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To: Omicroners, Subject: Inquiry - Printable Version

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To: Omicroners, Subject: Inquiry - AeternusDoleo - 07-09-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Danny Sutherland, commander of IMG patrol ship Apollyon
To: Zoner group Omicroners, routed over Freeport XV
Subject: Inquiry
Encryption: Moderate

To whom this may concern,

Some time ago, I was tasked with a small reconniscance mission into the mid Omicron systems. As you may or may not know, the various houses are slowly expanding their borders as they exhaust the resources that exist within their current borders. Bretonia's expansion into Tau space, Rheinland's annexation of Omega 7... just examples of a growing trend. Eventually the Guild will have to find new resources to continue it's work.

While passing through Omicron Theta, one of your fighters (Mr Haines, in the Sparrow) noticed our vessel. We talked a while and he was kind enough to grant me passage through Omicron 74, as well as resupply at Freeport 15. While our mission was interesting to say the least, we were unable to discover anything worthwhile. The Omicrons seem highly inhospitable, it's a small miracle you survive out there.

I have one request and one offer to make. While the Apollyon might not have been able to locate any potential mineral deposits, your group lives out in that region and might be more knowledgeable of the region. If you know of any untapped resources, but lack the expertise or will to start exploiting such yourself, the Guild would surely rise to the challenge. Given the conditions in northern Tau space, we've come to know quite a bit about mining on the fringe, and defending such operations from potential hazards. The benefit for yourselves would be direct: The Guild typically imports basic goods, food, water and oxygen from the closest friendly port, which out there would likely be the Zoner freeports with their large biodomes. Transports leaving with mined goods could also return from House space with commodities your freeports in the region have a need for, decreasing the amount of ships you'd need to send into the Houses yourself. Given that Zoners typically abhor the restrictions the various houses place on their populace, I'd see this as a win-win situation.

My request however is of a more personal nature.
I've seen your vessels defending themselves from what appeared to be spaceborn organisms that exist in the region. Specifically, I noticed one of your Conference class vessels defend itself from a group of these fast moving aliens. I knew from an attack on our own vessel, the amount of damage these beings could withstand. I was impressed by the amount of firepower coming out of those turrets.
To put it bluntly, I would ask if it is possible to replace the Apollyon's current Cerberus version turrets, with those manufactured of your own design. While the Cerberus variant offers superior damage, the drain on the power core is significant, reducing stamina while in a fight. Projectile speed also suffers, which against fast moving threats (such as these aliens) makes Cerberus type turrets difficult to aim.
The Apollyon is an IMG built Hydra class gunboat. It's mainly charged with defending convoys moving between our mining bases and house space. Occasionally, it is tasked with exploration missions, or diplomatic envoys. It's mainly seen action in Tau 23 and Omega 7, defending our installations from Outcast and Corsair incursions respectively.

Danny Sutherland, Independent Miners Guild

**** Transmission Closed ****

To: Omicroners, Subject: Inquiry - AeternusDoleo - 07-14-2011

**** Retransmission, rerouted over Freeport 9 ****

To: Omicroners, Subject: Inquiry - moebus - 07-14-2011

[Image: 373t3ymz.png]

Greetings Danny Sutherland

I've got some information about mining possibilities in the omicrons. However you should be prepared to conduct these mining activities in a very hostile environment. I am actually computing some data about minerals found in the omicrons. I will contact you as soon my report is ready.

Regarding your technology request we are currently discussing about a new tech management policy, so this could take some time before we have an answer. However be assured that I am trying to speed the process.


Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior
[Image: otransmissionbarsb.png]

To: Omicroners, Subject: Inquiry - moebus - 07-18-2011

[Image: 373t3ymz.png]

Good day M. Sutherland

So regarding potential mining operations in Omicrons I would like to share with you some observations we have made during patrols. During fights occuring around omicron-74 jumphole in omicron-kappa, we saw sometime significant explosions not related to destruction of hostile ships. After investigation, is appeared that some minerals may free some energy when they are shot by lasers. Actually, we did not try to collect this mineral nor to generate the energy from it but there may be a potential you could exploit. Here is an example of explosion:


Additional data may be found here: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Another opportunity for miners would be mining iridium in omicron-delta. I know people are already mining it in this system.

Also, artifacts may be found in the omicrons, but because it is illegal in House space and because Corsairs won't share this business, I guess it is not interesting for you.

