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A thought About the Pirate Train - Printable Version

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A thought About the Pirate Train - Wombat - 02-18-2008

[attachmentid=4470]I was thinking last night, that seeing as how most pirate bases are in debrie feilds of one sort or another it seems a bit strange that the type of tranport they have is a train, so i was thinking how about a whale with a few more guns and retextured, then i remembered seeing this

A thought About the Pirate Train - Dopamino - 02-18-2008

/THAT'S/ where it's from!
I think that would be kinda cool. It would need to have less cargo space or be less maneuverable if its gonna have more guns on it.

A thought About the Pirate Train - Wombat - 02-19-2008

yeah it makes most sense to trade cargo space for guns in this case its the pirate thing to do, i was thinking it would enable pirates to do more cargo based piracy, rather than asking for cash they get trains to drop their high value cargos (Diamonds, gold ect) , near its final destination and then employ third parties (mb corrupt freelancers or smugglers) to sell the cargo for massive profits on nearby lawful planets, befor returning to devide there ill gotton gains.