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just an idea i had - Printable Version

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just an idea i had - meoshi - 07-13-2011

wouldn't it be a good idea for das wilde/nomads to infect a faction that gives supplies to all the major house's
such as GMG with the h-fuel or synth food, cause would that be a good way to spread the infection then taking over a military or a single house faction.

just an idea i had - Azan27 - 07-14-2011

[Image: Tekagi.jpg]

Nomad's main export; Glowstick eyeballs.

Overall though, good idea. However, I always imagined them using 'less than legal' traders to spread the infection.

just an idea i had - meoshi - 07-14-2011

maybe make a special commodity just for them like infected synth food or packets of infected material that are slipped in with h-fuel or something.

Jonny: Why is the h-fuel coming out all blue and gooey.
George: All hail the nomads.
Jonny: aww cra....All hail the nomads.