Finally, aliens organisms can be harvest in several omincrons systems. However, our financial balance is significantly based on alien organisms exports. Therefore, if you intend to collect aliens organisms we would need to study the impact on Sirius markets of an increase in alien organisms 'production' caused by IMG activity. It is expected an increase of production would lead to a decrease of the price (until the demand do not increase) and therefore is expected to reduce our incomes. So you understand we have to be very cautious about that. However, I am sure it is possible to increase the production of alien organisms without affecting too much its price on Sirius market.

The last thing you need to know is that the omicrons systems are quite dangerous. First, you may encounter nomads. And they will attack you on sight without warning. Also, you may meet quite often: Corsairs, agents of The Order and Bounty hunters. So if you have some problems with these groups it may be very difficult to protect your miners.

I hope these information will be useful for you. Let me know about your intentions.
Best regards.

Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior
[Image: otransmissionbarsb.png]

To: Omicroners, Subject: Inquiry - AeternusDoleo - 07-18-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Danny Sutherland, commander of IMG patrol ship Apollyon
To: Zoner group Omicroners, routed over Freeport XV
Subject: Inquiry
Encryption: Moderate

Mr Moebius,

Thank you for the information. We'll have to send a small prospecting crew down to see if any of the options you suggest are viable. I'd come myself, but the Apollyon is currently in need of repairs after an ambush by Kruger and their lapdogs. A reminder why house space is not the best place for us miners...

Most of our vessels are geared towards solid material mining, basically chewing up rocks. I'm not sure how well they'd do in grinding up these alien artifacts you mentioned. As I recall the Guild has attempted prospects for those before, but unsuccessfully, mainly due to severe Corsair hostilities.
Energy mining... that's a new one. I'm not sure any Sirian corporation has even tried it. I suppose it'll mean figuring out a way to effectively channel that energy into some kind of storage unit. Not sure if it's possible, I'll have to give the R&D boys a call on that one. Interesting, though.
Iridium is something we have limited experience with. Very brittle, although in it's unrefined form, not unlike Beryllium.

As for the dangers you mention... Corsairs are definately not the friendly sort. The Bountyhunters might be able to help alleviate that threat a little if an operation out there is feasable. Nomads... I won't make light of their threat, but from what I saw their presence is fairly minor in most of Sirius. Were they not destroyed at the end of the Nomad war, in 801?
The Order... I don't think the Guild has had much contact with them. We see their vessels from time to time, usually being chased around by the various house navies. They leave us be, and we them. Tends to work out well. Our only lengthy contact with some of them was a few months back, when a group of them set up shop in the Hood perimiter and caused quite a mess there. In the end I think the Brets took those down.

To: Omicroners, Subject: Inquiry - moebus - 07-21-2011

[Image: 373t3ymz.png]

Good day M. Sutherland

I am sorry you have again some trouble in omega-7 with Rheinland corporations.
I've received some good news for the Appollyon, the Omicroners allow you buy and mount Zoners turrets on it. Of course we expect you use it only to defend IMG installations and ships.

Regarding harvesting alien organisms, be sure Omicroners perfectly know the technology required and would agree to share it with IMG.
Also, about nomads, if they are not present in most of Sirius sectors, they are indeed a serious threat in the omicrons, especially in Omicron Kappa and Delta.

Finally, your prospective crew is welcome in Freeport 9 and XV.

Dankien Moebus
Omicroners Senior
[Image: otransmissionbarsb.png]

To: Omicroners, Subject: Inquiry - AeternusDoleo - 07-22-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Danny Sutherland, commander of IMG patrol ship Apollyon
To: Zoner group Omicroners, routed over Freeport XV
Subject: Inquiry
Encryption: Moderate

Mr. Moebus (realised I misspelled your name in my earlier messages, apologies),

First off, thank you for providing our crew with these weapons. Be sure to know we will use them responsibly - that trouble with the Rheinlanders we were referencing is an example on how misplaced technology can lead to trouble. A rogue Hydra called "Fahrenheit" playing assassin for Kruger. But I suppose that is our mess to deal with.

We intend to send a prospecting crew out as soon as circumstances allow. If you are willing to lease or sell us the technology required to get into terraforming organism harvesting, then that's definately something I'll send up the chain. However, recent developments in the Tau borderworlds are troubling and it might be a little while before we can get back out there. From past meetings I know you have had contact with the Gallic Council forces... I'm not sure if they already informed you, but the Gallic Royals seem to be stirring, and it's looking to turn into yet another mess Tauside. If your contact with the Council is on a more permanent basis, it might not be a bad time to see if they need help.

Thank you again for welcoming us. Here's to a hopefully long, and fruitful cooperation.

**** Transmission Closed ****