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Requests for Outcast ships - Printable Version

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Requests for Outcast ships - Bass_masta992 - 02-15-2008

I want to see a nice Battlecruiser and/or regular cruiser for them. i don't think a destroyer ALL the time is very fun. there needs to be a bit of varyation.

ALSO. a replacement (just for ideas) of the OC dessie. then i believe the outcasts will have their complete line of ships.:cool:

Requests for Outcast ships - Eppy - 02-15-2008

The Outcast Destroyer will not be replaced. This was decided months ago by general consensus and admin decision. As for a Battlecruiser, I peddled that idea around myself, but the majority of my fellow Outcasts objected, so the project has been labeled with an "Inadvisable' stamp.

Requests for Outcast ships - Epholl - 02-15-2008

I think all Outcasts and their leaders especially should decide on what OCies should fly. If you think the destroyer is too light, try any other cruiser in game and you will realise what is better.

Variation in ships... Allright, but first get 2 months to learn system modding, make 3 new systems for Outcasts, where the new ships can be sold. Then get 2 months to make the ships yourself. Then trade 2 months to buy those new capships you are pleased with and in the end simply spam Alpha and nearby systems with capships.

Why dont you want a nice LF? Or a decent HF? And who are you to decide for all Outcasts?

For the ships: Outcasts have two battleships. Only they, Liberty and CR have two types of battleships. (Osiris is Order)
Outcasts have a strong and nice destroyer with 12(!!!) turrets. And they are going to get a GB soon. (More people are willing to make it.)
Also, Outcasts have many allies with very nice ships. I dont mean Outcast should buy a RH or LH ship, but Being a LH still means you are on the OC side.
The dessie doesnt fit the line, thats true, but I believe a little retexturing and woila!

Requests for Outcast ships - Jwnantze - 02-15-2008

I am fine with the ships as is, though I wouldnt mind some competition for Eppy's flying shipyard of a GB.

Requests for Outcast ships - globalplayer-svk - 02-15-2008

bass order has only fighter,very heavy fighter and osiris. nothing between. outcast have all ship classes except gunboat and battlecruiser. gunboat is in development, so you think that they need battlecruiser? when you think yes,then all factions need one....

Requests for Outcast ships - mjolnir - 02-15-2008

' Wrote:bass order has only fighter,very heavy fighter and osiris. nothing between. outcast have all ship classes except gunboat and battlecruiser. gunboat is in development, so you think that they need battlecruiser? when you think yes,then all factions need one....

I thought it was agreed at some point that only House factions + BHG should have battlecruisers. Kusari could definitely use one. As the BS is just a huge target.

Outcasts + Corsairs have 2 BS both.

Requests for Outcast ships - Panzer - 02-15-2008

Kinda pissin' me off that the Outcast dessie looks as it does. It could resemble the GB Eppy's up to, but nooo, it has to be a Taiidan/whatever pancake :dry:

Oh well, pity. The ship's powerful and very hard to nail due to those 12 turrets.

Anywho - Let's see what from my full-pack policyy the Outcasts already have:

LF - Scimitar
HF - Stiletto (PLEASE, modernize it!)
VHF - Sabre
Bomber - Falcata
GB - incoming
DD/CA - the Hugenot
BC - This one they lack.
BB - The old Zeppelin and Eppy's new sword.

So to sum up - the only stuff the Outcasts lack atm to completely fill out the ship class list are a GB and a Battlecruiser.

And by the way... Does CR whine out loud on the forums because it doesn't have a few toys? (I stopped cuz it's pointless:crazy:)

Requests for Outcast ships - Doom - 02-15-2008

Quote:Requests for Outcast ships


just kidding...they will get really nice GB i hear...what else u want?

Requests for Outcast ships - Eppy - 02-15-2008

My Planetary Defense Grid:lol:

Honestly, we don't need anything besides the Gunboat. What we need are people, not ships.

And anybody who whines about the Dessie, I'd like to remind them that the armor got nerfed AGAIN, AND the guns all got moved to the top side, so it's a massive target on the bottom.

Requests for Outcast ships - Epholl - 02-15-2008

My apology if it sounded like whining.
I actually have no problems with that ship. Some ships are better, than others, thats like it has to be.