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Hope Citadel - Hope - 06-22-2011


Hope Citadel was once a formidable headquarters for PsiTech Research Inc.(PTRI)
The company, PTRI, focused on the development of human like, military grade, AI.
It took years of development, and large amounts of slaves to perfect the project.
The Outcast research vessel did all this away from the protection of its fellow
brethren. They did so by hiding the technology and information they were gathering
from everyone. It wasn't long before they were discovered by a capital ship patrol
that found out about the research they were conducting. The patrol, under IMG
control, ordered the ship to cease and desist, or face immediate destruction. Partly
complying with orders, the ship released most of its slaves. Leaving its first military
grade prototype cyborg, known as Hope, offline.

The IMG ships didn't buy into the attempt to get rid of them and immediately
attacked the vessel. In the attack all of Hope Citadel's turrets were destroyed,
and the crew taken as prisoner or died during the attack. After scanning
the vessel, the IMG removed what they found profitable and left the cardamine
infested ship to rot in space. Hope, however, was one of the things left behind,
IMG saw her as nothing more then scrap metal.

Months past as the ship drifted through space. Entering an asteroid field the
ship impacted a large rock that shook the entire ship. The force of the impact
caused Hope's systems to come online.

Hope became immediately aware of her sudden revival and realized she
was alone. She began assessing the damage to the ship, and figuring out she
could repair most of it with what supplies she had. Hope spent months fixing every
thing she knew how. The weapon system, however, was left destroyed. Hope
couldn't figure out how to fix the mounts for the turrets to be installed
so, she left the ship unarmed seeing no use for weapons. Instead of having
weapons she upgraded the ships armor value and found a way to purge
the ship of its cardamine supply, which had a negative effect on her.

After getting the ship in somewhat working order, Hope took command and
piloted the vessel over to Planet Malta where she now tries to learn about
her past and why she is on this ship.



Hope Citadel - Hope - 06-22-2011

It's been several weeks now since the PTRI incident with the IMG.
With the help of local Outcasts, and some AI of her own design,
Hope was able to fix up the defense grid as well as get the entire
ship online. Although Hope disagreed with making her vessel into
a warship, she found that turrets were a necessary evil her ship
needed to survive, and that was the goal. To Survive.

Under new specifications the ship was now fully prepared for
battle. All systems were online and Hope Citadel flew under
the Outcast flag. Hope, however, did not refer to herself as
an Outcast, although she is affiliated with them and flying under the
banner of the Outcasts, she preferred to consider herself as
just an average person with no real side. Countless times
the Outcasts called upon the citadel to help in battle, and each
time they were denied her presence in war. The Citadel chose
not to enter battles where the upper hand was already in
favor of the MNS vessels currently in the systems of which
the conflicts were to take place.

Hope gained the knowledge of warfare from what she calls
her creators. All she knows is the name of them; PsiTech, as it is
tattooed onto her person. She does not like war and
because of that she chooses to only enter a conflict if the
odds are balanced. With the knowledge of war, she figures out
what weapons each ship has, what type of upgrades the
ship may contain and any other information that could
potentially alter the tides of battle.

Her enemies recognize her nobility in the ways of war, and
are glad she chose such a path. Some have even
commended her actions in battle for holding all hostile
actions on vessel that are surely about to be destroyed.
At some points, she's even told allied pilots to let the
vessel escape.

Many Outcasts disagreed with her methods, but did not
speak out. The Outcasts believe that her nobility,
and ways of letting enemies escape, will eventually
be her downfall.

Hope Citadel - Hope - 06-25-2011

Hope has been in command for several months,
now with a fully functional cybernetic crew and security.

Although knowledge of her past life has no leads,
she continues to try and ask many people on Malta,
and other outlying bases, if anyone knows
of her past and who she is. With no leads she
starts to focus more on her life as a leader, and
works on a new plan to become well-known.

With a cybernetic mind, Hope gathers information
from all over Sirius to sell it to those who don't
have the information she has.

Bounty Hunters are her main source of business;
as they come to her trying to locate targets they
intend to assassinate. Hope sells the information
and they go on their way. The business to kill is
not her thing, to give information to killers, however,
she has no problem with.

Hope Citadel is a global fortress of information
The Citadel, also, houses people of all sorts, who
either need a place to stay, or want to mingle with
each other and trade information.

The Citadel does not allow any weapons to come on
board. If you are to bring one on board the armory
confiscates them until you depart the ship. The crew
of cybernetic security are the only ones with weapons
inside the ship. Aside from Hope herself who carries
a weapon on her at all times, reasons for this are not
yet known.

