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To: The Steelworkers - Printable Version

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To: The Steelworkers - Chrysalis - 07-31-2011

Good day, Steelworkers.

As you might recall our conversation outside Malta, I have invited you to make our deal official.
Like stated before, there are some benefits that can happen from our co-operation. We have common enemies and common friends.

We will support you if you support us. We will look after you if you look after us. Let's not fail each and other.

Signed, Hussaini.

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To: The Steelworkers - Rubber_Duck - 07-31-2011

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Encryption: Possibly

[Image: peter_article.jpg]

Name: *Scrambled*
Ship ID: SW)The.Watchdog

Yeh yeh, laddie. *hic*

Dhas meh 'ere. Dah press 'fficah. *hic* 'n 's weh s'd, weh 'gree. *hic* Yeh yeh. Dhas a g'd thingy, 's 't seems. *hic* 'n fer dah 'nemies.... yeh yeh. Oi'm sure, we 'ave s'me c'mon ones... 'n also s'me c'mon frien's yeh know? *hic* Dhas thingy 'ere 'mains 'pen, fer dah cas' s'meth'n needs ta be add'd *hic*

Count 'n us. *hic*

See yeh, laddies.

* Disengaging Video Feed*
** Scrambling... **
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To: The Steelworkers - Pig_Pen - 07-31-2011


[Image: graigdewells.jpg]

Source: SW)The Steelmill, Slave Liner
Pilot: Graig DeWells
Location: somehwere in Magellan

Aye, mah friends, 's tha Boss 'ere

jus' 's mah mate said, i guess we make tha' official...but i'd like ta talk ta tha' Sheik personally if tha's ok fer yah? 'N i suggest we meet somewhe' quiet space, eh?

'N bring yah lads with yah too so we may be able ta getta know eachoth'r? 'N have a drink, maybe?

Please contact me 'ere ta figure tha' out...

I#m lookin' foward ta meet yah...

with best regards,

Graig DeWells
Chairman of the Steelworkers