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OCULUS co. - Printable Version

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OCULUS co. - VoteNowLiberty - 07-24-2011

[Image: NewOculusBW.png]
The OCULUS Company

[font=Agency FB]
ID - Artificial Intelligence & Freelancer Pirate (this is used for Roys special teams and the hostile intentions of the Zealots, consider it a placeholder for now)

IFF - None/Freelancer


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[size=medium]◊ Summary ◊

[color=#CCCCCC]OCULUS co. was founded in 818A.S. by CEO Roy Heliox. The company started out as a simple technology firm that quickly expanded into a leading company in technology. Over the course of several months the company grew to exponential heights in the stock market thanks to a new device that had come straight out of the OCULUS Technology Department, a breakthrough technology in media feeds. The Media Division was soon created afterwards, and has since then grown to over 500,000 channels Sirius Wide, including the famous OCULUS Sirius News Station. The company seems to have outsourced a majority of its jobs to company created androids over the years, and few humans are seen that are not stuck behind desks. With the thousands of media stations the company has, it racks in millions of dollars a day. Roy Heliox, the company's CEO, is a complete mystery. No history has yet to be found on this multi-billionaire, but rumors have spread all over Sirius that he is some crazy mad man, a robot, big foot, and even a nomad. Most rumors are easily dismissed with a simple laugh, but the question still remains on who Roy Heliox is, and what direction he has intended for his company.

OCULUS co. continues today to dwell into the exploration of new technologies, and release break through to the public, earning them vasts amount of credits. Rumor has it, their research is not always "legal" and that there many network stations are used to cover up what their doing. Nevertheless, the company has a dark side underneath all its televised glory, and Roy Heliox has been called one of Sirius's largest network whales of his time.

[Image: HQ123.jpg]

A more detailed History can be found {Still to come} Including a prologue and events leading up to recent history. This knowledge is of course all provided OORP, because it is very highly guarded within RP.

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[size=medium]◊ Company Structure ◊

[color=#CCCCCC]Within OCULUS co., exists two different major divisions, followed by a vast assortment of others. One being the Media division, which is in charge of the Sirius News, and several other networks. The technology department on the other hand is a much older division that has been around since the company originated. The tech department is often used by Roy as a way to conduct his research in private. Both departments are considered a front for Roy'€™s true intentions. Roy uses the company to fund his research, and keep his identity secret. His massive revenues are often secretly funding outside interests, and his own plans. His company is very much a monopoly in the media industry, and he is now seeking out to not only controll all media interests, but monopolize the entire galactic market.

But, what few know is Roy'€™s true identity, and he goes to great lengths to keep it a secret. He often uses his media division to influence actions within certain areas, and spark conflicts that are in the best interest of his company. Rumors have been circulating that he has his own twisted army, referred to as the Shattered. Once human, they were manipulated by Roy and experimented on within his labs. They were transformed into twisted metal beings that serve his purposes in secret, gathering stray citizens for his experiments. The more lethal ones, are referred to as Purifiers. Their goal is simple, to serve the purposes of Roy, and if there is a problem standing in the way of the company that problem has been known to disappear, never to be heard from again. What Roys overall goal is, is not yet clear. But, with his vast knowledge in robotic, and drone technology, nothing good can come of it. The truth behind OCULUS is a mystery, and a very well guarded one.

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[size=medium]◊ Media Division ◊

[color=#CCCCCC]As part of the cover front, the OCULUS news stations will often report on key issues to take the public eye off their own corporation. They report on anything news worthy, often adding in their own political views. A unknown code has been found within the broadcast, no one yet knows what it is, but the corporate conspiracy theorists believe it is some form of subliminal brain washing frequency. The truth is.. that it is probably not to far from the truth.

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[size=medium]◊ The Company ◊

[font=Agency FB][color=#CCCCCC]
Rank Structure ~
[color=#33CCFF]CEO -
[color=#FFFFFF] Roy Heliox ~ A machine that achieved sentience long ago, he hides and passes off as human. He leads the OCULUS corporation, and while his goals are unclear, he uses his power to push his own goals, and secretly plots to monopolize the galactic market in order to assert his own obsession of power. Story has it amongst his secret metal monstrocities that he was built by the harvesters to exist among the humans, learn, and plot their downfall, but after the fall of the harvesters, he began following his own protocol. ( see {Soon to come} )

[Image: robot_blame_by_Fin18-1.jpg]
Board Members - Financial geniuses, and board trustees, all puppets of Roy who has promised them riches beyond their dreams.

