these infocards should be filled out exactly as demonstrated - moving the punctuation will result in text clumping together and looking dreadful! You were warned!

#4 - Corporate Headhunting: This isn't scalping the competition - we're above that (mostly). It instead refers to recruitment. Any employee who can convince, coerce or otherwise snare a fledgling trainee will net themselves £10,000,000. Whether or not you have managed to successfully recruit a new employee will be determined during the recruitment process itself. If the applicant in question was recruited by another employee, they will be asked to record their name on the form. This bonus is available for convincing Bowex independent contractors to upgrade their contract, or for finding persons entirely new to the corporation.

#5 - Industrious:This is designed to reward those who take a proactive stance on the supply of our assets. For every 10,000 units of essential upkeep goods delivered to King's Cross or Port Talbot, you are entitled to a reimbursement of £5,000,000. These supplies must be logged in the relevant requisition forms in order to be valid. It is suggested that employees themselves request the bonus as and when they hit their 10,000 limit. This prevents and unsightly accumulation.

#6 - Overtime: This supplement bonus is now awarded to employees who go above and beyond with their commitment to the company. The Overtime bonus will award £15,000,000 for each full day of time on your contract clock on the last day of the working month. In the case of multiple vessels being managed by the same captain or crew, a combination will be considered acceptable for submission. Merely provide evidence of the contract clocks of all the appropriate vessels, and we'll take things from there.
Bowex employees are to file bonus reports at the Bowex HQ Infosheet.

Corporate Bonuses - Bowex - 06-21-2011

Template Datafiles
When filling out your infocard, it is important that there is a single template that is used throughout the company. This is not to stifle individual creativity, but rather to project a professional and uniform appearance. Here is an example of an ideal template:
Name: Peter Brown.
Rank: Supervisor.
Callsign: Golf 2 - 5.

Bowex, previously known as Borderworld Exports, is a nationalised Bretonian trade corporation. Possessing sole shipping rights to the supply of both the BAF and BPA, Bowex has become utterly essential for the continuation of a Bretonian defence against the enemies of the realm.

Note: Personal note goes here.

Now, the above looks deceptively simple to type out, yes? Well, those fiends that administrate the neural net beg to differ and have thus made things as difficult for you as possible. Your infocard will not record spaces at the end of sentences or lines, meaning they clump together when viewed as a whole. For example, instead of "...Bretonian trade corporation. Possessing sole shipping...", you would see "...Bretonian trade corporation.Possessing sole shipping...". Not quite as unpleasant to the eye as the Kusari Emperor's wife, but still irksome, nevertheless. Here is how you fix it:

/setinfo 1 a Name: [Your name].
/setinfo 2 a Rank: [Your rank].
/setinfo 3 a Callsign: [word # - #].
/setinfo 4 a Bowex, previously known as Borderworld Exports, is a nationalised Bretonian trade corporation
/setinfo 4 a . Possessing sole shipping rights to supply both the BAF and BPA
/setinfo 4 a , Bowex has become utterly essential in the continuation of a Bretonian defence in the war to defend the realm.
/setinfo 5 a Note: [Anything you wish to remark on goes here.]

Corporate Bonuses - DavidWhelms - 06-26-2011

Afternoon lads.
The Bowex)Cook has properly outfitted his info card.
The following screen shows the infocard and hopes everything is set up properly.
Bowex)Cook Infocard

Corporate Bonuses - jammi - 06-29-2011

To: Mr Whelms.
From: Bowex Administration.
RE: Bonuses.
Your bonus for a successful completion of your user-template was transferred some time ago. Spend it wisely, sir. We're still waiting for confirmation on other templates - hurry up and claim your bonuses today!

Corporate Bonuses - disizit - 07-16-2011

To: Bowex Administration
Subject: Infocard

Greetings, Bowex)Hume is now outfitted with a proper infocard. The data can be found here.

Have a good and profitable day,
~Matthew Mundi

Corporate Bonuses - jammi - 07-17-2011

To: Mr Mundi.
From: Bowex Administration.
RE: Bonuses.
Our clerks have transferred your staff bonus to your personal accounts, Mr Mundi. The Hume's callsign has also been entered into our databases for convoy logging. Thank you for your compliance, sir. As previously stated, the bonuses offer still stands - register your user templates today in order to qualify!

Corporate Bonuses - Jim.Solo - 09-16-2011

To: Bowex Administration
Subject: Infocard

I would like to report that the BES Whittle now has an Info Card setup.


Bowex)Whittle Info Card

Corporate Bonuses - jammi - 09-19-2011

To: Mr Barnes.
From: Bowex Administration.
RE: Bonuses.
Very good. Your funds are to be transferred imminently. Your staff bonus will be transferred to your personal accounts. We are still waiting to the remainder of the Trade Combine to register too. If these fine fellows can do it, so can you!

Corporate Bonuses - Champ - 09-19-2011

- Encryption: Medium -
~Message Begin~

Subject: Template Datafile Updated

To whom it may concern in Bowex administration;

Please find enclosed a copy of the Darwin's updated transponder datafile as per the dictated template.

Do not hesitate to contact us with any further requests for paperwork or digital work; we have a few onboard who quite enjoy the field.

No, you may not have them, they are ours.


Colin Trevena
Bowex) Darwin

~Message End~

Corporate Bonuses - jammi - 09-19-2011

To: Mr Trevena.
From: Bowex Administration.
RE: Bonuses.
Thank you for complying with management directives, Mr Trevena. Now lets see if we can herd the rest of your stubborn-as-mules co-workers to their terminals so they'll do their paperwork too. Unlikely, but we can hope. Your payment will be transferred to your personal accounts imminently.

Oh, and we really would much appreciate those clerks. Be sure to remind them that there's a next-to-zero chance of being explosively decompressed when you're working in an office on New London. That more than makes up for the lower wages.