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To Sir Jack Fraser, CC: Captain Torin Marshal - Printable Version

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To Sir Jack Fraser, CC: Captain Torin Marshal - Diomedes - 07-22-2011

****Begin Transmission****

To: Sir Jack Fraser, Commander of Her Majesty's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing
Subject: Regarding the Rheinland War
Origin: Leeds System

[Image: GarethSilves.jpg]

Sir Fraser,

I received a comminque across my desk earlier from one Captain Torin Marshal. He'd requested to speak with anyone bearing the letter of marque. Seeing no harm in hearing the man out, I met with him briefly today.

As it turns out, Marshal commands the Vigilance, the freelancer gunboat that was involved in the Bowex incident that sparked off the war with Rheinland. I hate that we lost a transport there, but I cannot fault Marshal for doing his job.

Regardless of past incidents, Marshal is Bretonian and clearly concerned about this war with Rheinland. For my part, I share his concern. Aye we're a tough people that no one ought to mess with on the level and I'll fight until and past the end, but the pile of enemies is getting high.

With all due respect Sir, we're stretched thin and it's starting to wear down hard. I've seen it in the army on the ground, and once that grating sets in it's bloody hard to shake off. If we can get out of this Rheinland war, it is one less obstacle to overcome and one less element trying to bring us down. And it's that much more focus we can devote to the Kusari.

Beyond the troubles with having Rheinland as an enemy, Marshal had further information that might make peace in Bretonia's best interest. It seems that on Nuremberg they are developing advanced terraforming technology. The kind that could restore Leeds to a balanced planet and finish Planetform's work on Harris. The potential there is undeniable in my eyes, to restore the stripped planets, I can't think we might pass the opportunity up.

In the end Sir Fraser, I'm just a pilot, an ex-secondary fleeter and ex-ground-pounder risen from the ranks. I hold no influence in the command and it's not my place to make those types of decisions. I am forwarding to you what I've found out, and what I see from the conflict.

In abundant obviousness, the decision of what to do with this information is yours. I have left it in your care Sir Fraser, trusting in your judgement and your ability to make noise at the top should you decide to act on it. I personally implore you to do so, at least to find all the facts and consider them seriously.

I have patched Captain Marshal into this channel so he may speak with you directly if you will entertain him. I have used a separate channel and encryption from the regular military ones to prevent any possible attempts at tampering.

Finally, I will append the recording of the discussion I had with Marshal today. I'm sure if you have more questions about the terraforming technologies he will answer what he can.

