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5 million and my weapons have gone? - Printable Version

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5 million and my weapons have gone? - Evil Execution - 02-20-2008

OK let me explain,

When i first started on the Discovery server i flew straight to Theta, Gamma etc. After generous people donated credits to me i bought a Titan and joined the corsairs. I am still friendly with Liberty space so i decided to fly back there and become unfriendly as thats how it should be , hence my reputation being messed up i tried to alter it by destroyer CPU ships.

I wasn't able to do this as i was being shot down by Liberty players so i had to dock in califonia or it might of been in liberty somewhere. This was at 1am this morning, now i started work at 7am so had to get some sleep. I have just logged in now and have no money and no credits and im back in Crete.

I made alot of this money myself and now have nothing, can someone please tell me how i can have my credits/weapons restored as this is not fair at all. It's took me alot of hours play to get this ammount of credits etc and i dont plan on doing all that again.

Of cause this must of been done by an admin and i apologise if theres a rule that forbids you from docking in another system for too long, but please dont take my credits, by all means take the weapons i can easily get those back, but 5 MILLION?? come on please restore my credits.

Thanks in advance.

5 million and my weapons have gone? - Tic - 02-20-2008

Well, to be honest, 5 mil aint such a big money on this server, more of a pocket change...

But if you were sanctioned you must PM an admin or post in Discovery 24/7 RP Rules thread.

5 million and my weapons have gone? - DBoy1612 - 02-20-2008


5 million and my weapons have gone? - Blodo - 02-20-2008

Let me clarify what you have done yesterday.
- You were a corsair in NY, and that is completely out of RP for corsairs have no business in NY altogether
- You were killed, and then re-engaged multiple times, you would've been allowed free passage out of the system but you continued re-engaging people
- You docked on multiple lawful bases in Liberty, which is again out of RP.

You shouldn't have been there in the first place, if you want to explore, make a character that is neutral to most factions (like a Zoner).
Here's the link to the sanction:

5 million and my weapons have gone? - Evil Execution - 02-20-2008

Ahwell even tho i dont think this is fair since i'm new to the server and just wanted to fix my rep, it is done now.

Blodo -

Please dont assume anything, i was peacefully flying around in manhatton and was attacked by outcasts, then liberty plays decided to join in, i docked for sheilds etc so i could try and escape but when i undocked i was killed again, i finally made it out of liberty only to be killed by a BH player which reverted me back into califonia as i didnt dock close to where i was killed.

By this point i just gave up and went to bed for work, remember this was 1am or later i started work at 7am, if this was earlier in the day i would of returned to planet Crete, but of cause as mentioned above it seemed imposible.

A slap on the wrist/return me to crete with my ship/credits intact would of been the best option, but you all know how its turned out.

Im just dissapointed in the punishment, but thats how it is so i'll stop complaining.

5 million and my weapons have gone? - Blodo - 02-20-2008

I am not assuming anything, I'm just pointing out that as a Corsair you are not allowed to dock with lawful bases. You are also not allowed to re-engage. That was why you were sanctioned.

5 million and my weapons have gone? - Malaclypse 666 - 02-20-2008

Look on the bright side of life, bud, to paraphrase Eric Idle.

Now that you've lost 5 Mil, your level may be low enough that these jerks won't bother you while fixing your rep and returning to Crete.

Way to go, Liberty fascists and shysters. Is there a one of you who hasn't had to go somewhere which doesn't quite fit RP in order to jigger your rep?

Another new player potentially strung up in "trial by forum".. Meh.

5 million and my weapons have gone? - bluntpencil2001 - 02-20-2008

On the plus side, your rep got fixed by Tony.

It's just like getting an unlawful bribe, just a wee bit more expensive...

5 million and my weapons have gone? - chopper - 02-20-2008

I don't know if it's done by now, maybe, maybe not, but you might even get your 5 million back.
I am the one who reported you for docking on a lawful base, and I may have been wrong.
It's just that I'v been under constant siege by Corsair players, I'v got sick of it, so it might have fogged my judgement.
If you really spent a lot of time earning those credits, by doing missions and such, I can give them back to you (let's call it a loan).

Anyway, you should really read the rules here and follow them by all means.
You even had those in your cargo once you started.
Ignorance isn't an excuse for breaking the rules, I'm afraid.

You might even try to join one of the factions.
If you are a Corsair, try joining one of the Corsair factions (clans, for example, TBH, Benitez, OPG etc).
They can show you the way how to play on this server, and how to behave.

I'v been spending too much time on my LPI characters it seems, I am starting to loose my nerves.
Sorry again, I had no idea you are a new chump on this server.

And, may I say, welcome to Discovery.:)

@Tic - That may be small money for your Advanced Trains and hordes of Liners, but some people actually did missions in the start, to earn their money.
I know i did.
When i earned my first 100k i was simply delighted!

5 million and my weapons have gone? - Evil Execution - 02-20-2008

Yeah man, i was hard done by. Life a B init?