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Gl<Cutter1> - Printable Version

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Gl<Cutter1> - meoshi - 07-03-2011

Gl<Cutter1> i owe you an apology.
i didn't realize that a smuggler with no contraband should not be have been fined by my GMG| char.
i didn't realize that we wouldn't really have access to known smuggler database's and it would also depend on what you were smuggling, and for me to have tried and fine you was way out of line and i am sorry for trying to do so.

Gl&lt;Cutter1&gt; - Slainte - 07-03-2011

Hey no probs mate:)was having fun with the pending argument till it got interupted. No harm done.

Gl&lt;Cutter1&gt; - sadtranslation - 07-03-2011

Seems that I found myself there at Naha just in right (or wrong) time.
By the way, it was too generous from you, Slainte.
