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To Fleet Admiral David Hale - Printable Version

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To Fleet Admiral David Hale - Dab - 06-29-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Baroness Evyn Hunter
Origin: HMS Craven's Nest
Recipients: Fleet Admiral David Hale, Liberty Navy Admiralty Board

Greetings to you again, Fleet Admiral.

As per our discussions previously, the HMS Norfolk in Cambridge has been prepared for the boarding of several flights of Liberty Navy fighter and bomber craft. One Liberty Assault Battlecruiser, and one Siege Cruiser will also be permitted for temporary entry into the Norfolk Great Fleet.

For the time being, all Liberty military personnel will be authorized to engage Rheinland military, intelligence, and corporate vessels only within Bretonia's own sovereignty, including the Snowdown system. Permissions for your vessels to enter Rheinland from our space will be given in the near future, pending certain circumstances.

Liberty Navy vessels within our sovereignty will be under the command structure of the Norfolk Great Fleet. Your personnel will be under the authority of myself and Lord Hamilton, as well as the Directors of the Bretonian Intelligence Service, and the Police Authority's Commissioners. If any of these people give orders you object to, or seem questionable, please contact me as soon as possible. For the most part, your forces will act autonomously of us, but cooperative activities will sometimes be necessary.

I would also like to notify you that talks with the Independent and Gas Miners Guilds will be happening soon. If Liberty would like to have a representative attend, please have them delivered to Planet Cambridge, and send me their name.

-Baroness Snowdown
Admiral of the Norfolk Great Fleet, Bretonia Armed Forces
Assistant Director
Bretonian Intelligence Service
<div align="right]End Transmission

To Fleet Admiral David Hale - Jihadjoe - 06-30-2011


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale
TARGET ID: Baroness Evyn Hunter
SUBJECT: Opening a second front

Fleet Admiral David Hale here.

Good evening Baroness, Admiral... My appologies, but the titles get a little confusing from time to time, and certain distinguished persons seem to end up with a fair collection, so forgive my Libertonian ignorance as to which takes precendence.

This new development with Rheinland is interesting to say the least. It will most likely take a while to sort through this mess and work out the best course of action. i'll keep you updated on this channel. However, I'll say that we do have the forces available to field in the Omega systems, more than likely a group consisting of the Mount Hood (Assault Battlecruiser), the Ignition (Siege Cruiser), and the required strikecraft support for both.

I'll need to talk with the President and the Secretary of State for Defence. But I will keep you updated in this channel.

I can't say the Rheinland government pushing a territorial agenda in the Omegas surprises me much.

All the best, Baroness, Admiral...

Hale out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To Fleet Admiral David Hale - The Republic Of Liberty - 06-30-2011

Baroness Evyn Hunter:

The terms of this agreement are satisfactory to the Liberty Government, however we will leave the military practicalities to yourself and Fleet Admiral David Hale. We are deeply saddened by the recent developments in the Omega systems, and the impact this will have specifically on the people of Bretonia, the Zoner population in Omega 3, and civilian interests in the region. Our forces are available and will be mobilised on Fleet Admiral Hale's command.

Rheinland's imperialistic agenda is a menace to Sirius as a whole. You have our full support.

- Robert McKay, Secretary of State for Defence, on behalf of President James Powell.

To Fleet Admiral David Hale - Asgardian - 06-30-2011

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: insigniauploadflip.png] Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: insigniaupload.png]
[Image: jack2.png]

>Move Order.

Admiral Hunter,

I'm going to be heading over to Bretonia with the initial strikeforce to oversee the war effort and general Q&A*

The following forces are being dispatched immediately:
  • [LN]-LNS-Mount Hood (Assault Cruiser) Command: Captain Damien Jones
  • [LN]-LNS-Ignition (Siege Cruiser) Command: Commander Jasmine Greenson
  • A number of strikecraft
We're here to help, Admiral.
*Note: Q&A will not delve into my personal life

Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End'€”
[Transmission End]

To Fleet Admiral David Hale - Dab - 06-30-2011

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Baroness Evyn Hunter
Origin: HMS Craven's Nest
Recipients: Fleet Admiral David Hale, Admiral Jack Malrone

Given today's events, and the events two days ago when Rheinland attacked a BowEx transport in New London, I'm recinding the restriction both on the number of capital ships you may transfer to Cambridge, and on your permission to enter Rheinland through our territory. For now, all Liberty incursions into Omega-7 and beyond will be allowed by Bretonia.

As Rheinland seems to make this war a capital ship war, though how they can spare those ships from the Hamburg front puzzles me, a large contingent of bombers would also be quite useful.

-Baroness Snowdown
Admiral of the Norfolk Great Fleet, Bretonia Armed Forces
Assistant Director
Bretonian Intelligence Service
<div align="right]End Transmission