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To: Zoner Administration Freeport 10 - Printable Version

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To: Zoner Administration Freeport 10 - r3vange - 07-15-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]*Samantha Marquez and Fernando Halsey enter the office both dressed in
black formal wear, Sam steps forward while Fernando stays a bit behind her with a serious yet not intimidating

[color=#FFCCCC]"Greetings, My name is Samantha Marquez, this is Fernando Halsey. We are here on
behalf of the Nación Maltesa. We are looking for two individuals that we need to find as it is a matter of
utmost importance for our nation's security. I hope that you understand the gravity of the situation and help us
locate them. Their names are Anna Prentice and Jake Christoph. Our reports suggest that they have occupied
this station, do you have any information that could help us learn their current whereabouts? Any bit of
information might help and we will be extremely grateful"

To: Zoner Administration Freeport 10 - Skullz - 07-18-2011

Message redirected.

Reply Originates from undisclosued location.


Sorry, it took time for my computer back at home to redirect it to me. At the moment I am on holiday. Very nice here I may say so myself.

However I have no information on those of whom you speak of. Though if I did why would I. I mean Freeport 10 is a nuetral station to its users and such there business there is of there own. I have had no reports of those persons making trouble to the station or any Zoners using who frequent that station either. So either way I have nothing to inform you in your efforts of national security.

I do not see how asking myself would really help me unless I had something to gain. If you understand me. But if you was to consider that, I would still have no information on those persons. Basically I have no personal Knowledge of them being at Freeport 10. However once I do get back I will keep an eye out for them and pass that information on to you if we come to a arrangement of anything really.

Thank you for your time

Kind regards

Steve Vontaan