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To: The Alexis biridie, the one Alexis birdie that knows she's the Alexis birdie! - Printable Version

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To: The Alexis biridie, the one Alexis birdie that knows she's the Alexis birdie! - r3vange - 07-09-2011

[Image: NEWONE.png]

Hello there[font=Arial Black] birdie! This Is fan leTter! In tHe Past
few Months yOu've sAved the EndinG
of mY Legs oN moRe thaN
ocCasion! AnD sinCe neItheR oNe
My t[color=#CCCCCC][font=Arial Narrow](b)
oYs ChrIsS HooD
or HiS MajeSty the
cOlonel of the sTars Dagon aRe aRouNd I'd gLadlY sHare
What You'Ve saVed wIth
yoU *coughs* mY speEch meAns I'd lOvE tO Hang ouT(myself?)
wiTh yoU soMetIme! HoW
AboUt a cRazY dRuG-caNnIbaliSm-soDomy-
gLuttOny FilleD nIghT ouT on mAn-haTe-An?

[color=#FF0000]MuCHo Love,
Marry oF thE MarTinEz

[Image: 104rpz4.gif]

To: The Alexis biridie, the one Alexis birdie that knows she's the Alexis birdie! - Korny - 07-09-2011


COMM ID:[color=#FF9900] Alexis Glover
TARGET ID: Maria "Birdie"
SUBJECT: Fun-stuff

[Image: alexisl.png]

Mmmh, well isn't that my favourite lil' honey-pie ? Y'Know, I've been waitin' for your call already, took'Ya long enough, but hell, I'm sure it's was worth waitin' for, you better make it worth, sweety.

Now, your lil' fan letter was quite arousing, I must say a crazy, drug, canibalism, sodomy and gluttony-filled night sounds like lotsa' fun in my ears, Manhatten doesn't, tho'. 'Ya know I hate that piss-ball a lot, how 'bout Rochester instead ? My room there doesn't quite look as crappy as the rest o' the station, so 'Ya'll be fine.

Until then, tigress.