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To: The Wardens of Sugarland, and Huntsville - Printable Version

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To: The Wardens of Sugarland, and Huntsville - VoteNowLiberty - 07-13-2011

[Image: RepbotTrans.png]
[color=#00CCCC]Greetings, I am here representing the interests of Roy Heliox, and the Tech Department at OCULUS co. I am here to pass on a proposition from the OCULUS corporation. The OCULUS corporation has been recently developing a new device out of the tech department, and we are looking for test subjects for our first wave of trials. Records indicate that both Huntsville, and Sugarland are all ready operating at max capacity due to the major criminal activity within the Liberty sector. While we cannot fully divulge the specifics of this new device, the potential benefit to mankind is massive. We would like to obtain a reasonable size quantity of 1000 of your death row inmates for the purpose of these tests. The OCULUS corporation understands that these are highly dangerous criminals, and we are prepared for any and all situations, rest assured.

This would free up a good sum of your prison, as well as benefit science. Of course the OCULUS corporation is not familiar on what your policy is with the exchange program, and each prisoner that volunteers will be granted a reward sum to his/or her family. Upon completion of our trials, we will leave what is to become of the inmates up to you. If accepted, further documents will be forwarded to you for exchange statements, and waivers, clearing any responsibility from the prisons.

Further negotiation will be considered.


OCRB: A0127B9, representative of the OCULUS corporation.

To: The Wardens of Sugarland, and Huntsville - VoteNowLiberty - 07-14-2011


To: The Wardens of Sugarland, and Huntsville - VoteNowLiberty - 07-15-2011


To: The Wardens of Sugarland, and Huntsville - Bauer - 07-15-2011

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]
PRIORITY:[color=#33FF33] Low
SOURCE: Fort Bush, New York
COMM ID: Deputy Chief Jack Bauer
SUBJECT: Your enquiry

Thank you for contacting us. Due to the nature of this request, Deputy Sinclair and I will take some time in making our decision.

Thank you.

Deputy Chief Jack Bauer
Liberty Police Incorporated

[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]

To: The Wardens of Sugarland, and Huntsville - VoteNowLiberty - 07-16-2011

[Image: RepbotTrans.png]

The OCULUS corporation appreciates your consideration of our request. We look forward to hearing from you.

To: The Wardens of Sugarland, and Huntsville - VoteNowLiberty - 07-20-2011

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[color=#33CCFF][font=System]I am transmitting this on behalf of the OCULUS corporation. We are curious on the status of the pending request.

To: The Wardens of Sugarland, and Huntsville - VoteNowLiberty - 07-22-2011


To: The Wardens of Sugarland, and Huntsville - Bauer - 07-23-2011

[Image: 2cscv1e.jpg]
PRIORITY:[color=#33FF33] Low
SOURCE: Fort Bush, New York
COMM ID: Deputy Chief Jack Bauer
SUBJECT: Re: Your proposal

Apologies for the delay. Before we decide, we'd like to know what kind of research these people may be used for and what this end product is planned to be.

Deputy Chief Jack Bauer
Liberty Police Incorporated

[Image: 2zyik20.jpg]

To: The Wardens of Sugarland, and Huntsville - VoteNowLiberty - 07-23-2011

[Image: RepbotTrans.png]

Greetings again. As mentioned this is a strictly voluntary basis for the deathrow inmates with compensation sent to their families from the OCULUS corporation. However, if it is a security risk you are worried about, then I am allowed to divulge some details on the research. Our product is still within Alpha phase, and as such, releasing to much information is of course dangerous to our company. Competing corporations would kill to obtain any knowledge on our research, as well as rogue agencies.

Below, you will find the latest press release from our company regarding our currently developed product.

' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]
[Image: SWN1.jpg]
Greetings and welcome to a special press release from OCULUS's Sirius News Network. In todays news, Roy Heliox has recently released a statement to the public, regarding a new technological breakthrough that his tech department has been developing. A special conference was held at one of his corporate offices in which all the companies board members were invited. While the public was not allowed to attend, we are told the press release was done through a corporate video feed.

The company has yet to publicly reveal what this breakthrough technology is, but stocks in the company has recently more then tripled in wealth. The OCULUS corporation has always had a extremely good track record for releasing break through technology. The public, and board members alike, are very much hyped up to see what Roy and the tech department has to offer.

Public Release Statement:

Ladies and gentlemen! We are at the dawn of a new age! The OCULUS technology department will soon be revealing its newest break through in science that will forever change our universe as we know it! It shall redefine religion... philosophy... science... art... and the very human condition of life and death! It has the power to end wars between the houses... stop the hunger of the outerworld colonies... and allows man to be his own god, free from moral restraints, and obligations. It shall forever change history!

End Statement:

As you can see, the OCULUS corporation is currently playing its cards very close to the chest, not releasing to much information on what they are actually developing. But, if all that Roy Heliox has promised with it is true, then it shall be a truely defining moment for mankind.

This has been a special press release edition from OCULUS Sirius News. Thank you, and tune in next time.

[Image: NewOculusBW.png]

[font=System][color=#33CCFF]Also, I can divulge that the research is majority based on Nueron research, and connections within the brain. This is to identify key receptors within the brain concerning rage, and other such emotions. It also is to identify key factors that lead to diseases, and the DNA sequences associated with life, and its possible alternation sequences. This is all directly related to our product that is being developed. As for what the end product is designed to be, that is extremely dangerous information to release when our product is only in Alpha trial phase. I can divulge that this is a civilian product that is being developed for future civilian use. Further information will be provided through our waiver documents that will be sent to the inmates if accepted.

To: The Wardens of Sugarland, and Huntsville - VoteNowLiberty - 09-03-2011

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Since this has yet to be responded to, and it serves as a outstanding matter within our OCULUS corporate office, I am here to divulge that this offer will expire within twenty four hours of this response. Our offer will go to another house government, we simple cannot wait a decade for a response.

Thank you, have a good day.

[Image: roysignature.png]