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To the [LN], [LPI] and all Libertonians - Printable Version

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To the [LN], [LPI] and all Libertonians - Azzameen - 07-30-2011

My fellow Libertonians and vistors and traders of Liberty.

It seems that the Liberty Navy is once again wasting our taxpayer money by sitting around in their capital ships, all grouped in one area, only to then push us aside like Rheinlanders when we query this. Apparently it is the LPI's job to enforce the law and despite the pirate threat being very real, they decide that 5 capital ships sitting outside Planet Houston for several hours is neccesary in the defense of Liberty against Rheinland. In fact, I saw no patrols in progress. They just sat there... doing nothing. Also, I saw no liberty ship enforcing the embargo on Rheinland. I ship Robotic Components to LPI Sugarland and the amount of currently illegal cargo going through Texas bound to/from Rheinland was incredible.


Now I am but a humble trader but I thought the Navy assists the LPI and LSF in all duties. Of course, the defense of Liberty against Rheinland is important, but is this really an efficient use of our forces? The presence of a Liberty Dreadnaught is enough to scare off any pirates without even engaging them. There was pirates rampant in New York and California and yet the defense of Planet Houston required a force big enough for an invasion!

Furthermore, we are in a state of war. I find the Navy blaming the LPI for crime and then sitting on their backsides ignoring the issue to be highly unprofessional. You would find quite a few patriots would also find it treason.

When are the Navy, LPI and LSF going to stop blaming each other and work as a unit and serve the people of Liberty instead of sitting around and getting paid to chatter.

Tomaas Azzameen
Twin Suns Transport Services

To the [LN], [LPI] and all Libertonians - Jeremy Hunter - 07-30-2011

[Image: 1zmnvh5.png]
An image appears on the screen
[Image: Fl-OR.png]
As a proud Libertonian, it pains me to see the blood of Liberty's finest shed in a fool's war. And it pains me when such blood is sent from their vigil in Liberty to perish in Omicron Minor.

We fight a war to save Liberty, yet are cast out. They hide the threat from you, and send your ships to our home. Five Seige Cruisers invaded. Instead of defending Liberty. They fight us, and not the Nomads.

You were unaware of the threat, and now you are aware.

Got it memorised?

[Image: 3448ggn.png]

To the [LN], [LPI] and all Libertonians - Azzameen - 07-31-2011


To the [LN], [LPI] and all Libertonians - Saberuneko - 07-31-2011

**Incoming Transmission**
[Image: saberunekoheader.png]
Sender: Saber Nyoki
Recipient: All Libertonian Frequencies
Location: San Jacinto Station - Virginia System

As a kinda low ranked and somehow individually working Navy Officer, I cannot argue with the tactics decided by the high command of Libertonian forces, anyway, I think I have the freedom to give an opinion, and that one is that we might be a bit short of smaller-sized vessels lately.

The problem is, that our capital ships aren't designed to chase fleeing enemies, (I don't know about much capital battleships equipped with Cruise Disruptors, for example), our problem inside Liberty at the moment are pirates, their small-sized, fast ships, are very useful to flee and hide.
Now my question, and what troubles me after some time of musing is, what if Rheinland tries raiding our territory with a massive swarm of small ships instead of sending their capital weaponry as they usually do?

I think we would be in trouble.


Also, I confirm that my secondary work, was the transport of various goods around liberty/bretonia.
And I currently work for DSE, with the primary task of supplying the Navy with the supplies they need.

I will make a kinda interesting comparison, to make my fellow libertonian soldiers think about the situation.

This situation looks almost exactly like as I could see Kusari some time ago, they were wasting their time on their frontiers, making their territory like an egg... If you breach the shell, reaching the heart of the territory wouldn't be very hard, as force density on the core was near to zero...
Sadly, I don't have logs to proof my visit to Kusari's core systems and what I wittnessed when I was working individually, and I have to say that it was really long long ago, but I could see some outcast raiders killing civilians and causing massacre as if they were just taking a walk around the park...

I kinda lost all my respect to Kusarian Forces since then, and I still avoid any commercial contact with them as a trader... (as I have been menanced with death twice by them just because they saw me supplying Bretonians IN Bretonian territory, while their civilians were dying like flies in a fire when I gone through Kusari, like 15 minutes after the incident).
Does the Navy want to give the same image? I think not... I always have been very proud of serving and protecting Liberty, but if it turns out to be like what I could suffer at Kusari, I think it's time to think about if I should be wasting my time on sitting on a frontier arguing with the civilians I promised to protect.

Before leaving, I remember you that this is my sole opinion, and I have NO intention of arguing high command's decisions. I'm a soldier that can be totally trusted, as long as I'm a soldier, I WILL obey orders, no matter how.

**Transmission Terminated**

To the [LN], [LPI] and all Libertonians - koske - 07-31-2011

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Firewall Status...[color=#66FFFF]Online
Verify Encryption Keys...[color=#66FFFF]Ok

Identification confirmed...Anna Brown Recognised
Establishing video uplink...

