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Commodity suggestion - Printable Version

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Commodity suggestion - Gemini893 - 07-27-2011

Would it be possible to make a commodity perishable unless it is in certain types of ships?

Here's the idea:
People are not meant to be cramped in a cargo hold. What if they started to die off unless a proper ship were used?

Proposed ships to prevent people from dying: (possibly others that don't come to mind at the moment)
Armored Transport
All Liners
Luxury Yacht

Proposed commodities to make this change for:
Human Organs
Slaves (this one will get me in trouble with the smugglers)
Spaceship Crew

Commodity suggestion - Erasmas - 07-27-2011

Well it's true that human cargo should be carried only in proper vessels; on the other hand, though, hardly any route would last long enough to make people die of discomfort:PYour idea has the right concept behind it, but it's a bit too drastic imo.

Commodity suggestion - Jinx - 07-27-2011

passengers in all their shape come WITH a cabin. - so you don t really just take a human aboard - but you buy a fully equipped travelling cabin ( that might be a luxory cabin, a cryosleep tube, a high security cell etc. )

Commodity suggestion - Gaz83 - 07-28-2011

VIPs, tourists, etc, do look weird in say, a stork.

But I don't think refugees would care whether they're in a cargo hold or not.
And prisoners and slaves haven't really got a choice.

Commodity suggestion - komarov - 07-28-2011

' Wrote:VIPs, tourists, etc, do look weird in say, a stork.

But I don't think refugees would care whether they're in a cargo hold or not.
And prisoners and slaves haven't really got a choice.

This logic can be extended further, since regular civilians in all their shapes and colours don't have to charter the ship that is taking on tourists / V.I.P.s ... right now. With that in mind it would probably be a breach of contract for them to just die of discomfort. :rtfm:

Anyway, all of the named cargos are, by and large, compatible with any cargo ship. Organs, for instance, travel in an icebox at the very mininum, which they should never, ever leave until implantation. It matters not if they get to their destination in a cushy ambulance with flashing lights, speeding through trade lanes, or in a tanker ship, plowing through whatever resistance is offered (including speeding amublances. Evade, in this thing? I don't think so!).
Passengers, too, come in their own seperate boxes, as has been pointed out. Even if not it is probably a trivial matter to pressurise cargo holds or pods, outfitting them with a few living comforts before you get your cattle prod and start herding.

... probably a good thing I don't run a passenger ship ...

Oh, a more gamerelated thought: If you start restricting cargo in this manner, you have to do it the other way around, too.
No storing MOX fuel in the empty passenger cabins on your way back from godforsaken tourist-resort 79. Filling empty prisoner cells with water? Also a no go.
So no or little non-living commodities for liners etc.

It might also thow up issues with transport pricing if some ships now lose capabilities that others with similar cargo ratings may retain.

Commodity suggestion - Gemini893 - 07-28-2011

I just thought it would encourage more role play for those that trade in human commodities. Slavers using a slave or prison liner makes more sense than using a pirate train, for example.

My initial thought was that this could become another hook like the mining hook, but I can see why people would resist the idea of people getting sick and possibly dying for being in holds that weren't meant for people.

In the old slaving days a couple hundred years ago, many slaves lost their lives to disease while in the holds of ships crossing the oceans. I was simply thinking to extend that reality to the game.

Thanks to everyone for the comments and opinions, I do appreciate them.

Commodity suggestion - Dab - 07-28-2011

It'd be far easier to code a block on FLHook to prevent certain ships from purchasing certain commodities, like a Stork not being allowed to buy Passengers, while the Luxury Liner would be. Adjusting perishing values could probably be done, but it'd be more work.

Commodity suggestion - Hielor - 07-28-2011

' Wrote:It'd be far easier to code a block on FLHook to prevent certain ships from purchasing certain commodities, like a Stork not being allowed to buy Passengers, while the Luxury Liner would be. Adjusting perishing values could probably be done, but it'd be more work.
Still a bad idea.

If I want to RP that the cargo pods on my Stork are actually passenger pods, nothing should stop me from doing so.