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Court Hearing in New Berlin - Printable Version

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Court Hearing in New Berlin - Jack_Henderson - 07-19-2011

Sean didn't waste much time. He waited for the legal counselor that the IMG had promised him to send, then boarded a shuttle that flew him straight to New Berlin where the scheduled court hearing between the IMG and Mr. Fahrenheit would take place.

It's a grim smile that his face shows when he exits the New Berlin Hangar, only 5 hours after the Rheinwehr Captain had told him to appear in front of the Court, he draws his winter coat closer around him, as it was freezing cold compared to his normal work place, then registers with the authorities and sends this message.

**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]New Berlin Authorities

** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: sean_henderson.jpg]



Dear Sirs and Madams,

I have just arrived in New Berlin Space Port Delta 6, and I have already registered with the Spaceport Police. I will stay at the Space Port Hotel Freiheit and be on time tomorrow.

Sean Henderson


Court Hearing in New Berlin - Johnny_Walker - 07-20-2011


Court Hearing in New Berlin - Jack_Henderson - 07-20-2011

//I'd say someone that is the judge/jury open the scene with an opening statement right inside the courtroom. Let's not waste time by "they enter the court, etc.". =)

Court Hearing in New Berlin - Jack_Henderson - 07-23-2011

// Am I right to assume that with the flames in Skype, the edited out answer of Fahrenheit and the time elapsed, this rp will never take place?

I love <sarcasm> roleplay that gets stuck half way.

I will continue the rp in the other thread.