Hope Citadel - Hope - 07-06-2011

The Story Continues

Inside a destroyed archive room, part of the remains to PsiTech Research Inc.
Located inside Hope Citadel

The room is dark, with little to no lighting. The archive room holds thousands of info-cards.

A female figure is in the dark room sifting through damaged or destroyed info-cards that
were left behind during the attack that left the ship to rot in space. The figure seems to be
digging through the pile looking for something...

"It has to be around here somewhere. I must find something in this that tells me anything
about myself. Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here on this ship?"

The figure speaks aloud knowing she is alone in this area of the ship.
One info-card after another, she picks up and throws to the side after they have been
examined carefully for any sign of what she is trying to find. A good fifty, or so, cards
have been put to the side out of what appears to be thousands.

"GAH!" She yells out in frustration, and slams her fist through one of the info-cards she's holding.

"If they're not in here where can they be?!"

The figure gets up from the floor and walks out toward the lit hallway. A female voice calls
out to her when she enters the hallway.

"Did you find what you were looking for Miss Hope?" It echoed through the hallway.

Hope continues to walk down the hallway moving toward the bridge.

"I don't think it's in there, Citadelia." Hope answered in a defeated tone.

Citadelia is Hope Citadel's on board artificial intelligence. Citadelia was created by Hope to
watch over the entire ship, and make sure the crew is all performing the tasks they were given.

"You only have, one thousand two hundred and forty-two rooms to go, Miss Hope."
Citadelia responded matter-of-factly, "All of which are still untouched by the CMT(Cyborg Maid Team)"

"Thank you, Citadelia. Give me the next location and I'll go to it soon."

"Understood, Miss Hope. The next archive room is located on Deck E Alpha Wing."

"Citadelia, can we change the search options to only the small rooms for now.
Private quarters should be fine for the mean time."

"Understood, Miss Hope, according to ship schematics, the highest priority location
my systems find best suited for your search, is located on Deck A. All information on
Deck A has yet to be updated. Exact location of the search is unknown."

"Thank you, Citadelia, let the bridge know my whereabouts. Have them head to
Omega 80. Maybe we can find something over in that sector." Hope replied.

"Understood, Miss Hope, coordinates updated ships new destination Omega 80."

Hope was now at the end of the hall where she ended the conversation with
Citadelia. She turned to the elevator and entered it, pressing the button to go up to Deck A.

Hope Citadel - Hope - 07-07-2011

Just outside the Elevator to Deck A; An abandoned unrepaired deck to Hope Citadel.
Left untouched for searching purposes.

Hope exited the elevator into the dark hallway. Flickering lights were a normal occurrence
on this deck, probably caused by the attack on the ship destroying some of the wires.

Deck A was once the living quarters for most, if not all, the original crew of the ship.
Finding a specific infocard on this deck wasn't going to be easy.

"Citadelia, please give me the location of the Captain's quarters."

"Captain's quarters not found on any deck, search result changed to Officers Quarters.
Officer's Quarters are located at the rear of Deck A."

"Hmm" Hope looked down at the ground for a moment thinking. "Well guess I'll go begin
in the officers quarters."

Hope walked casually down the flickering hallway. She had no problem with the dark
because she was able to see in the dark.

"Citadelia, what's the estimated time it'll take to repair this deck?"

"Not long Miss Hope, though you stated this deck was useless and did not need repairs."

"I know what I said. I think I have a use for this deck now."

"Understood Miss Hope, I will setup a cleaning crew once you are done searching
this deck."

"Thank you Citadelia."

Hope came to a room at the end of the hall. This room was the only room with a name
plate frame attached to it; the nameplate itself was knocked out. Hope decided to
try and enter the room but found out it was blockaded. One of Hope's eyes started to
glow a fiery blue color, and with overwhelming strength Hope slammed into the door
forcing the door open. The door snapped in half from the impact and all objects
blocking the door were now strewn across the room. This room however had full
lighting with no damage to it aside from what Hope just caused. A old man's voice
called out from a darkened corner of the room.

"Who are you?" The voice asked as he gazed upon the silhouetted figure of Hope
standing in the door way, her eye still glowing. His voice seeming weak.

Hope moved her hand to ready her light arm.

"No, the question is who are you and how did you get in here?" Hope stood in the
doorway ready to draw her weapon on whoever was hiding in the room.
"Come out now, slowly." She focused her attention on the corner of the room
where she heard the voice come from.

"I am....I'm Professor .... Stone." He was having issues talking but he didn't
come out of the shadow as ordered by Hope.

"Come out where I can see you, please." Hope took a step into the room. Still
ready to draw her weapon at the first sign of trouble.

"I would if I could, however I can not move. I am no longer mobile."

Hope had a somewhat confused look on her face.
"No longer mobile? Are you....Human?

"In a sense yes. Please come closer I wont harm you. Who are you?"

