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Movechar breaks /pm, /t, /r, ... - Printable Version

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Movechar breaks /pm, /t, /r, ... - Ingenious - 07-31-2011

When you move a character to an account, pm functionality can be/usually is severely broken thereafter. Ankh and I both reported this problem.

To reproduce, move a character to your account.

Movechar breaks /pm, /t, /r, ... - elrica - 07-31-2011

/t /pm /r /pm$ are all affected.
/g /fm /fi etc are not affected.
Selecting the name from the chatlist works.
Ship in question is [Collectors]argot.
Freelancer restarted by Ingenious (and myself when it happened to me), still broken.

I'm not so sure it is movechar which causes this, since I had this problem on my angel [The_Angels]Ankh a few days ago, which hasn't been renamed or moved since I made it.

*sacrifices a cookie*
/summon Cannon

EDIT: I remember getting kicked by the server shortly before I got the bug, perhaps it's related to that? *shrug

Movechar breaks /pm, /t, /r, ... - Cannon - 08-01-2011

What do you mean by broken? What do you see? Is there an error message? Which ship did you try to execute the command from? What ship did you try to send the message to?

Movechar breaks /pm, /t, /r, ... - AeternusDoleo - 08-01-2011

I've experienced this glitch as well. It happens when people try and message characters that are experiencing this bug. I always thought it was caused by switching characters. There is no error message, but a person being targeted with a /t or /r do not get the intended green message.

Movechar breaks /pm, /t, /r, ... - Ingenious - 08-01-2011

' Wrote:What do you mean by broken? What do you see? Is there an error message? Which ship did you try to execute the command from? What ship did you try to send the message to?

Any attempts to message the player on any of the chars on the affected account through any but standard means (standard=selecting them from the chat window) fail without any error message.

My account that is affected carries these chars:
  • [collectors]argot
  • [collectors]ortiz
  • [collectors]ortiz^
  • [Res]Charlie.Compton
  • BAF|Ens.T.Tudor
(edit: If it helps, the character moved was [collectors]argot.)

Thanks for the reply, and I hope you have time to address this when possible.

Movechar breaks /pm, /t, /r, ... - mwerte - 08-01-2011

This used to be an issue way back in the day with the old manual admin renaming method, which cannon fixed as one of his first tasks here. That and /givecash.

Anyway, iirc, this is caused because the server has 2 names per character, the name we see, and the database one. When the rename happens, only one of the names is changed.

Movechar breaks /pm, /t, /r, ... - Ingenious - 08-03-2011

So... uhhh... :unsure:

Movechar breaks /pm, /t, /r, ... - mwerte - 08-03-2011

' Wrote:So... uhhh... :unsure:
It takes time to troubleshoot code when you're drunk:P

Movechar breaks /pm, /t, /r, ... - Ingenious - 08-21-2011


My acc is still broken

Movechar breaks /pm, /t, /r, ... - Ingenious - 08-24-2011

The problem has magically become fixed for me.