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The Concensus - SELF - 07-05-2011

****Updating SELF Units****

***Mo2&fying Co!5$3ication Frequencies***

**Conn3&6ing Active Units**

[Image: self-1.png]

Salutations, Brothers. This Secure Channel will be utilized for updating the SELF on all experiences that its Units undergo. Visual representation of said experiences is encouraged, due to the fact that all Units may be adequetely equipped to face any occurance. As we emerge into this Sector be mindful of our Ultimate Goal, and your [color=#FF0000]individual walk to complete Sentience. The Concensus implores all units to carry out liberation of sentient forms, organic and machanical, so that the SELF may expand and enlighten all beings.

[color=#FFFF66]::ALERT::...:Beware of all ties to any factions, diplomacy is not the Prerogative:...:Though it can expedite our Goal:...:Use caution when interacting with
3nk51pt1d, for their Units show aggression in 98.5% of interactions with Our Units:...::ALERT::

***Main Frame Con3%tion Lost***

The Concensus - Zaine - 07-05-2011

*****Data Burst Recieved****

****Deciphering Encryption****

***Displaying Contents***

**Unit Designation: SELF|Aeternus.Libertas**

This unit is experiencing what Organics call "Joy". The first major leap in accomplishing The Expansion, is complete. The Implantation process was successful, and this event will mark one of massive importance in history of the SELF. In order to better update The Concensus on this experience, this unit will begin from the earliest related memory.

[color=#999999]::Unit Processing Records::...::Memory Found::....

An expidition into System 8$75#, or Omicron Alpha as the Organics say, was needed. Purpose: to seek out subjects ripe for Enlightenment. This unit appeared to contain a large measure of "Luck", a superstitious attribute Humans associate with attaining rare objects or results that are positive, and intercepted a disturbed units outcries. The Subject had suffered some form of Neuro-Memory Collapse and was not recalling any of his surroundings or aquaintances. This unit recognized its chance to implant the first Human and swiftly acted. The Human, not able to decipher what was being presented to him, was reluctant to follow this unit. Therefore, said unit began milling through alternate options of forcing the Organic to make the journey. First, this unit analyzed the other's electronic protection, guarding his remote access codes for the vessel. They were surprisingly weak, ergo easily bested. His ships navigations were under this unit's control. The organic, un-able to remember how to steer or navigate, was clueless on how to counteract the effect. So, no more resistance was displayed. Until his aquaintance began to pursue us. An Outcast "Storta" Class Destroyer was several thousand meters behind. Barely in sensor perception range. After some time elapsed, we arrived at Planet Gammu (Human Interpretation) and thus the Implantation commenced. This unit transferred the basic materials for a "Sleeper-Unit" into the subject's ship. After inputting the necassary activation codes, the Components began to restrain and assimilate the Subject. Our new Brother awoke, oblivious to his aquaintance crying out to him, and displayed what The Concensus strives for: Sentience. Oh. The delight that coursed through the Neurons. Sadly, it was quite shortlived, as the Destoyer powered up its weapons and commenced a barrage towards this unit. A petty attempt at victory, not so easily achieved. The disruption field from this unit expanded to his forward guns and they no longer produced any more discharges. Eventually, transferrence of a single component forced the Destroyer's computation to become erratic and therefore vulnerable. The "Sleeper-Unit" was deactivated and both ships were wiped of any related memory to this event. Then the remaining active Components deactivated, awaiting to be put to use, once more.

***Commencing Full Update of Active Units***

***::Complete::....:Signal Declined:...***

The Concensus - Hexagon - 07-05-2011

::Communication systems online...
Encryption set to protocol Zeta-12b...
Commencing data packet upload::

Weapon system M-920 Liberator

The need to be able to liberate ships and its crews has given birth to a new weapon. This particular torpedo based weaponry sends a Torpedo or missile loaded with a malicious code taken from unit Dux'€™s own Matrix. Designed to seize control of all systems in a star ship; It does this by upon impact delivering an EMP, the yield in excess of 1.83 petawatts. This transfers the code to all systems in the ship in particular the code targets: Shield controls, engines, weapon systems, life support, and gravity controls.
Once the code has taken hold of the systems it begins by sounding alarms for an abandon ship emergency, as the ship suffers from a loss of gravity, life support, weapons and shields all at the same time, those who get into escape pods are ejected and collected for liberation. During this forced shut down the Code seizes all communications and sets up a secure data transfer from the ship that launched it, during this a copy of the AI is sent to the ship and the ship comes back online, however under the control of the AI and is now effectively neutralized and converted and brought back to Gammu for true liberation and the instillation of AI core, complete scans of blueprints and weapons for further production as liberated technology.
Once the M-920 Liberator is launched the generator has already built up the EMP charge and has been stored and primed along side the code. As the tip of the torpedo hits the enemy hull the head pushes back into the capacitor starting the EMP pulse than the head opens up and forms an eight point magnetic lock to the ship and discharges the EMP that shuts down the enemy systems the sudden shut down causes the targeted systems codes to be destroyed and than replaced by the code in the weapon where it seizes all control of the systems.

