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I bought a smartphone - Printable Version

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I bought a smartphone - jxie93 - 07-13-2011

After using an old Sony Ericsson K series for almost 3 years now, I thought I'd treat myself and bought a htc Sensation Z710e. This is my very first smartphone and I think it's going to change my life, honestly.

When I opened the box and switched it on, I was bombarded with a wealth of information and apps. I took some time to import and sort out my contacts and played Angry Birds for a few minutes. I'm a total stranger to the Android operating system and it took me a while to realise the functions of the menu button. :$

To those who know me, I think having a smartphone really convinced me to sign up for a social network. I've been trying to stay from it before but nowadays it's almost a requirement with a smartphone. :unsure:

Since I know next to nothing about smartphones, I thought some of you guys will own one, whether or not it's htc and Android based. I'd appreciate any tips and advice you can give (like what I can do with it lol). To those from the UK, I'd also like your opinions and recommendations on 3G mobile internet plans.


I bought a smartphone - Shagohad - 07-13-2011

My friend bought a smart phone then returned it because it was smarter than her. Funny how that works.

And for advice? Read the instructions. Never had a smart phone because I have my PC and patience. It's just too much to have all in one device no bigger than your palm. My cousin has one and it's a bit overwhelming at times what it does and how quickly it does them.

I bought a smartphone - SnakThree - 07-13-2011

Phone a smart person.

I bought a smartphone - r3vange - 07-13-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]I bet 100 disco grand that you'll hate the Adroid after 1 month, then you'll go Apple and you'll hate it too. In the end you will realize that a laptop and an 11 years old Nokia 3310 will do a lot more than the smart phones...
posted from iPhone which I hope has a CPU meltdown

I bought a smartphone - Alex. - 07-13-2011

' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]I bet 100 disco grand that you'll hate the Adroid after 1 month, then you'll go Apple and you'll hate it too.
I bet that you don't have a clue about mobile OSes.

I bought a smartphone - r3vange - 07-13-2011

' Wrote:I bet that you don't have a clue about mobile OSes.

[color=#FFFFFF]I've experienced the buggines of the first and limitation of the latter...

I bought a smartphone - RonG777 - 07-13-2011

I got one myself last X-mas (Blackberry). I never really thought I would see a need for one, but it really comes in handy for my work. People nowadays would rather send you a text or an email instead of a call; plus, it is handy having internet on the fly if you are away from a computer. It's also nice to take a picture or a video and uploaded it right on the spot to a website or another person.

The novelty does wear off after a while; but once you get one, you will most likely keep one from here on out.

Not sure about the services and charges in the UK, but here in the states, get the right plan for your needs or you may be paying a lot more on your bill (How much data will you be needing per month, Location and roaming plans, etc.)

I bought a smartphone - Sandman - 07-13-2011

I got my first smartphone last week, the samsung galaxy S2, it's an amazing device and grows on me every day. I use the e-mail client to get hotmail, the facebook app, the mp3 player, the camera ( with the free version of the vignette app from the app market ) GPS and google maps and especially the RAC free traffic app, it doesn't just give directions it factors in current traffic conditions and offers alternative routes if necessary, really useful on the road. There's also a songwriting app called chordbot which i use a lot. This is just the first week. The apps are interesting but you'll find that there are an awful lot of different versions of the same thing.

I bought a smartphone - Fletcher - 07-13-2011

Download Snake and play it like a boss?

I miss my old Nokia 3310 just for that reason.

I bought a smartphone - Korny - 07-13-2011

Scene tool ... xaxaxaxa.