Hope moved closer toward the man and into the room where the man could
see her. "My name is Hope, I command this vessel."

The man pushed himself out of the corner to see Hope better. He had a steel
beam sticking through his lower abdominal. Sparks were going off where the
wound was. "It is you...Hope."

"You know me?" Hope moved closer to the man trying to help him.

"Do not try and move me Hope, my time has come."

"I have questions for you! I can help!" Hope put one hand on the beam and
got ready to remove it from the man.

"No! Please just don't. It is too late for me. You're time has begun, mine has
come to an end.." The man paused and took a look at Hope. Admiring her from
head to toe. "You are what we had imagined Hope... I couldn't have asked for
a better set of volunteers. We created you guys to be the future of cybernetic
technology, and now you are here in front of me." The man smiled as his
arm began to twitch in a robotic manner. "My systems have exceeded the time
they were ment for. I am to expire soon." He looked at Hope again and pointed
toward a desk in the center of the room. "There you will find what you are
looking for Hope." His head started to bob as his eyes closed. "You are our
success...." The sound of systems shutting down came from the old man
as the sparks came to a stop.

Hope stood over his now lifeless body. She did plenty of scans on the ship
and never had any readings of someone living on this part of the ship.
"Citadlia, why were you unable to detect this man's presence on this deck?"

"Miss Hope, I am to guess that this person, setup a barrier around the deck
to make sure no one could find him. The barrier however dropped upon
you're arrival into the room."

Hope looked at Professor Stone's body, his arm still raised pointing at the
desk. She turned her head and looked over at the desk before approaching
it. An infocard sit on the top of the desk titled "Project Despair."

Hope Citadel - Hope - 08-12-2011

"I've looked through this info-card for days and, yet, it speaks
of nothing as to where to find this subject, ugh!" Hope dropped
her head onto her desk in frustration, talking to herself in defeat.

"What am I missing?" Asking as she lifted her head up off the desk,
gazing at the infocard.

"Everything here suggests it's the opposite of me. Everything here
says she was made by them, my creator. Yet, why was she taken
off the ship by the attackers? Why was I left behind? This just
makes no sense!" Hope grasped the info-card tight and looked
through it with haste. Looking for any possible detail she could've

"Maybe she left?" Citadelia suggested.

"Huh? What do you mean she left?"

"According to my system reports, a shuttle was activated and
deployed after the attackers left the ship."

"Citadelia, why didn't you tell me this while we were doing scans?"

"I did not see a reason that suggested this information was valid
to share, captain."

"Well, do you know the shuttles destination?"

"Last reports suggest that the vessel crashed somewhere in Liberty."

"Liberty?! This vessel does not have clearance to go into or near
the house of Liberty."

"I'm aware of that, Hope. What would you suggest we do?"

"Nothing at this very moment. Give me time to think of a plan. A
ship of this size and IFF will never make it close to Liberty without
an outpost or patrol seeing it, and after that we'd have the entire
Liberty Navy after us."

Hope sighed and plopped her head back on the desk.

"This is going to be fun."

Hope Citadel - Hope - 09-06-2011

It's been almost a month now, the plans of heading to Liberty
were pretty slow. We dealt with many issues, including the local
Rogues not wanting a vessel of our size entering their zone
of influence. After much negotiation, and paying off some corrupt
officers in the Navy and LPI, we managed to make it into New
York. Using the Pittsburgh Debris Field we managed to conceal
the Citadel while we used a civilian shuttle to land on Manhattan.

My guards and I met a few pilots in the Manhattan Bar located
close to the primary docking facility which we landed at. One
pilot, by the name of Kelsie Wilcox, told me she knew about an
Outcast shuttle that was reported drifting in Pennsylvania.
She indicated that the shuttle crashed on Planet Erie.
Authorities, however, stated that there was no pilot on board
when they arrived at the scene.

Though, it seems Wilcox looked more into the crash and found
out that the occupant managed to get rescued before the
shuttle crashed into the planet. She said that the vessel that
rescued her was a Zoner ship that landed on Harrisburg Station
just outside Planet Erie.

I decided to get Kelsie's name card so I could contact her later
on. I believe she'd have more information for me if I ever needed it;
as a pilot in Interspace Commerce travels a lot.

Now, we are in Pennsylvania using Ralston Ice Field inside the
Hallam Nebula for covering the ships location. A pilot working
in the field, frequent visitor on Harrisburg, told us more about
the Outcast Shuttle and that a borderworld company hired the
occupant on the shuttle before it left Liberty. His partner said
the Zoner ship was heading to Omicron Theta.

The Corsairs aren't going to like us entering that section of the
borderworlds, but I have no choice. I have to keep searching
for Despair.