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The 'chao' and [Phantom]Shadow - Printable Version

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The 'chao' and [Phantom]Shadow - marauder - 02-17-2008

'Remember, we need prisoners to interrogate.' Jeer Lox made sure to make eye-contact with each of the eleven marines in his squad.

We are now alongside, docking... a large spinning globe said to the room, completed it finished as a gentle and muffled thud sounded along the hull.

'Charges!' Lox ordered, knowing that the panicking crew and passengers would already be trying to use the escape pods.

'Fire in the hole.' the breaching charges fizzed into life and literally chewed through the hull plating of the transport.

'Go!' bellowed Lox and made sure that he was the first through the hole. 'Team alpha, guard this hole. Everyone else split up into pairs and remember not to kill everything.' he repeated the order because at least one of his squad was addicted to the drugs cryer sold across Sirius.

'Hank, your with me.'

'sure thing Gas, no problems man.'

Hank is beta team's electronics guy, his speciality is data storage systems, which might explain how he can fiddle the med records so no-one ever catches him stealing drugs.
And it's obvious from his reply he's high on something again, which is why I paired up with him.

'hey Gas, did you hear that?

'Hear what?'

'AW, theres AW on here, I'm gonna be promoted for killing them all, hey Gas, your gonna have to salute me.'

Oh damn, Jeer thought, it's finally happened. The drug-addled moron has gone psycho and is not only hearing voices but delusional too.

He takes off down the corridor swinging his flechette rifle around wildly, then tries to kick in the first door he comes too.
But instead he sticks his foot straight through it. Giggling hysterically he pulls his foot out and rams the barrel of his rifle into the hole and holds down the trigger.

Hank turns and finds the hatchway into the cargo pod that has been converted to carry passengers and loses it completely, firing at anything thing that moves.

Lox stands there in shock before realising that stopping Hank is now more important then finding out why a transport full of passengers was this deep into outcast space.

'Everyone fall back to the ship.' Jeer ordered. Then he started running, guided by the screams of Hanks victims.

Do you have a plan? the floating sphere asked from alongside Jeer.

'Yes.' He replied, slowing down from a full sprint as he slid through a pool of blood.

'you mean yes sir' Hank said half-turning towards them. 'whadda you want.' he asked pointing at the sphere.

I'm just watching, wondering what happens next.

'your a fnordette, right?' he slurred.

Thats need-to-know, what reason do you need to know? the fnordette replied.

Hank stumbled completely around and started to swing his rifle up, Jeer took the opening. He leapt forward and rammed his plasma gauntlet into Hank's visor and triggered it.

Hanks powered armour twitched spasmodically for a few seconds before slumping facedown on to the deck. A tiny whisp of smoke curled from the shattered visor.

And what about the child? the fnordette asked smugly.

Jeer looked up and then saw the child standing flat against the wall, splattered in blood and staring at them with wide, fear-filled eyes.

'We don't have a choice.' he replied


The 'chao' and [Phantom]Shadow - marauder - 02-20-2008

Er... igiss cleaned up.

Will repost later, sorry.

The 'chao' and [Phantom]Shadow - marauder - 03-01-2008

Log entry: Managed to talk my way to freeport 6 but couldn't find any transports that might be heading deeper into outcast space.

Log entry: Finally found a ship captain who can get me deeper into outcast space. Its only freighter but it'll have to do. The captain seems alittle strange, although the people he's grouped with are even stranger. Plus he takes everything at face value, good thing too.

Log entry: I've taken to watching the ship scanner for any sign of the ship, that an outcast I bribed back on the freeport, mentioned. Nothing, no news reports either on any of the group it belongs to. I think I know enough about the computer to change the trade route, but if I get caught...

Log entry: It's been almost a week since I signed on as crewman to this ship, the captain calls it his PB, no idea what thats suppose to mean. His friends are very strange, I think they might be outcasts. We still haven't gone into outcast space though, not sure it would be a good idea to ask when we will be.

Log entry: I've decided, if we don't go into outcast space within the next few trips I'll wait until the captain is asleep and change the trade route. I managed to convince him that watching the ship scanner keeps me awake, so... It should be ok.

The 'chao' and [Phantom]Shadow - marauder - 03-10-2008

Log entry: We've moved into sigma 13, the captain spent ages trying to get some GMG reps to talk to him, came back pretty drunk too. He was sober enough to set a course and lock it in before he fell over though.