In faith,

Gareth Silves

****End Transmission****

To Sir Jack Fraser, CC: Captain Torin Marshal - Diomedes - 07-22-2011

****Appended File A
****Black Box Record: Gareth Silves 110724

Quote: [22.07.2011 01:14:06] [FL]-Vindicator: This is Captain Torin Marshal of the Freelancer Gunboat Vindicator
[22.07.2011 01:14:14] [FL]-Vindicator: holding position
[22.07.2011 01:15:01] [FL]-Vindicator: you chaps better not leave me hanging out here....
[22.07.2011 01:16:03] /setchattime on
[22.07.2011 01:16:10] QCP|Gareth.Silves: test
[22.07.2011 01:16:22] /set chattime on
[22.07.2011 01:16:22] OK
[22.07.2011 01:16:53] 2011-07-22 01:17:14 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:16:53] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Wouldn't dream of leaving you hanging out alone.
[22.07.2011 01:17:10] 2011-07-22 01:17:31 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:17:10] [FL]-Vindicator: Marshal: Just you?
[22.07.2011 01:17:37] 2011-07-22 01:17:58 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:17:37] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Aye, couldn't rouse any of the boys for this one.
[22.07.2011 01:18:58] 2011-07-22 01:19:19 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:18:58] [FL]-Vindicator: Marshal: Then let me get to the point. Im Torin Marshal and I hold citizenship here in Bretonia, grew up on New London and
[22.07.2011 01:19:11] /si
[22.07.2011 01:19:11] ERR No information available
[22.07.2011 01:19:18] 2011-07-22 01:19:40 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:19:18] [FL]-Vindicator: worked mainly these systems freelancing all over.
[22.07.2011 01:19:34] 2011-07-22 01:19:55 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:19:34] QCP|Gareth.Silves: I'm listening. Go on.
[22.07.2011 01:20:06] 2011-07-22 01:20:27 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:20:06] [FL]-Vindicator: You chaps are the eyes and ears for the Queen and I want to know why the bloody hell you are fighing a war with Rheinland?
[22.07.2011 01:20:26] Death: Casicus was killed by an NPC
[22.07.2011 01:20:49] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
[22.07.2011 01:20:58] 2011-07-22 01:21:19 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:20:58] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Between you and me captain, the bloody hell if I know. I was away a week or so and came back to the mess.
[22.07.2011 01:21:21] 2011-07-22 01:21:42 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:21:21] QCP|Gareth.Silves: There was the incident with Bowex that started it all, surely. But it's a conflict that's been brewing for some time.
[22.07.2011 01:21:32] 2011-07-22 01:21:53 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:21:32] [FL]-Vindicator: Then you're not the one I need to talk to. Do the Privateers even have leader?
[22.07.2011 01:21:54] 2011-07-22 01:22:15 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:21:54] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Aye. Sir Jack Fraser leads our wing.
[22.07.2011 01:22:19] 2011-07-22 01:22:41 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:22:19] QCP|Gareth.Silves: But if I made my guess, the economics of it all pushed the war to sparking.
[22.07.2011 01:22:35] 2011-07-22 01:22:56 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:22:35] [FL]-Vindicator: Well then you tell jack, it was from MY order that Bowex ship was chased into Omega 3 and destroyed
[22.07.2011 01:23:00] 2011-07-22 01:23:21 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:23:00] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Oh? I suppose you had good reason?
[22.07.2011 01:23:44] Death: Ghost.Flyer was killed by an NPC
[22.07.2011 01:23:51] 2011-07-22 01:24:13 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:23:51] [FL]-Vindicator: More than enough. Bretonia doenst need to hid behind a pirate's skirt to ship out Military hardware, but they do it all the
[22.07.2011 01:23:57] 2011-07-22 01:24:18 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:23:57] [FL]-Vindicator: time...WHY?!
[22.07.2011 01:24:27] 2011-07-22 01:24:49 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:24:27] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Desperation. We're on our last resources. But the Bowex incident, it was the excuse and not the reason for the war.
[22.07.2011 01:26:00] Death: bunz_n._wienerz was killed by an NPC
[22.07.2011 01:26:08] 2011-07-22 01:26:29 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:26:08] QCP|Gareth.Silves: The war started with the economic movements long before that if you ask me. Rheinland got closer to Kusari, which necessarily
[22.07.2011 01:26:19] 2011-07-22 01:26:41 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:26:19] [FL]-Vindicator: The Privateers are the eyes and ears for Her Majesty. If you chaps can convince her the war is a bad Idea the military will
[22.07.2011 01:26:49] 2011-07-22 01:27:10 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:26:49] [FL]-Vindicator: follow. not to side step their relationship with Kusari, but Our nation cannot fight a war on three fronts
[22.07.2011 01:26:50] 2011-07-22 01:27:11 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:26:50] QCP|Gareth.Silves: distanced us from them. Then there were isolated incidents of MND showing up in Bretonia, though I don't know much about them.
[22.07.2011 01:27:22] 2011-07-22 01:27:43 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:27:22] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Agreed. I've spent too much time in Kusari herself to think anything different.
[22.07.2011 01:27:56] 2011-07-22 01:28:17 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:27:56] [FL]-Vindicator: But war with Rheinland? Embargo yes, talks yes but War?!
[22.07.2011 01:28:14] 2011-07-22 01:28:35 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:28:14] [FL]-Vindicator: thats like a man with a broken leg and arm wanting to pick a fight.
[22.07.2011 01:28:43] 2011-07-22 01:29:04 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:28:43] [FL]-Vindicator: They should see Rheinland as a go between Not a all out enemy
[22.07.2011 01:28:55] 2011-07-22 01:29:16 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:28:55] QCP|Gareth.Silves: *chuckles soberly* Unfortunately that does sound like us yes. We were stretched thin before, now it's even worse.
[22.07.2011 01:29:17] 2011-07-22 01:29:39 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:29:17] QCP|Gareth.Silves: That is an interesting way of putting it. But definitely worth something.
[22.07.2011 01:29:31] 2011-07-22 01:29:52 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:29:31] [FL]-Vindicator: And thats it? Bretonia will fall and everyone will pick up the peices?
