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To: The Discordians - Printable Version

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To: The Discordians - AeternusDoleo - 08-01-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Discordians, Shasta Skyhook
Subject: A delicate matter
Encryption: Strong

To whom this message finds,

For some time now, the Independent Miners Guild has enjoyed quite peaceful relations with it's neighbours in Baffin. Now, we have a request of some importance, and not just for ourselves. I would like to consult with the leaders of your religion, as well as your political envoy - it pertains the gas giant within your system, the one you call Eris.
A lot of lives may be at stake. If at all possible, I'd like to meet in person to discuss the particulars.

- Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild

**** Transmission Closed ****

To: The Discordians - Yaoquizque - 08-01-2011

Fnordnet transmission, Node #23 Wrote:++ Source : "KSC" Mnemosym ++
++ Destination : Johnathan Sanders ++
++ Derivation : Goddess Discordia ++
++ Encryption level : mu ++
++ Transmission begins ++

[Image: eris.png]
The Sirius Greatest Association of What-ever-it-is-that-we-are
Kallisti there Mr. Sanders.

I have to say your message surprises me. Why is the Guild interested by Eris and its shiny rings?
Anyway, certainly.

We could organize a small meeting with you to hear what you would like to ask.
Mal is currently in Baffin and even if John is busy, Mr. Triton can take his place.

Unless you prefer to talk about this via neuralnet?

++ You will find that the state is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly too ++
++ End of transmission ++

To: The Discordians - AeternusDoleo - 08-01-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: "KSC" Mnemosym; Discordians, Shasta Skyhook
Subject: A delicate matter
Encryption: Strong

Kallisti, to greet you in your own words,

If heavy encryption is maintained between the parties involved, the neural net is more convenient, and likely to draw less suspicion. I regret the need for secrecy, but recent goings-on in Orkney and the upper Taus are rather disrurbing. Gallia is stirring, something we do not like one bit.
It is not the planet itself, nor it's rings that drew our interest. I am uncertain if you are keeping a sensor watch on the goings-on in Eris' gravity well, but we have reason to believe that a gravitic rift is forming in proximity to the planet. One that is connected to another star system, which we know of. A Guild transport passing through Baffin on the way to Pecos picked up the readings that led us to believe it is there.

Our request is simple. For us to find this rift, and investigate if it is stable enough for travel, i.e. a jump hole, or not. If it is, we will have one other, far more significant boon to ask.
Given the location it is in, along with the name of the planet matching that of your deity, it seemed only appropriate to request permission for this, from both your political and religious leadership. I must admit to be unfamiliar with the details of your religion, although I heared it puts an emphasis on personal freedom. Does the planet hold a religious significance to the Discordians?

- Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild

**** Transmission Closed ****

To: The Discordians - Yaoquizque - 08-01-2011

Fnordnet transmission, Node #23 Wrote:++ Source : "KSC" Mnemosym ++
++ Destination : Johnathan Sanders ++
++ Derivation : Goddess Discordia ++
++ Encryption level : omega ++
++ Transmission begins ++

[Image: eris.png]
The Sirius Greatest Association of What-ever-it-is-that-we-are
Ah well... I see what you are talking about.

We know that singularity since a while. We call it 'Hung Mung'... Since that singularity quite looks like the sacred Chao when you face it from Eris.
Hung Mung was the apostle who first discovered the Sacred Chao as an alteration of the old 'Ying/Yang' symbol...

But well... Back to the subject... We sent some probes... Made them enter into that singularity, hoping to find a way similar to the now well known 'Barrier pass'.
Not a single one came back. Therefore we consider it as a potential danger and the Emperor Norton is orbiting Eris not far from it... Just in case.

You are free to try that singularity i guess... At your risk and perils. We won't send a rescue team through that thing until we know what exactly happens when you disappear into it.
Of course... We could commission a few templar vessels to ensure your safety in Baffin... That's it.

Now about those movements in Orkney. some popes indeed informed us more and more Gallic vessels - Military ones - were passing by.
You may or may not know that, but we are not quite welcome in Gallia. They used to kill us on sight when we ventured there, back in time.

Witnessing a Gallic fleet advance in the Taus concerns us, as Baffin is quite close. If the guild wishes to sign a cooperation agreement regarding that potential menace, we are keen to listen.

