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To zoners From lns-rodrigo (secondary fleet) - Printable Version

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To zoners From lns-rodrigo (secondary fleet) - mio_cid - 07-22-2011

*transmission started*
*loading zoner template*

Your name: Rodrigo De Vivar
Affliations: Liberty Navy
Exact transponder ID: LNS-Rodrigo
You registerd ID: Lyberty Navy Guard ID

Exact equipment requested: 5 Zoner Gunboat Turrets

Your intended use of our equipment: Escorting, Protecting traders during liberty passage.

You understand that our equipment is not to be used in an offensive way nor shall it be used against any Zoner?: Absolutely.

You understand that if you break any of our usage conditions we will reclaim the equipment?: Absolutely.

Any comments you have:

basically me and my crew think that those turrets will help a lot, to keep the security in ny and sorroundings.
we really need that firepower to match the pirates, xenos, terrorist ext that threaten peace and free commerce in liberty space. i understand the rules of use. hey!!! i`m lawfull. think that zoner transports passing liberty could be attacked too (not quite probably, but possible) and if zoner helps our crew, well is not helping only zoners, but all free traders...
we are just secondary fleet, but we do our work.

Friendily yours,
Rodrigo de vivar.-

*Transmission end*

To zoners From lns-rodrigo (secondary fleet) - Tenshu - 07-22-2011

----Incoming Transmission----
----Zoner signature detected ----
----Encyption key detected [---
----Decoding message ---
----Zoner ID verified----
----ID: Temporary Autonomous Zoner----
----Operator: Xavier Triton----

Hail Mr De Vivar,

With regret, the TAZ are unable to service your request for Zoner Gunboat Turrets.
Our current diplomatic situation prohibits us from allowing our producers to do so at
this time.

The OSI and/or Omicroners may be able to help you in this regard.
I advise you to direct this message to them specifically.

[Image: XTritonSigniture.png]
Xavier Triton
The Trident of Eris, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin

---Ending Transmission---

To zoners From lns-rodrigo (secondary fleet) - mio_cid - 07-22-2011

*start transmission*
*no encription detected*

Location: LNS-rodrigo.

Ohh shame, we really need those guns to put some balance on the table... this will just make our work hard..
We understand, and thank for your fast response sir.
We will try with your brother as you said...

*end transmission*