Log entry: He's been doing missions for the order the last few hours, I've never heard anyone swear so loudly! He seems to really hate the Bounty Hunters Guild, he's not fond of the liberty navy either.

Log entry: Wow! I thought we were going to die. He took us up against a BHG destroyer and it's three VHF escorts, a freighter against a capital ship and we got it too! Lost a lot of the armour though, we had to spend half the fight crammed into the cockpit because it was the only part of the ship still pressurised.

Log entry: I finally found out why the captain is so reckless, or so good with this freighter. He use to command capital ships himself! Why is he in a freighter now? Urgh, I'm forgeting that I have to get into outcast space...

The 'chao' and [Phantom]Shadow - marauder - 03-11-2008

Log entry: This is driving me insane! I thought we were heading to outcast space, instead we went back to kusari and are now in kepler, nearly back to where this crazy trip started. All this running around because of some stupid damn paperwork.

Log entry: I never realised just how underhanded those BHG creeps could be. We were just about to dock on kepler and six of them appeared from one of the clouds and attacked! Luckily they didn't land and try coming after us on the station, before this trip I'd never paid attention to the rumours and stories, just assumed they were made up to discredit them, tough way to find out the stories are probably true...

The 'chao' and [Phantom]Shadow - marauder - 03-12-2008

Log entry: The paperwork finally came through today. The transponder is now pinging out 'Order', the captain was not happy at all.

Log entry: The captain has finally calmed down and we've undocked from freeport 11. I really wish I hadn't pointed out those 'Keeper' ships on the scanner, we spent awhile following them around at about 14k, as soon as one of them started to come closer the captain changed course. After a very tense, for me, hour we finally docked on a station in whatever system this is.

Log entry: I found out from the nav computer that we're on a prison station, but it won't tell me what the name of the system is. To be honest I only want to know so that I never come here again, these spiky rocks and blue haze everywhere is creepy.

The 'chao' and [Phantom]Shadow - marauder - 03-17-2008

Such pathatic attempts to hide who has been hunting for me.

Well they obviously aren't a capital ship CPU now are they? Give them some credit for at least trying.

Even a novice lane hacker is more competent.

The lane hackers helped develop the technology, of course they'll be good a covering their tracks. This is obviously a civilian, any ideas on who it might be?

A [TAZ] freighter is the source of the transmissions and scans. Time to rattle a few cages.

You mean rattle your sabre, you humans are so petty at times.

Yes they are petty and vindictive. Foolish mortals.


The 'chao' and [Phantom]Shadow - marauder - 03-22-2008

Log entry: We're so close to outcast space, finally after all this waiting and all my fruitless searching on the scanners I'm nearly there.

Log entry: These bounty hunters sure are persistant, they just don't stop attacking us whenever they get a chance. Too be honest it's getting boring now, huh? why is the ship creaking... entry terminated due to vessel destruction

The 'chao' and [Phantom]Shadow - marauder - 03-29-2008

Your clear to undock [TAZ]-Marauder, good flight the docking control broadcast.

"It will be if those BHG scum aren't hanging around..." marauder muttered as he waited for the ships control to switch from the automated program.

A massive cruiser steadily approached behind and below the slowly undocking freighter.

All ships, be advised we have a Phantom vessel at freeport 9.

"Oh bugger."

The cruiser continued gaining on the crazily dodging freighter, silent and relentless.

Slowly both ships approached the asteroid field hiding the sigma 17 jumphole, until one last wild manouver slammed the freighter into a rock five times it's size.

The escape pods of the crew were throw from the wreck and promptly tractored into the hold of the cruiser, along with everything else.

Finally satisfied the cruiser turned to towards the omicron eta jumphole and cloaked.

The 'chao' and [Phantom]Shadow - marauder - 03-31-2008

"Urgh, thats twice in two days." groaned an escape pod.

"Note to self, don't drink and try to perform evasive manouvers whilst staring at the rear viewscreen..." marauder mumbled as he opened his pod and staggered out.

The cavernous hold was crammed with stasis pods, most of the occupied.

"You ok in there?" marauder asked banging on the other escape pod.

"Yeah, I'm just peachy, get me outta here and stop trying to deafen me."

"I'm an old softy." marauder muttered as he popped the seals and helped his crewperson out.

"Where the hell are we now?"

"I don't want to know thank you very much, I need to keep what little sanity I have left." He replied acidly.


An unseen door hissed open.

"Oh ****." marauder swore.