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Sirius Criminal Database - The Pirate - 02-15-2008



Subject found...Opening Files.......

Files opened.....

Name: Alexander Derrick Black
Call sign: Infiltrator
Height: 198cm
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Hair Color: Ruby red
Eye color: Red (due too optic implants)

Blood type: AB negative
Caradamine Addiction: Negative
I.Q: Has an average in all tests of 140

X-ray scanning reports:

Bone structure seems too have been fractured before however we have observed that Subject has some unusual Metal plates on the fractures that are unneccearily large.

This might be purely speculation but we believe that plates were fashioned for protective reasons.

Scans of the plates suggests they are made of Ultra light weight Tri-strontium alloy and acording too our calculation normal side arms would not be able too penetrate or even dent these plates.

Deeper scans reveal that even more plates are incorporated into his skeleton at key joints in the legs arms spine and neck. it continues too amaze us that they do not interfere with his movement.

The plates themselves seem too have been made with ultra precision tools and are almost inhumanly perfect in their crafting...

File corrupted unable too view further.......

Criminal record:

Parking tickets x10

Attempted Murder x3

Destruction of Corporate property x50

.....Database incomplete

Known affiliations:


Liberty Rouges



Red Hessians

Lane Hackers

Wanted in all Major Liberty Rheinland and Bretonian Systems....

Psycho analysis:

Subject is of a manipulative nature preffering too use wit rather then muscle too achieve his goals.

Subject exibits extreme lack of empathy and respect for authority and a complete lack of morals and doesnt seem too percieve the concept of showing mercy and has a problem accepting compromises.

Items found in subjects keeping:

1x Modified Ageira stun gun

1x Modified Daumann Shredder

2x Large caliber pistols of unknown manufacture presumed Custom made

2x Modified Ageira vibrosis combat knives

4x grenades of unknown manufacture presumed custom made

1x Ageira radiation sensor

1x Box of Cigarettes

10x Stimpacks

1x Motion sensor of unknown manufacture presumed Custom made

And several other objects of alien designe and origin.

Sirius Criminal Database - The Pirate - 02-17-2008

Mitchell Prisonbreak:

The hour was late and most of the prison staff had gone too their bunks as had most of the inmates,
the lights in each block had been turned off except for a few corridor lamps on the routes the night shift guards were patroling.

In his cell Alexander were watching and waiting for the right moment to come too him, he started too plan his escape the day the new guard staff arrived from West Point because he knew they were inexperienced probably fresh from boot camp.

So he sat watching observeing the guards routes memorizeing their routines and waiting for the right time too strike.

As the hours passed the guards became more and more tense always looking over their shoulders as if they were followed and some of the younger guards had reported missing in cell block R which left other duties unattended because the warden had too pull other guards too fill in the shifts in block R.

The silence spread throughout the prison and some of the prisnors started too feel an uneasyness in the air as if something horrible had happened in block R.

More and more guards were being pulled away from their posts leaveing many blocks unattended includeing the block where Alexander was kept, seeing this as his oppertunity too escape he quickly hacked the lock on his cell door and quietly makeing his way out of the block trying not too arouse the sleeping inmates.

After sneaking around the empty corridors he found a command console where he began searching for records of where they kepts his ship and his equipment.




Equipment stored in evidence locker 5-R Cell block R

Ship stored in hangar bay 5 level 1
Alexander: Computer access Camera feed from Block R




Unable too proceed with command camera feeds are offline in Cell block R

Alexander: hmm...that is strange...Computer access audio feeds from block R




Link established...playing Audio feed

Guard A: I dont know what the hell the warden is thinking but its stupid for us too leave our posts like that.

Guard B: well you know how the higher officers are always thinking that their way is the best blah blah...

Guard A: yeah i know but hey at least we get paid ehh *laughs*

Guard B: yeah...*laughs*

The laughing is abruptly cut short by a sound of something dropping on the metal floors of the station
followed by something that sounded like something heavy beinger dragged towards the Audio transmitter.

Guard A: hey john you hear that?

Guard B: yeah..yeah i hear it...its coming closer frank

Guard A: hmm...better repo...HOLY **** WHAT IS THAT!

Gunfire can be heard through out the station then shortly followed by a spine freezing scream

Too be continued....

Sirius Criminal Database - The Pirate - 02-24-2008

Back at the console Alexander stood silently rewinding the audio transmition in his head a few times,before continueing too search for the floor plans of the station.

After 10 minutes of searching he finally found what he was looking for..the armoury and the hangar
when suddenly he hears someone coming down the corridor. He makes haste and downloads the plans too a nearby guard patrol datapad and then heads away from the console.

He runs through the dark corridors useing the datapad too navigate and after about 15 minutes of running he stood at the Block R bulkhead door when suddenly the alarms go of and the wardens voice can be heard over the comm systems.


Alexander: ****..this is just what i dont need...

Alexander opens the door and heads into Block R with the datapad in his hand but as he goes further into the block the datapad starts too flicker as if running out of power, but it wasnt just the datapad all the lights were flickering and the tempreture was getting colder and there wasnt a sound or sight of a guard in the cold dark corridors.

Alexander: Dammit where are all the guards...*shudders* and why the ****ing hell is it so cold in here..

Alexander abruptly stops talking as he see something moveing in the far end of one of the corridors and it looked like it was moveing towards him but he couldnt see clearly what it was and he thought its probably best not too find out unarmed. So he ran towards the armoury however he could hear that thing in the dark was following him so he had too be quick about getting his things once inside the armoury.

He made it into the armoury and closed and locked the door behind him while he started searching for his gear skimming through locker after locker he finally found his things and started gearing up, He could hear the thing pounding the door and by the sound of it the door wouldnt hold it much longer so he quickly loaded his weapons gathered his grenades and other thing and made ready for the thing too burst through the door.

He began too set traps placeing his grenades and proximity mines and setting up four laser pod acting as a cutting net that would quickly move towards any victim detected in the sensor zone.

He barely finished setting up his traps then a blue-purple creature pounded its way through the door
it looked like a manta with tentacles barbed with razor sharp spikes on them and it used them as feet aswell.
its body was encased in a glass like shell and it had a red spot on the middle of its abdomen which would be its eyes.

The creature moved with almost blinding speed towards Alexander but he managed too dodge it and make his way past his traps hopeing the creature would follow, however it seemed that it had lured the bait and circled around the traps.

Alexander: ****!..what the hell is that thing?!..

The Creature made a humming noise which slowly became a gurgle and then sounded like a voice in Alexanders head.

Creature: I have come too take back what you stole from us human....

Alexander: Stole what?! I never stole anything from you!

Creature: Your ignorance is your own misfortune and it will not spare you...

Alexander: Fine! have it your way you mangy mutant piece of ****! COME AND GET ME!

The creature came around jumping down from the the lockers and onto Alexander knoking him too the floor
with the creature standing on him, Alexander reached for his Daumann Shredder only too be hit in the arm by the creatures tentacle.

Alexander: ARRRGH!!.....**** YOU!

He drew one of his pistols and shot the Creature in the eye area five times with each shot cracking the shell more and more and by pure luck the last shot brock though the shell and into the eyes on the creature.

Covered in purple blood and mucus Alexander grabbed his Shredder and ran out of the armoury and towards the docking bay.

Too Be Continued....