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Initialise Transmission


Well mister Tomaas Azzameen, I see that you are very informed about fighting crime in one Republic. So, why don`t you candidate your self for ministry of defence? I must explain you why those ships are just standing there, for your information those ships cost too much (crew, fuel, food, water, oxygen and daily repairs). You need to be happy and its better for you to feel joy when you see them near border with Rheinland, because they are reason you can work and live your life.

Please don`t expect from those ships to patrol trade lanes and arrest pirates in space, my information is telling me that LPI is doing the job fine and you can be sure that Liberty navy is assisting in every operation over Liberty space. As I can see you just attacked Liberty navy pilot in front of planet, first you need to respect and then you can`t just blame him... Maybe he was in urgent mission saving peoples lives. Leave people to do their work and you do yours, if you have to report any crime you can do that by giving all necessary information to us. We really can`t help you like this.

Anna Brown
Elite Field Agent
Liberty Security Force, Tactical operations

[color=#ccFFFF]Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...
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To the [LN], [LPI] and all Libertonians - Saberuneko - 07-31-2011

**Incoming Transmission**
[Image: saberunekoheader.png]
Sender: Saber Nyoki
Recipient: All libertonian frequencies

As an addition to what's said, I will say that I checked the safety of the lanes and routes today, I've seen over 6 libertonian ships, all positioned in tactical and different locations all along the route. The way was more than safe while I operated on the supply tasks.

I think the case you found was some kind of emergency or tension on the frontiers.
Please, take it easier next time...

Best Regards:
Saber Nyoki.

**Transmission Terminated**

To the [LN], [LPI] and all Libertonians - SevereTrinity - 07-31-2011


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Vice Admiral Stephanie Gray
TARGET ID: Tomaas Azzameen
SUBJECT: RE: -blank-

Hello, Mr... Azzameen, correct?

Well, your problem with Navy capital assets defending the most vulnerable Libertonian planet at this time from one of the greatest threats this proud House has seen in our entire history, is entirely unjustified. As a trader, I am sorry to say, but you have absolutely no knowledge of battle tactics, or our military plans. However, this does not excuse the lack of common sense you have shown.

Who are you to deem such a force is 'big enough for an invasion'? Do you have knowledge of the specific loadouts and armanents, as well as complimentary strikecraft thpse ships carry? Do you know what the enemy possesses as this moment in defence of the Hamburg gate, and be able to match those two sets of variables against each other and decide whether the outcome would be largely in Liberty's favour?

Those capital ships are not 'out chasing pirates' as you said because they are simply far too slow for that duty. A dreadnought cannot mobilize fast enough to be able to prevent an act of piracy. You are right in you assumption that the Navy will help LPI should the need arise, but this is in fast response craft such as bombers, fighters and perhaps the odd gunboat should one be available. You deem that capital ships sitting outside vulnerable planets to be a waste of taxpayer's money. This is not so. They are a deterrent to the Rheinland forces that seek to invade us. Would you rather they be in drydock, which, by the way, costs more money than keeping them in orbit, with their engines on idle. And we pay the crew the same whether they are on land or in space. However, the Navy's primary obligation is to fight a war. Pirates are dealt with at a commander's own discretion as the LPI are more than capable of dealing with these threats on the lanes by themselves.

As for your claim that 'multiple traders broke the embargo', I will await the evidence that shows me the names of these vessels, their cargo, evidence that shows where they are headed beyond reasonable doubt, and the time. Until then, such allegations are deemed as false.

Vice Admiral Gray

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To the [LN], [LPI] and all Libertonians - Azzameen - 07-31-2011

Firstly I would like to thank you all for your replies.
Second I would like to condem the unproffesional atttude of the Vice Admiral.

You both claim that it is not the Navy Capital Ships to pursue pirates. My question to you is then why we have so many Capital Ships on active duty and not enough fighters. I have no doubt the Rheinland threat is very real: but to excuse unprofessional officers who abuse citizens of Liberty is unacceptable. For high ranking officers to then defend these actions is even worse.

My statement was in regards the amount of money being spent on the Navy and not enough being spent on LPI. Now, if as you stated Ms Gray that the LPI have things well under control then I suggest you inform your officers that simply slandering the LPI will not fix anything.

I'm sure if LPI blamed your officers for the lack of funding because it's all going on the war, you would be offended.

As a citizen of Liberty I have every right to question her affairs. What I do not need in return is simply a "Do not worry about it" attitude that the officers in question, as well as yourselves have displayed.

You are very much mistaken in your assumption that simply sitting around Houston is going to defend the Texas system. I can assure you that a civilian like myself could sneak through to New York while the fleet sat at Houston. How many fighter craft could be made for the cost of one dreadnaught? How many more police officers could be paid for one gunboat.

