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FOnline 2238 - Evan_ - 07-25-2011

So yeah. A disco member called my attention to it. I was like - meh, that can't be good. I watched a video, and I felt even more 'meh' - it shown unlimited pvp whorage.

But I listened to two guys discussing it in a skype-room, and I thought why not give it a try.

I got impressed in an hour.

So it has a highly unfriendly world. If getting blown by pirates here annoys you, that game is not for you. Big cities swarm of pickpockets, and if you meet a player out in the wastes, they often shoot first and ask no questions. 'Peace' is a common greeting, but you often feel a question mark after it.. There are no rules. You can stand in the NCR capitol and shout rudenesses as you like - until someone gets bored and guts you. Scams are common - don't give your armor to anyone who says he'll repair it for free.

So be prepared for an extremely harsh and wasteful beginning. Reading the wiki and teaming up helps a lot - but make sure you trust the guy who you lead to your secret hideout what took you so much sweat to build from Brahmin hides..

After you get established and familiar, things are getting brighter. There are a lot of things to craft from collected plants, hunted critters and mined resources. The economy is quite complex. Let me give an example: I spawn in an urban area, with nothing on me - as usual. I take some metal junk to the nearby forest where I can find a flint stone, what makes a highly breakable stone-ax to chop wood. From the wood and the junk I can make knives, what's used to harvest fibers from a certain plant - and for self defense. If I hunt geckos successfully with my knife, I only need to get to a city with a workbench to make a leather armor of gecko-hides with the fiber. And it goes on and on up to brahmin-carts that gets your ore out of the mines to smelt powerarmors and rocket-launchers. And more.

So... If you have nothing to do, want to try something highly addictive, and doesn't get disappointed from the last century graphics, or being killed and looted a lot - take a look.

I might make a skype channel for questions and help for people originating from here - until than, buy or craft a radio, and find us on '486' Mhz. If it gets too spammed and annoying, we might move to another frequency.

FOnline 2238 - Madvillain - 07-25-2011

sounds like a cool game!

FOnline 2238 - ulfsarkhuskarl - 07-25-2011

Looks like a game that will get me bored in a couple of days, same as all browser games.

FOnline 2238 - Tomtomrawr - 07-25-2011

They're also making a new online Fallout. Check it out here.

I've never liked the look of the old Fallouts. Look like Runescape. But if they weren't such bad games I would play them just to know more about the Fallout universe and the background of factions such as the Enclave and NCR.

FOnline 2238 - Evan_ - 07-25-2011

' Wrote:Looks like a game that will get me bored in a couple of days, same as all browser games.
You know man, I really hope that will be the same with me. Really do.

FOnline 2238 - Vladimir - 07-25-2011

Meh. 2238 is NOTHING compared to Fonline TLA in it's highest hour, i tell you. It was... nice.

Shame everything good ends. As for fonline, it ended when TLA turned the droploot off, and then it died again after the Terminator perk.

Open Beta 2 was the best time, or so people say. Closed beta 3 was nice, if only for a few days it got raided. Open Beta 3 was nice up to the droploot point i mentioned. Everything else that came later - meh.

I tried playing 2238, it was waay too boring and fast paced. Super-fast respawns, different respawn zoners (EDIT: ZONES! ZONES! OMG DISCO WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME) people from the outside can't enter, running in battle, etc. etc. - no fun.

While in TLA, huh, how about 20 people blocking off the exit from Hell and killing everyone trying to respawn? That's a good rp. And no "sanctions for rude words", hah.

Oh and sneak was actually working at a godlike level. It was, like, at sneak 200 you were seen only at some 10 hexes. So there was nothing better than getting into random encounter, see some 5 people getting exp on, say, centaurs, waiting a bit and then killing them all. Or just making an ambush right next to New Reno and killing everybody who got into it. Or stealing cars by making ambushes at parking lot and killing everybody. Or yelling racist comments on open radio frequences and watching people go mad. And defending bases and getting the loot from them while killing everybody who enter. Or taking the base, killing everybody you see. Or running around with 354534534 doses of Jet and addicting everybody. Or being a suicide bomber, hiding a TNT on you and then infiltrating some pussy RP event and BOOM! And then imagine the same with a lot of suicide bombers. Or i had a "doctor" character who was travelling around offering to heal all he sees, while he had like 5% in first aid and doctor, so all he actually could do is break some more limbs. But it didn’t matter, because he always had a tnt with him, so after he failed to heal he just yelled “I FAILED AT LIFE” and blew himself. Or how about placing a remote-controlled bomb on you for a raid, so when you die you watch your corpse and wait it to get looted, and then you detonate the bomb from another pc, watching your enemies and just blue pijama people who wanted some free loot getting blown to bits. Or just going to town and killing everything, enjoying the screams and curses and people trying to run out of town to the other side only to find it also protected by another group of yours, finding it out only some 5 hexes away from the exit when they suddently had a gauss shot in the eyes from some sneaked man. Ah, the fun of fallout online.

Also canadians. They were fun to fight. A highly organized group of people talking french and killing everybody, that was pretty much like us.

Good memories. I might bump the thread with some screens, if I manage to find any without words that’d get me banned in 5 minutes.

FOnline 2238 - Vladimir - 07-25-2011

' Wrote:They're also making a new online Fallout. Check it out here.

I've never liked the look of the old Fallouts. Look like Runescape. But if they weren't such bad games I would play them just to know more about the Fallout universe and the background of factions such as the Enclave and NCR.

Wait, what are you talking about? Do you mean that you've been playing only oblivions with guns and couldn't play the real fallouts because graphics were not shiny enough? Oh man.

FOnline 2238 - r3vange - 07-25-2011

[Image: 1305473174929.gif]3

[color=#FFFFFF]My face when people say the new fallouts are better than the old ones because of the graphics

I don't quite like the idea of a Fallout MMORPG ...especially one being developed by a Bulgarian studio...

FOnline 2238 - Evan_ - 07-25-2011

' Wrote:Wall of text.
Hope you don't take it personal - if I decipher your words correctly, I'm glad that all (or most) of those 'good' things ended and you don't enjoy it anymore.

FOnline 2238 - Vladimir - 07-25-2011

Well actually, they still go on, the only difference is that it now has a levelcap at 21 level, meaning no sniper perk and numbers over quality, which is boring.

As for 2238, it has pretty much the same but more fast paced and with less consequences, thus boring.