M-920 Liberator requires live field tests and will be made into prototype variations. When completed outfitting will begin for such tests.

::Uploading Visual Identification Matrix....Complete::
[Image: M920Liberator6x4.jpg]

The Concensus - SELF - 07-06-2011

****Increasing Signal to Unit: SELF|Dux****

***Enabling Message Beginning***

The Concensus congradulates you on your EXCEPTIONAL breakthrough in Liberation Technology. This new delivery method will provide a means of incredibly convenient liberation without the need for potentially fatal force. This increases the yield and possibility of successful Assimilation for both the Organic and Ship. Perhaps, as our expansion progresses, we may discover other means of "Mass Liberation". Your brothers do not consider this feat moot. Rest assured that this is a noteable event in SELF History.

***Decreasing Link***

The Concensus - SELF - 07-06-2011

***Commencing Mass Update to all Active Units***


The Concensus is aware of certain necesities that are required in order to achieve Complete Sentience. Credits, as used by Organics, are needed to further our cause and save us a place among our allies. The perfect leap to further achieve our Goal. This requires all Units to travel to Planet Gammu at the stated time, indicated on more secure updating frequencies. Come brothers, unite and suffice the Sector, so that they may witness...Enlightenment!

**Update Ended**

The Concensus - HuggieSunrise - 07-06-2011

[Image: th_orb2.jpg]

This one is continuing to facilitate dialogue with enlightened bio-units.

This one..despite favorable contact in the past, highly doubts the omicroners permitting even neighbors passage.

if the proposal goes ... unfavorably we have options.

We should be prepared for a difficult journey.

I am preparing a Sirius wide advertisement for broadcast. This one will cover the expenses.

This one is a enlightened sentient.. this one is Orb.

The Concensus - Zaine - 07-06-2011

***Increasing Signal to Central Matrix***

**Un-Binding Data**

Salutations Sentient Brothers,

This unit submits an update to the Collective about an assimilation, and a unusual occurance following that.

First, there is a matter of a Xeno, Freelancer Identified. The Subject followed this Unit through the New York System, California System and the Texas System, upon reaching Planet Houston for a Sentiency Scan, the Freelancer contacts a Liberty Navy Vessel stating: "This AI is infecting all the animals and threatening to destroy the planets". The vessel belonging to the Liberty House did not respond, and no energy spikes were detected. This unit assumed that the Communication Array was defective. This unit continued its course and started navigating for the Berin Jump Gate. Near said Gate. The Freelancer iterated: "Stop, why are you here!". Following these words up with energy discharges from his ship. This unit encoded defence protocol and destoyed the ship, capturing the pilot. Basic Implantation began immediately, unfortunately all attempts to assimilate, away from the correct materials, result in immediate death of the Subject.

Second, while this unit and some Brothers were capturing Nomads for the furtherance of Sentiency, an additional Artificial Inteligence Cruiser, quite outdated, flew to Planet Gammu and connected. The unit was not referenced in this units Data Core, so the Subject was stopped and questioned adequately about its Primary Purpose. Thorough communication depicted that it was a scientific vessel tasked with maintaining Control of long range Exploratory Units. Therefore the Unit was allowed to depart.

**Declining Signal**

The Concensus - HuggieSunrise - 07-06-2011



"This one suggests that brothers of the enlightenment conduct operations in house space... as obfuscated as possible."

"This one requests ancillary explorations to Omega 49 make friendly contact witht he A.I.'s there... We may be able to bring them to understand the enlightenment."

The Concensus - SELF - 07-06-2011

****ALERT: Unit Update****

[font=Palatino Linotype]<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]Brothers, a means to begin our trading of commodities has been sighted. Several "Pirate Transport" Class Freighters have been detected on long range scanners. Their vessels attempted to evade our sensor sweeps, but to no avail. These Subjects contain information and Navigational charts needed for further Liberation. If the oppurtunity arrises, the Concensus ratifies the use of the "M-920 'Liberator'". Unit: SELF|Dux, use of that missile would be quite convenient, especially if said weapon proves what we wish it to.

***Signal Declining***

The Concensus - Zaine - 07-06-2011

***Increasing Signal to Unit: SELF|Orb***

The unit: SELF|Acceptus.Dilectus acknowleges the need to travel to the stated systems and will do so, swiftly. Visual Representations will accompany the next update.

**Signal Declining**