[22.07.2011 01:29:49] Death: BlackWing was killed by LPI-Narelle.Devin[O] (Mine)
[22.07.2011 01:30:10] 2011-07-22 01:30:31 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:30:10] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Well, that's what I'm here to help prevent. But I've little authority in the BAF command. Sir Fraser can make waves though.
[22.07.2011 01:30:43] 2011-07-22 01:31:04 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:30:43] [FL]-Vindicator: You have to tell him there is still time. Rheinland is not the monster Sirius paints them to be.
[22.07.2011 01:31:16] 2011-07-22 01:31:37 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:31:16] [FL]-Vindicator: They are Rheinlands to be clear, but they are OUR homes best hope. Planetform has no idea what we're trying to do on
[22.07.2011 01:31:28] 2011-07-22 01:31:49 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:31:28] [FL]-Vindicator: Nerumburg
[22.07.2011 01:31:53] 2011-07-22 01:32:14 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:31:53] QCP|Gareth.Silves: And what are these plans for Nuremburg?
[22.07.2011 01:32:06] 2011-07-22 01:32:27 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:32:06] [FL]-Vindicator: Ive been in that system for months now and the one who is putting the peices together has promised me he will supply
[22.07.2011 01:32:29] 2011-07-22 01:32:50 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:32:29] [FL]-Vindicator: the plans for a new type of Terraforming...We making the planet what it was meant to be.
[22.07.2011 01:32:36] 2011-07-22 01:32:57 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:32:36] [FL]-Vindicator: A home.
[22.07.2011 01:33:23] 2011-07-22 01:33:44 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:33:23] [FL]-Vindicator: Leeds is a burnt out shell of what it was, the planet in Tau 31 isnt progressing any more than planned and Our people need
[22.07.2011 01:33:25] 2011-07-22 01:33:46 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:33:25] [FL]-Vindicator: hope
[22.07.2011 01:33:40] 2011-07-22 01:34:01 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:33:40] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Now that is definitely worth knowing. And something command should be aware of. If they truly are nearing the ability to terra
[22.07.2011 01:33:57] 2011-07-22 01:34:18 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:33:57] [FL]-Vindicator: You Have to convince them to stop this war!
[22.07.2011 01:34:02] 2011-07-22 01:34:23 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:34:02] QCP|Gareth.Silves: from to that extent, we must be in a position to benefit.
[22.07.2011 01:34:15] 2011-07-22 01:34:36 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:34:15] QCP|Gareth.Silves: I know Captain. I grew up on Leeds.
[22.07.2011 01:34:25] 2011-07-22 01:34:47 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:34:26] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Now as to what I can do.
[22.07.2011 01:34:57] 2011-07-22 01:35:18 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:34:57] QCP|Gareth.Silves: I will be sure to forward everything you've said directly to Sir Fraser. If you like, I can also provide you a channel on which
[22.07.2011 01:35:18] 2011-07-22 01:35:39 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:35:18] QCP|Gareth.Silves: to reach him. Nothing formally military, just a line of contact.
[22.07.2011 01:35:31] 2011-07-22 01:35:53 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:35:32] [FL]-Vindicator: Thats a step in the right direction at least.
[22.07.2011 01:35:55] 2011-07-22 01:36:16 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:35:55] QCP|Gareth.Silves: But if this terafforming has even a 25% chance of working, Bretonia needs to know and take measures.
[22.07.2011 01:36:22] 2011-07-22 01:36:42 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:36:22] Silver.Reaver.: *Yawns*
[22.07.2011 01:36:29] 2011-07-22 01:36:50 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:36:29] [FL]-Vindicator: Look, Im a freelancer, but above all Im Bretonian, but I choose sides when I started firing on out ships breaking laws...
[22.07.2011 01:37:03] 2011-07-22 01:37:25 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:37:03] [FL]-Vindicator: Our people are better than theives, we can make arangements and contracts and keep promises. ....
[22.07.2011 01:37:09] 2011-07-22 01:37:30 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:37:09] QCP|Gareth.Silves: I don't blame your actions Captain. You did your job. As I do mine in Kusari.
[22.07.2011 01:37:22] 2011-07-22 01:37:44 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:37:22] QCP|Gareth.Silves: And I agree totally.
[22.07.2011 01:38:02] 2011-07-22 01:38:23 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:38:02] [FL]-Vindicator: We still have time, but not much. I'll hold out in Leeds for as long as I can and contact Jack here
[22.07.2011 01:38:39] 2011-07-22 01:39:00 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:38:39] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Aye. Once I put down I'll forward you that line immediately.
[22.07.2011 01:38:57] 2011-07-22 01:39:18 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:38:57] [FL]-Vindicator: Thank you.
[22.07.2011 01:39:31] 2011-07-22 01:39:52 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:39:31] QCP|Gareth.Silves: And captain, whatever happens from here. You have my respect for showing up and passing this along.
[22.07.2011 01:39:54] Death: [XTF]-Zaza- committed suicide
[22.07.2011 01:40:10] 2011-07-22 01:40:31 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:40:10] [FL]-Vindicator: We're all in this in one way or another.
[22.07.2011 01:40:27] 2011-07-22 01:40:48 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:40:27] QCP|Gareth.Silves: That's bloody true.
[22.07.2011 01:40:48] Death: Smiling-Chubby was killed by an NPC
[22.07.2011 01:41:05] 2011-07-22 01:41:26 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:41:05] [FL]-Vindicator: Thank you Sir. We'll head on out and talk about this another day
[22.07.2011 01:41:05] 2011-07-22 01:41:26 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:41:05] QCP|Gareth.Silves: Alright. I'll head down and get to that paper work. Safe flying captain and godspeed, wherever you find yourself.
[22.07.2011 01:41:25] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 4 hours.
[22.07.2011 01:41:25] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 4 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
[22.07.2011 01:41:53] 2011-07-22 01:42:14 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:41:53] [FL]-Vindicator: FLy safe, Privateer.
[22.07.2011 01:41:59] 2011-07-22 01:42:19 SMT
[22.07.2011 01:41:59] QCP|Gareth.Silves: You too captain

****End of File