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CNS News: Bretonia dares a war with Rheinland - Printable Version

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CNS News: Bretonia dares a war with Rheinland - rwx - 06-29-2011

Breaking News -- Breaking News -- Breaking News

Bretonia refuses to pay their fines for crimes in Rheinland and blocks the traffic

As result of the weapon exchange program between Bretonia and Liberty, the Rheinwehr revoked the military vehicles license for bretonia corporations since 22.01.819. 12:00 SMT. Many rheinlanders died during duty because the Libertonians attacked Rheinland with their own, powerful weapons.

At 19.06.819 04:39:25 SMT the Bretonia corporation Borderworld Export did an unforeseeable move. Bretonians ships were trying to smuggle Rheinland´s weaponry to Bretonia. Fortunately they were caught by local security forces. The bretonia coorporation Borderworld Export was contacted by official Rheinland Authorities. The Bowex leadership refuses to follow the order given by the "Law of Rheinland". Instead they threatened and insulted the Rheinland Authorities.

In a not understandable way, they also blockade the traffic between Bretonia and Rheinland in Omega-3.

We keep you up to date, about their decissions here!

Breaking News -- Breaking News -- Breaking News

CNS News: Bretonia dares a war with Rheinland - jammi - 06-29-2011

To: The CNS Rheinland editor.
From: Andrew Peterson.
Re: Lies and slander.
You need to get your bloody facts straight, sir. Next time you write a news article, I suggest you give a full and detailed recount of events, instead of whatever... bile... the authorities would have you believe. There's a cracking example here. Why don't you leave the real news to the BBC, ey?

CNS News: Bretonia dares a war with Rheinland - rwx - 06-30-2011

To: Andrew Peterson.
From: The CNS Rheinland editor.
Re: Wrong allegations.
Verzeihung Herr Peterson,

but this were all the information I got from the Rheinland Authorities.
I don't know, how you managed to get much more, but it seems, you perverted the facts.

anonymous reporter

CNS News: Bretonia dares a war with Rheinland - jammi - 06-30-2011

To: The CNS Rheinland editor.
From: 'Herr' Peterson.
RE: Counter-allegations.
If you've taken the facts they've given you at face value without digging any further, you sir, are failing your mandate as a journalist and writer of repute. This situation is far less clear-cut and one dimensional than your authoritarian friends would have you believe. If Bretonia doesn't have moral righteousness on its side, Rheinland most certainly doesn't either. We're not the ones employing our security forces to murder the citizens of a neutral House.

CNS News: Bretonia dares a war with Rheinland - rwx - 06-30-2011

To: Andrew Peterson.
From: The CNS Rheinland editor.
Re: Counter-allegations.
Herr Peterson,

I didn't said, that Rheinland has the "moral righteousness on its side".
And as you said "failing your mandate as a journalist and writer", well mein Herr - I take this job seriouse enough to not publish any informations, that are incorrect, like you did.
Furthermore I was waiting for an interview with the participant parties.
But I published this article before it, so every trader is warned about the imminent conflicts.

anonymous reporter

CNS News: Bretonia dares a war with Rheinland - jammi - 06-30-2011

To: The CNS Rheinland editor.
From: Peterson.
RE: Counter-counter allegations.
What? I didn't write that article - I'd be rather pleased with myself if I had though. I'm just a concerned Bretonian citizen who enjoys reading comprehensive and researched news, and is disappointed by lacklustre and half-baked news. I'm glad to see the Rheinland CNS branch bases all its conclusions on half-cocked assumption and guesswork...

CNS News: Bretonia dares a war with Rheinland - rwx - 06-30-2011

To: Andrew Peterson.
From: The CNS Rheinland editor.
Re: Counter-counter-allegations.
Herr Peterson,

ok, it seemed you wrote it, because you're more affected by it, then by one from Rheinland.
But it's no problem. Trust their lies and stick with this pro bretonia articel.

anonymous reporter