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Information Search on Agent 099 - Printable Version

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Information Search on Agent 099 - CinderBlackWolf - 02-15-2008

Acessing Manhatten Data Libaray...access granted...

Search Paramiters: Agent 099...searching...

...searching... compleate, information display: Hardcopy, Data Terminal Display, Other: D

Terminal Display:

Name: Unknown
Age: Aproximately 35
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: Aproximately 205
Birthplace: Unknown

Education: Liberty Naval Academy (dates unavailable), Kusari Tactical Academy (dates unavailable)
Prior further education unknown.

Known History:

- Simply known as Agent, the pilot applied for and was accepted at both the Liberty Acedemy and the Kusari Tactical Acedemy. With scores that were almost unmatched by any others he was accepted, both Schools unknowing about the other. The pilote speant several years under instructions from both schools until a metting between various Navy and Law Enforcement schools. It was there that instructors from both schools compaired information about some of their best in hopes of an "accedemic" exchange. When they learned of his dual enrollment, the Pilot was brought up on charges, the sepcifics of which remain unknown.

- It was noted the Pilot simply left both Schools immditaely after that and vanished for several years. All attempts to seek him out failed, as there seemed to be no other information to be found in any of the Core Worlds. Some higher ranking School officials belived the pilot killed and let the matter drop, whil a few Instrutors themselves thought it was possible he was in the outlands.

- It is also known that Agent is connected with both sides of the Law in New York and Kusari space. Several attempts to gather information have been blocked on more than one occasion by a politcal official of either planet.

- Recent Events have suggested the Agent has returned, this time as a Mercenary Pilot for hire to anybody with credits to burn. Its believed the ship Agent currently uses is a heavily modified fighter with the ability to change IFF codes. Some scans suggest the use of a new type of Counterfeit Software in use, though those reports remain unconfirmed at this time.

Psyocological Profile:

- Agent is a man with few morals but it was suggested he has a sort of Code which he lives an flies by. It is belived he will Make and Honor any Contract to which he signs for. Few confirmed events include a Priate Contract to Assault an ALG transport, Combat Escort for Trade Convoys and one confirmed rescue mission for the Bounty Hunters Guild.

*remainder of psyc profile and personal file deleated*

//Have Questions, feel free to ask in PM. Profile may be changed in furture with better or more detailed information as I can write it up or if the character changes.