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The Molly's Profiles - Printable Version

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The Molly's Profiles - Molly - 06-22-2011

The Molly's Profiles

'Ello boys! As Governor, I have a lot of issues with keepin' track of you lot, so I thought I might as well organize a nice lil' digital file, nothin' too major but something to keep a tag on ye' all. I be sendin' this to only those who are in ma' group. If ye' ain't in the S.K.Y.3.E, ye' ain't posting here. We'll rip off the testicles of anyone who posts 'ere, when they aren't meant to.

Fill out the following or ye' won't be in the group, 'nd that would make me sad

[color=#CC0000][size=12][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][b]Full Name:[/b] W.R.I.T.E
[b]Birthplace:[/b] W.R.I.T.E
[b]Age:[/b] W.R.I.T.E
[b]Gender:[/b] W.R.I.T.E

[b]Rank:[/b] W.R.I.T.E
[b]Ship Title(s):[/b][list]
Full Name: Tyler Jones
Birthplace: Arranmore
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Rank: A Molly
Ships Used & Their Titles:
  • [M]-The.False.Miner
  • [M]-Tyler.Jones'

The Molly's Profiles - Torch Rose - 06-22-2011

[font=Palatino Linotype]Full Name: Kean Devin
Birthplace: Los Angelas (Raised on Leeds)
Age: 26
Gender: Male

Rank: Bastard, but I know my daddy
Ship Title(s):
  • [M]-Kean's.Blade

The Molly's Profiles - Pacific - 06-22-2011

[font=Palatino Linotype]Full Name:Ian MacGregor
Birthplace: Arranmore
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Ships Used & Their Titles:
  • [M]-Ian.MacGregor-Bactran
  • [M]-Ian.MacGregor-Grayhound

The Molly's Profiles - Varok - 06-22-2011

[font=Palatino Linotype]Full Name: Henry Redcliff
Birthplace: Coleraine
Age: 29
Gender: Male

Rank: Molly
Ships Title(s):
  • [M]-Boiled.Rat
  • [M]-Henry.Redcliff
  • [M]-Stinky.Boots

The Molly's Profiles - Andy - 06-22-2011

[font=Palatino Linotype]Full Name: Andy Gregory Mac'Ceallaigh
Birthplace: Cork, south end lane.
Age: unknown
Gender: Male,

Rank: Veteran
Ships Used & Their Titles:
  • Arbeiter | [M]-Swagger
  • Molly GB | [M]-Scalliwag
  • Barghest | [M]-Beggarman

The Molly's Profiles - Govedo13 - 06-22-2011

[font=Palatino Linotype]Full Name: Bo.Littl
Birthplace: Arranmore Base- born free to die free.
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Rank: Bastard
Ship Title(s):
  • [M]-Bo.Littl

The Molly's Profiles - qwertypp7 - 06-22-2011

[font=Palatino Linotype]Full Name: Nick O'Flannigan
Birthplace: Arrenmore Base
Age: Fecked if I know... I ain't a young'n.
Gender: Well me' names 'Nick' so tha' shoulda' be feckin' obvious...

Rank: Molly
Ships Used & Their Titles:
  • [M]-Nick.O'Flannigan
  • [M]-O'Flannigan's.Wrath

The Molly's Profiles - Helo - 06-22-2011

[font=Palatino Linotype]Full Name: Matt Fisk
Birthplace: Lisburn Rock
Age: 24
Gender: Male

Rank: Bastard
Ship Title(s):
  • [M]-Matt:Fisk - bactrian

The Molly's Profiles - Araevin Teshurr - 06-22-2011

[font=Palatino Linotype]Full Name: Richard S. Pitts
Birthplace: Planet Cork
Age: 30
Gender: M.A.L.E.

Rank: Molly
Ship Title(s):
  • [M]-Richard.Pitts
  • [M]-Richard.Pitts'

The Molly's Profiles - Korny - 06-22-2011

[font=Palatino Linotype]Full Name: Brandon McDonnell
Birthplace: Arranmore Base
Age: 32
Gender: Male

Rank: Bastard
Ship Title(s):
  • [M]-Brandon.McDonnell