I have encounted many of the Navy's officers and they are far from the standard of professionalism as the LSF or LPI. If you are going to put people in command of a god knows how many credits warship, then at least train them to be civilized, calm and collected. I see more and more Navy warships commissioned but the LPI numbers seemed to have dropped. Sad fact remains that if we don't want to be destroyed from the inside, we need to keep crime at bay.

As for the capitals chasing criminals, then surely must jest. The amount of times I have seen several warships mobilized to chase down a junker only to then verbally abused him. Or how an entire fleet will move from Houston to New York to chase down a single rogue.

Your claims would be valid if the Navy didn't move about as one single entity. Ask any Libertonian and they will tell you that the moment a hostile vessel is spotted in Liberty, EVERY vessel responds to it. Is this not only a waste of money but also leaving Liberty vunerable to a possible attack.

It seems once again that the Liberty Law Enforcement has forgotten that their wages are paid for by the citizens and that you are obligated to treat me with respect as much as I do to you. Rather than discuss the issue you have dismissed it and have treated me will ill manner.

If you have the inability to be impartial and be able to discuss issues with your fleet, then quite frankly you are not fit to be in command of anyone.

To the [LN], [LPI] and all Libertonians - SevereTrinity - 07-31-2011


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Vice Admiral Stephanie Gray
TARGET ID: Tomaas Azzameen
SUBJECT: RE:RE: -blank-

*ahem* It's Mrs. Gray, but thank you for being polite.

It's far from an unprofesional attitude, I am just fed up with audacious traders thinking they know better than people who have been trained for decades to be able to handle military maneuvers.

Besides this, I shall counter your points in the order you listed them.

The official listing for Libertonian craft, available on public register is the following:

Heavy Capitals
Number of Liberty Dreadnought 84
Number of Liberty Assault Battlecruiser 73
Number of Liberty Cruiser 87

Light Capitals
Number of Liberty Gunboat 262

Number of Avenger 154
Number of Guardian 466
Number of Liberator 152
Number of Upholder 156
Number of Executioner 53

So, I'm afraid your numbers are grossly overexaggerated. The very fact all this is available on public register tells me you are nothing more than another angry trader who perhaps did not receive the protection he felt he was deserved, travelling alone in the badlands.

The officer in question was not at all 'slandering' the LPI. He infact said 'blame the LPI', politely telling you to direct your unjustified anger towards them, as they are more than capable of listening to your story of immense horror, which really they hear every day because there are always traders who seem to never stick to the lanes

This isn't a point.

Yes you do, but you direct that to out PR department, not an on-duty officer.

I literally laughed at this. A trader lecturing a Naval admiral on system defence in a war climate. I think I'll send this email round the office. But seriously, you can throw fighters against Rheinland Bricks, but they won't do anything. You need bombers. Then you need dreadnoughts to cover those bombers from cruisers, and fighters to cover said bombers from gunboats. That is a brief lesson in fleet dynamics for you.

How many criminals have battleship class vessels? Very few. I can name four that venture into Liberty often. We have 84 mobile assets, so um... Yes. We do keep several in the core systems in the case of emergencies, but the true danger is on the Rheinland front. The LPI is more than equipped to deal with the pirates in the Liberty core systems as they possess gunboats and strikecraft of a superior design and weapons technology compared to these ragtag groups such as 'the Rogues' or 'Xenos'. They cannot however, protect anyone who decides to venture away the lanes.

I also laugh at this. You suggest that whenever a single vessel is encouteered, all mobile assets are sent to it's location. What have you been smoking, good tax payer?

For your next 'point', refer to my answer above. (What have you been smoking, good tax payer?)

This is where I draw the line at your immature attempt to seem sophisticated. What are you going to do, not pay taxes?

I have the ability to be impartial, but first you must do the same and lay aside whatever childish grudge you hold. Perhaps you were pirated, and were not aided by anyone? That is not our fault. You should have hired escorts as well. But until you stop your childish and laughable holy crusade, then your letters shall continue to circulate this office as a source of amusement.

Of course, if only our heads of military could be elected, and were trained by people such as you. Then we could allow Rheinland to take the Texas system and there would be less area for our 'overspread' forces to be able to do their jobs.

Vice Admiral Gray

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

To the [LN], [LPI] and all Libertonians - Ingenious - 07-31-2011

hmm... well, it looks like some authoritarians don't have manners.

let me just tell you this: i make a living in liberty by choice because of the freedoms she provides and protects, unlike kusari or rheinland. others alongside me agree with this sentiment. so when i see uneducated captains of capital ships trying to arrest civilians for legal possession of weapons for the purpose of self-defense, i get a little agitated. when individuals are silenced or publicly shamed into exile, it irks me a bit. so here's what i have to say. whether or not this trader is correct or not, you have no license to insult his appeals. i am sure someone with such "bravery" and "experience" would be able to take an impassioned civilian's criticism from a with a grain of salt instead of continuing down the garden path to hell. what path? the path of rheinland and kusari.

speak now, libertonians, if you value your rights.

red beans and ricely yours,
carlos ortiz and the [collectors]