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Reputation problem - Printable Version

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Reputation problem - daSkees - 07-20-2011

Good day. I have little problem here. After some time spent relaxing withnout FL, I decided to come back. To make it more interesting I deleted all my ships except my privateer Friendly.Sky. That ship have BAF Guard IFF and privateer ID. Now it have BAF IFF and guard reputation is deeply in hostile. Any idea how that happen? Any solutions? Thanks. A.
By the way..I made new transport - GMG whale with GMG ID and for unknown reason all samura ships and later also all other kusari nearby ships attacked me..maybe something wrong on my side of keyboard? I played long time before withnout any problems.

Reputation problem - Jack-Freeway - 07-20-2011

well about youre baf char i cant help you

And GMG and Kusary lawfulls have had an war i think it has something to do with that

Reputation problem - Hope - 07-20-2011

Certain IDs now have a fixed hostility with certain faction's I'm not sure if this is the case for you, however it does seem like it. I know there should be a list around here that says what IDs are rep fixed to what however I dont know where that list is at this current time.

So by my guess your ID "Fixed" your rep to better suit the correct rep for that ID.

Reputation problem - daSkees - 07-20-2011

To Jack-Freeway: Thanks, I find out something about GMG and Kusari officials in hostile state as well, so that problem with whale is probably this..

To Hope: I used ship at least since christmas 2010 and all the time it was ok. I dont think that BAF Guard reputation is fixed to be hostile to privateer ID which require full guard reputation. Orbital Spa is also hostile now. Bounty hunters.. I never attacked any ship from these factions. Must be something else.