Corporate Intel Services - Former intelligence officers, they gather Intel on the competition and conduct espionage, allowing Roy to keep tabs on other Corporations. Like the board members, Roy uses them to his advantage, promising them riches beyond their dreams and making those that dare doubt, or turn against him, vanish forever. The division is mixed with humans and corporate bots, though it is likely you could tell the difference, as every Intel branch employee is highly fitted with company electronics. Perhaps it may even alter their behavior...

OCULUS Drones - Collect media, are considered to be links into the companies infrastructure and offices.
These were among Roy'€™s first experimentations with drone technology. Rumor has it some of them were the results of experiments in transferring a human beings mind into robotic vessels to follow his will. The first batch were considered to be uncontrollable and were attempted to be eradicated. Few have survived and managed to hide themselves among the Drone vessels in secret.

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Underground of OCULUS
Shattered - Roy'€™s secret army that carries out his plans.

Purifiers - Roy'€™s commissioned army, built out of twisted metal, and the minds of human beings. They carry out secret operations for him, often terroristic in nature.

Zealots - among the oldest in Roy'€™s secret garrison. They were among the very first to ever undergo the process of transformation. There is no traces of humanity left in these twisted droids. Roy'€™s will is swiftly carried out. They often target rival corporations in black op missions.

[Image: Robot_and_Slaves_by_ConceptArtOrg-1.jpg]

[font=Agency FB]
Flown Ships ~
Civilian --
  • [color=#33CCFF]
  • [color=#FFFFFF]Starflier
  • [color=#FFFFFF]Startracker
  • Starblazer
  • Civilian Shuttle
  • Tiger Shark
  • Basalt
  • Ki
  • Arrow
  • Hawk
  • Griffin
  • Kingfisher
  • Marauder
  • Moldy Crow
  • Saishi
  • Falcon
  • Virage
  • Dacite
  • Wasupu
  • Touketsu
  • Eagle
  • Mafic
  • Waran
  • Roc

  • AI Drone -(restricted to Media Drones only with AI ID, as of ID changes)
[font=Agency FB]
Goals ~

-Monopolizing the galactic market to assert power
-Galactic domination of OCULUS and its interests

Our goal is to provide the community will excellent shady corporation RP, along with hostile AI RP. (With the current restriction on the AI ID, in regards to engagement, OCULUS relies on RP for the time being, unless engaged.)

[font=Agency FB][color=#CCCCCC]
Future ~
OCULUS is developing through phases in RP. As of right now, everything is considered to be highly secretive. The company operates ruthlessly in business, and conducts secret operations outside of the publics knowledge using their media influence to smudge out any accusations against them. They have been known to even influence officials with their power that they assert in the galactic market.

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[size=medium]◊ Diplomacy ◊

[font=Agency FB][color=#CCCCCC]
The Corporation ~
[font=Agency FB]


All (Unless fired upon)

House corporations, house police

Treaties & Agreements
The Vagrants

[font=Agency FB]
The Shattered, Underground Of OCULUS ~
[font=Agency FB]


OCULUS Corporate Members



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{All information is subject to change, and WILL most likely be changed. Further information will be added}

[color=#FFCC00]You can contact me through skype on my profile page: Here

<div align="right]*Designed by Avalanche

OCULUS co. - VoteNowLiberty - 07-26-2011

All feedback is welcome as well.

OCULUS co. - Azan27 - 07-26-2011

Make more newscasts please.

OCULUS co. - VoteNowLiberty - 07-27-2011

hah. there are more on the way

OCULUS co. - VoteNowLiberty - 07-30-2011

bump. Any feedback is great

OCULUS co. - Avalanche - 07-30-2011

Reply to my skype. :D

OCULUS co. - VoteNowLiberty - 07-30-2011


OCULUS co. - VoteNowLiberty - 10-17-2011

<strike>[color=#FF0000]Update: All activites have been put on hold, but we are recruiting anyone interested.</strike>

OCULUS co. - VoteNowLiberty - 11-16-2011


OCULUS co. - Azan27 - 11-17-2011

I'm greatly enjoying the "Onboard the Renegades Flagship" story. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.