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Need some legal advice - Printable Version

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Need some legal advice - kpjwateridge - 07-03-2011

Hello all.

I'm searching for a bit of legal assistance regarding an act of Piracy committed against me. Now I took no screenshots of the event, and the soul reason I got blasted from the skies was I didn't know the server commands well enough and so I looked them up.

The pirate who attacked me was affiliated with the Junkers. He also carried a Junker ID as I noted from his cargo hold and was flying an E78-12 Spatial Civ. Explorer. The attack was carried out in the New Berlin system; my run took me from Atka to Baden Baden. He was named *DELETE.

Upon leaving the trade lane, I began to defend myself against LWB NPC's knocking around when the Junker ship comes through the Jumpgate. Upon closing the conversation progressed as follows (Parenthesis used for non-speech action).

DELETE 2: Konnichiwa, Junker.

(At this point DELETE opens fire, dropping my shields to nothing and giving me a pair of anti hull shots)

DELETE: Alright, alright! I'll pay.

(Goes running off to find the give money command due to being a noob :$)

DELETE: 3....2....1 (i had managed to transfer the 3,000,000 to him by the 1 1/2 count and he had the money).



(he opens fire and obliterates my Bumblebee. I did return fire but it was long since too late).

I do not know the rule implications of this attempt at piracy, whether it was rule "legal" or whether it broke the rules etc.

I know that nothing can be done against DELETE as I didn't take screen shots. How I am meant to, I don't know Unless i must take one, quickly save it, take another, save it etc. Seem's a bit tricky to me.

Any help you can give would be appreciated.

Need some legal advice - Not Espi - 07-03-2011

first of all, delete names from that post. no point to try to post about it here since it will get locked as a forum trial

Need some legal advice - Hielor - 07-03-2011

Delete the name from your post, trial by forum is bad.

Secondly, if the "sent cash to" line appears in your chatlog, you can screenshot your chatlog and that will be enough in this case to get him for violating 6.6. An in-game screenshot is needed.

Need some legal advice - kpjwateridge - 07-03-2011

As requested. If it was not intended as a trial and merely a query, it would be...totalitarian to class it as a trial?

Regardless, I have removed the names. I apologise if that violated some form of unknown etiquette.

Need some legal advice - Evan_ - 07-03-2011

PrtScr makes a screenshot in MyPictures\FreelancerShots. By the way, in this case a shot of his ID and the chat window seems sufficient, as it shows the House-space the event happened, and that he shot you after you met his demands.

Need some legal advice - kpjwateridge - 07-03-2011

Alas, I did not take screenshots. I know that is the legal precedent, but I was unaware of the freelancer command for using a screenshot.

Thank you anyway, I will be mindful of it in the future. Best way to learn is the hard way:)

Need some legal advice - Evan_ - 07-03-2011

Umm, PrtScr is not a command, it's a key on the keyboard. Usually near Pause and Insert and alike. :)

Need some legal advice - kpjwateridge - 07-03-2011

I know that. That's not what I meant by command. In most games I have played pressing PrtScr simply creates a "copy" of an image on the clipboard that needs to be pasted...somewhere. If it saves them automatically, then great. THAT was the misunderstanding.

Need some legal advice - Not Espi - 07-03-2011

right. now that you got rid of the names (you still have it there once, though - delete it), to the topic of screenshots:

freelancer saves the screenshots you made (using PrintScreen) into a freelancer folder in your documents\pictures\ folder

as for rules - yes, the guy was a retard.
1 - junker id'd ship can not by rules pirate in house space (which new berlin is, obviously) this is a limitation to counterbalance the fact that they can pirate and land on corporate bases for the profit and is written in the ID itself. of course you do not shove that in his face when he is doing it, but you can hint him within roleplay - 'Aren't you scared that the police will notice your crime here?' etc.

2 - killing the ship AFTER doing what he asked is against the rules.

3 - he IS covered by the rules to shoot you after those two lame lines, though. well - technically it was not an example of flourishing roleplay, so it is debatable. definitely not a well mannered one. if you paid and he wrote something and then killed you, you either sent the money to someone else or he is colour blind.

Need some legal advice - kpjwateridge - 07-03-2011

Deleted again. I can't read on blue forum :$

Yeah, Even if the attack was a legal one I thought it might not have been in the spirit of the rules. Unfortunately, my computer took the perfect moment to decide to do a system update and shut down before I could print screen anything. :unsure:

Thank you greatly anyway.