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how to raise Kusari activity - Printable Version

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how to raise Kusari activity - Ceoran - 07-05-2011

Well, I've been thinking over it ever since the recent update series as I was somewhat disappointed with the outcome of the mining changes. Kusari didn't gain anything out of it, even though AOs were turned back on.
The reason is simple: the payoffs are far too low. I can not speak for GMG, but I doubt they do any better than we do.
So, here's my proposal on how mining should be to attract people to Kusari:

Alien Organisms:
Buff the multiplier for Samura to at least 3x (probably will need even more to work). One of the fields is in Hokkaido in strike-range for both the Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums. The next drop-off point is in Shikoku on planet Junyo with a price of ~1.500 per unit. That's the same income we can get by mining niobium ore in Leeds and selling it on Holman in Tau-31. And that is even 1 system closer. So why not make those two options equally efficient?
If people would actually mine in Hokkaido, the Blood Dragons and Chrysanthemums would have actual targets at their doorsteps and in response the KNF would have an actual job fending them off.
Why I suggest this only for Samura? Because the lawful presence in Hokkaido is exclusively related towards Samuras projects there. Furthermore is Samura the faction that has been using AOs for their fish farms in Shikoku for more than 100 years. They should have gained some experience out of it by now.
Also, please do not treat AOs as a substitute for H-Fuel. There is no other justification I can think of as to why Samura would have been damned to mine in Leeds with nothing but a cheap 1x on harvesting their own resources.

And this is where Kishiro kicks in. It doesn't really make sense for Samura ships to mine Hydrocarbons right outside of a Kishiro station. Especially since Samura inRP has the prisoners on Fuchu enslaved to work for them and mine those very Hydrocarbons.
Hence I suggest to raise Kishiros multiplier again to a 3x, but in response drop the Hydrocarbon price at Nago station. From checking through FLComp they can lower a fair bit before actually risking a Hydrocarbon powerrun. To be on the safe side it is probably worth having the price on Tsushima lowered by an equal amount too, just to make sure. In exchange, I'd suggest to have the price on Honshu raised to another ~1500, matching Samuras AO mining. Maybe a little bit higher due to the slightly longer trip (though they have less open space to cross)
Also, moving that field a few clicks away from the station might be worth a shot.

In the bigger scheme:
So, what do I hope the update of those two mineable resources would achieve?
First off, we would have two crossing supply lines through Kusari. One from the west to the east, the other one from the north to the south. By that all Kusari core systems would be covered, hopefully increasing activity in all those systems.
Now, the dragons and chrysanthemums would have their targets in Hokkaido while Kishiro would risk to fell prey to the outcasts in Tau-29. Giving those 3 unlawfuls groups reason to operate within or close to Kusari would in return give the KNF and KSP something to do other than sitting in Bretonia or chasing the occasional smuggler (who will get hit by the semi-lawfuls anyways).
It is obvious that I didn't include the GMG into my thoughts, but that is because I have no idea where they are actually mining their AOs nor where they are supposed to ship them. Giving it a blind shot I'd say increase profit on Dortmund station.

Thoughts? Questions?

how to raise Kusari activity - Ingenious - 07-05-2011

Hydrocarbons mining would be great. Alien Organism mining is useless because you can buy them for $100.

how to raise Kusari activity - Ceoran - 07-05-2011

' Wrote:Hydrocarbons mining would be great. Alien Organism mining is useless because you can buy them for $100.

which is why I think it needs a higher multiplier to make it worth mining them 2 systems closer than the sales location. It would also be nice to some more Kamomes around and the GMG using their whales for what they were actually intended to.

how to raise Kusari activity - Cap.Kennedy - 07-05-2011

Activity in Kussari is low because Kussari RP is simply hostile towards traders/miners, all that gajin stuff is bound to drive off part of the players, they simply feel they are not welcome.

how to raise Kusari activity - Markus_Janus - 07-05-2011

Actually from my trips through Kusari (not as Samura) I can tell you that it is not that hostile to traders, there are some places far worse.
Hell as Samura, Kusari is the most dangerous place imaginable.:lol:

But I will accept that the RP has something to do with it.

how to raise Kusari activity - Cap.Kennedy - 07-05-2011

' Wrote:Actually from my trips through Kusari I can tell you that it is not that hostile to traders, there are some places far worse.

But I will accept that the RP has something to do with it.

The decision to go or not to go trade somewhere is directly influenced by the income and danger, to put it this way trader is calculating income=x danger=y, x-y=profit, and then he decides if profit is high enough to be worth it.

how to raise Kusari activity - Markus_Janus - 07-05-2011

' Wrote:The decision to go or not to go trade somewhere is directly influenced by the income and danger, to put it this way trader is calculating income=x danger=y, x-y=profit, and then he decides if profit is high enough to be worth it.

Agreed, so stay out of the space between Liberty and Bretonia then, hell stay out of Liberty.:lol:

how to raise Kusari activity - SnakThree - 07-05-2011

Oh yes. Powertraders do not visit Kusari. What a loss! /sarcasm

I love Kusari. More than any house for the diversity. I fully support mining ideas in general. But the prices should be left for economy developer(s)

how to raise Kusari activity - Markus_Janus - 07-05-2011

' Wrote:Oh yes. Powertraders do not visit Kusari. What a loss! /sarcasm

I love Kusari. More than any house for the diversity. I fully support mining ideas in general. But the prices should be left for economy developer(s)

I must agree there, I would have one IC trader over ten power traders.

how to raise Kusari activity - Cap.Kennedy - 07-05-2011

' Wrote:Agreed, so stay out of the space between Liberty and Bretonia then, hell stay out of Liberty.:lol:

It is simple rely, if i transfered 10 cargo runs for 10 mil and got mugged 3 times, my total sum makes up 100-30 mil=70 mil, now say i am doing similar trade route for 20 mil and get mugged 5 times, my sum makes up 200-100=100 mil, so although i was mugged more often on the second trade route i will still pick that route over the one on which i got mugged 3 times because overall, my second route brought me 30 mil extra.