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Open band transmission to the Omegas, reaching into Bretonian and Rheinland border systems - Printable Version

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Open band transmission to the Omegas, reaching into Bretonian and Rheinland border systems - qwertypp7 - 07-03-2011

[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID: Captain Christopher Leigh, Order Primary Fleet
Location: OCV-Hepshetsut, Omega 58
Subject: Agent provocateurs in the Rheinland-Bretonia conflict

I do not have long. As I write this, weapons fire is impacting my vessel and our cruise engines have already failed. My only hope is that this message will reach the hands of the Bretonia Armed Forces, the Rheinland Military and Order High Command so that further bloodshed can be avoided.

While patrolling for unusual activity in Omega 3 less than an hour ago, the Hepshetsut recieved a tip-off from an IMG security vessel about an RNC vessel equipped with what could only be Nomad weaponry. Upon further inspection, the RNC-Wilde Jagd was indeed equipped with what I know to be Nomad weapons. We gave persuit, halting the vessel and attempting to board with the Hepshetsut's two marine teams. Before we could establish a secure dock, the vessel broke away and fled through Omega 5 and 55, where it stopped briefly at known Wild bases in an attempt to shake us.

We have since persued it into the heart of Omega 58. There can be no doubt. This vessel is operating under the whim of alien powers. Just as Hans Eckhard, who was mentioned in the BBC news reports on the crisis as a Rheinland privateer, is under the sway of the Nomads. I urge Order High Command to declassify all files pertaining to this threat and these idividuals and share them with the Bretonian and Rheinland authorities. It is my firm belief that this war is their work. It must be stopped.

Don't let any more inno...


Open band transmission to the Omegas, reaching into Bretonian and Rheinland border systems - Jeremy Hunter - 07-03-2011

Onboard the Ghost Eye, Seth was sitting on the bridge. Jeremy had relocated to Freeport 1 to help more. Then the transmissin came. Listening, he sent a quick reponse before anything else.
[Image: smaowl.png]
If you're still alive, hang on Leigh. We're going to dispatch help if we can. Good luck old friend.

[Image: 357k9sj.png]

Seth sent a message to Minor, hoping they could divert anyone nearby to help as the Ghost Eye was being repaired after a coolnt leak had corroded the pipeline.

Open band transmission to the Omegas, reaching into Bretonian and Rheinland border systems - Echo 7-7 - 07-04-2011

<Receiving Signal>
<High Encryption>
<Decoding Transmission>

From: OCV-Dawn.Blade, <location blocked>
To: OCV-Hepshetsut, Omega 58
[Audio only]

This is Commander Jaren Van der Saar of the Dawn Blade speaking. We've been on a classified assignment in the Omega and Rheinland systems. Our lead in Rheinland has gone cold, so we'll reroute to your position as soon as possible.

Hold on!
<Message Ends>
<Signal Lost>

Open band transmission to the Omegas, reaching into Bretonian and Rheinland border systems - Hone - 07-04-2011

Hone Nathan, Man in service to the BAF, sneers with contempt as he severs the connection.

So the Order find one Wilde ship and try to claim that means the Jerries wern't responsible for those bloody attacks? Without ANY proof? Everyone knows theyv got friendly relations down in the sausage-factory, of cours they'd want to make the bloody Hun look good. Leaving them was the best thing I ever did!

His certainty of Rheinland culpability cemented by the recent spate of BDM attacks throughout Bretonia, Hone turns back to the business at hand - Killing Rheinlanders.

Open band transmission to the Omegas, reaching into Bretonian and Rheinland border systems - n00bl3t - 07-04-2011

[Image: nooblettoptech.png]

This message is only visible for all Agents of The Order.

Captain Christopher Leigh,

I have no idea what is going on, but this frequency is ridiculous. Allowing Bretonia and Rheinland to read this transmission is dangerous. You should know that.

Regardless, The Ghost Eye and the Dawn Blade are enroute to your location. More vessels may be pending once we get a report.

Bretonian and Rheinland authorities have their own intelligence on the nomads. We need not give them more. Human temptation to use superior nomad technology is just too high. We cannot risk it. All agents must see this bigger picture.

Order High Command
Xander Aaron Ainsley Augustus Jacen Bastian Eadbhard Alexander Qayshon Dabney von Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorf

[Image: noobletbottech.png]

Open band transmission to the Omegas, reaching into Bretonian and Rheinland border systems - qwertypp7 - 07-04-2011

(//visible only to the Order)
[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID: Captain Christopher Leigh, Order Primary Fleet
Location: Orillion Memorial Hospital, Planet Toledo
Subject: Re: Transmission and time delay


As you might have guessed, a rescue party arrived some time ago. It was documented in the Order Central Communications channel. Both the Ghost Eye and the Dawn Blade can be called off. All survivors of the Hepshetsut are now on the surface of Toledo.

Forgive me for what can probably be contrued as insubordination Admiral, but when there are three Wild gunboats hammering on the hull of your vessel and you have reason to believe that a full scale inter-house war breaking out mere systems away might be averted by the evidence you hold in your hands, an open band transmission to all parties involved embedded in a distress call is much faster and more convenient than a carefully encrypted message to a singular recipient. In case you hadn't guessed from the abrupt end to my original transmission, a large portion of my vessel exploded half way through writing. Of the 67 strong crew of the Hepshetsut, only 9 made it back to Minor alive, including myself. The Hepshetsut will be in drydock for weeks undergoing repairs.

I stand by my decision admiral. And if you find issue with it, then to be quite frank, you can take it up with the men and women who gave their lives to buy time for that transmission to be sent.

Captain Leigh out.
[Image: 35bd02f.png]

Open band transmission to the Omegas, reaching into Bretonian and Rheinland border systems - Diomedes - 07-04-2011

****Begin Transmission, Directly and Only for Captain Leigh****

To: Captain Leigh
From: Gareth Silves
Subject: Agent Provocateurs
Origin: Scrambled

*Transmission opens, without video and scrambled only for Captain Leigh's reading*

Captain Leigh,

Forgive a late response, and even more so my inability to respond in time to your call. I've just come back to my HUD after a leave of absence and ship refit. I hope a rescue vessel made it to you and your crew.

Truth is, I had stepped away for a few weeks, got some R&R away from everything before returning to space. I came back to this mess with Rheinland and am still piecing together the details.

I am a privateer, and as such I hold little influence with any of Bretonia's command or even in our own organized bodies. On solely my own initiative, I find your evidence intriguing. I know little about Nomad capabilities, but if they started this war through a series of ruses I and eventually Bretonia needs to know.

I fly for the Crown, and will continue to defend her interests. But I know the value of accurate intelligence. If there is more you can add to your suspicions please contact me. For now however, one alien influenced ship is a far cry from proving they began this conflict. Give me something solid, and I'll see what I can do.

Gareth Silves

****End Transmission****