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To Mr. Tycus Dekker - Printable Version

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To Mr. Tycus Dekker - Lusitano - 07-28-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*

Greetings Mr. Dekker

In case you don't know, i have another business proposal Business proposal II

And i would like to give you Job 8. Job 8 is very simliar to last job we had. I need fully operational 20 vehicles. This vehicles are non tactical and no weapons need to be mounted. The list are:

1 vehicle
[Image: man_sx45.jpg]

4 vehicles
[Image: man_sx45_l4.jpg]

2 vehicles of the same model of previous but tanker version for the fire deparment

6 vehicles
[Image: mungo.jpg]

6 vehicles of the same model of previous but MK3 version

1 vehicle
[Image: bv_206.jpg]

For that and your description i will pay 15.000.000 credits. All vehicles must be in good condictions and no weapons and no electronic equipment must be mounted.

I wait for you answer.

Best regards


To Mr. Tycus Dekker - SA_Scavenger - 07-28-2011

<div align="right][Image: tycusdekkertb2.png]

Ah Mr Viriato

Glad to hear from you so soon. Let's see now, you want military type utility and transport vehicles, without the protection of the added weapons. This should be a simple job of bribing a friend of mine to first purchase the vehicles from the proper authorities and then strip the usual small arms weapon mounts. Actually, this works greatly to my advantage.

I can assure you that this in no way will compromise your vehicles and I will get these to you as soon as the proper hands have been greased.

Once again it's a pleasure doing business with you Mr Viriato. These will be at Gran Canaria by tomorrow.


Tycus Dekker

[Image: tycusdekkertbend.png]

//Just need to ask what you mean by "For that and your description"? Bit confused by that.

To Mr. Tycus Dekker - SA_Scavenger - 07-29-2011

<div align="right][Image: tycusdekkertb2.png]

G'day Mr Viriato

My smuggler friend has just confirmed delivery with me. A couple of bribes here and there have once again done the trick. The vehicles were first purchased and then shipped to Bornholm Depot to strip the weapons and electronics, obviously not the electronics needed to drive the vehicles though. The cargo manifest, according to the Zoner customs official at the Gran Canaria Star Port, is in order.

Military Utility and Transport Vehicle Delivery Scan

I hope you don't mind if I keep the weapons? The electronics were sold to the Junkers on Bornholm Depot for both their work and silence on this matter. Please send the credits to .:j:.Dredger as always.

I think that completes the arrangement. It's always a pleasure working for you, Mr Viriato. And don't worry, my silence and that of the people I work with is always guaranteed! I do hope your new settlement is well underway and don't hesitate to call on the Congress or myself again for any of your business needs.


Tycus Dekker

[Image: tycusdekkertbend.png]

To Mr. Tycus Dekker - Lusitano - 07-29-2011

*From New Lusitania, Gran Canaria*

Greetings Mr. Dekker

The vehicles are fine. No weapons and tactical electronic is need it. They are just to cary workers and machinary on bad conditions roads, two are for the fire department and one is for research and that will be custom equipped.

The money was already sent.

Until we meet again, best regards and safe journeys