If you have more questions, feel free to contact me.
++ You will find that the state is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly too ++
++ End of transmission ++

To: The Discordians - Doc Holliday - 08-01-2011

[Image: ambassadorsoffice.png]

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin System
To: Mr. Jonathan Sanders
Subject: Eris

Kallisti, Mr. Sanders,

As you can tell by my location, I am on one of my diplomatic missions. I see that you have found good hands in some of my people. As they have initiated contact with you, I will allow them to work with you. I make a couple of requests.
One, that all results you find are shared with us. After all, Baffin is ours and this could be a major concern to us.
Second, keep lines secure. We too know of Gallic presences in the Taus. For that matter, we don't need anyone from anywhere else knowing either.

If you are good with this, I am as well. I will leave this to my Deputy Ambassador Xavier Triton and "KSC" Mnemosym. I hope I get back soon enough to be able to discuss your findings in person.

Yours in Eris,
Dr. John Henry Holliday
TAZ Administrator

To: The Discordians - AeternusDoleo - 08-03-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Mr. John Henry Holliday
CC: Ms. Mnemosym; Mr. Triton
Subject: A delicate matter
Encryption: Strong

Mr. Holliday.

Naturally, we will share the data with yourselves. One good bit of information I can already share is that we've located the far side of the anomaly now. Once we learned you had tried to send some probes through, scanning for debris led us to it's location easily. The system this hole leads to is labeled Tau 115 by us, and aside from a small IMG team, it is currently not inhabited. The jumphole however is not aligned, and unstable, which would account for your probes having arrived in pieces. Yet the readings we get from the other side suggest the hole is slowly stabilising, perhaps under the influence of Eris' gravity.

Our request is one of humanitarian nature. While we are seeing an increased activity of Gallic Naval forces within the Taus, they have thus far been concentrating northward, striking at the Maltans. No doubt Freeport 10 has recorded their movements from time to time. I have ample reports from Dounby and Java on the matter. Yet their commanders indicate they seek to eventually stomp out the Council forces living on the fringe of Gallic space.
I'll be blunt. I've seen the zeal of those forces. If given the chance, I believe it will turn into a massacre, especially among the civilian population at the Council held planet of Quillian.

Tau 115 could be used as a haven for those fleeing from that onslaught. Thus far we've revealed the existance of it to only the Council, the Gallic Brigands who coined the idea of evacuation, and yourselves. However, such an evacuation would be a massive undertaking, and without a quick path towards the system, difficult to undertake. The jumphole in Eris' proximity is the only quick way we know of thus far, towards it, even if it is not yet usable.

If it becomes usable, will you allow those who want to seek refuge from the Gallic Naval forces, passage through Baffin, into this hole?

- Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild

**** Transmission Closed ****

To: The Discordians - Yaoquizque - 08-03-2011

Fnordnet transmission, Node #23 Wrote:++ Source : "KSC" Mnemosym ++
++ Destination : Johnathan Sanders ++
++ Derivation : Jonh, MJ, XTriton, Malaclypse ++
++ Encryption level : omega ++
++ Transmission begins ++

[Image: eris.png]
The Sirius Greatest Association of What-ever-it-is-that-we-are
We always had good relations with the Council, and TAZ would certainly not forbid refugees to enter in Baffin.
The pentabarf applies. As long as you respect it, you are welcome.

Now do tell us.
What would you need to make the evacuation of those refugees easier?
++ You will find that the state is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly too ++
++ End of transmission ++

To: The Discordians - AeternusDoleo - 08-03-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Ms. Mnemosym;
CC: Mr. Triton
Subject: A delicate matter
Encryption: Strong

Ms Mnemosym,

You mention the "pentabarf", in a manner that makes me suspect it is a set of rules your people live by, or require your guests to abide by. I am not familiar with it, but if you will point me in the right direction, we will do our best to respect your wishes.

There are no concrete plans yet, however considering neither of us knows the details of the Gallic Navy's timetable, I'm trying to plan for contingencies. In a pinch, if the hole is not an option, an exodus of several hundred thousand civilians is expected to come barreling down the Taus, with the Gallic Navy in pursuit. For them to reach safety, they both need to get to Tau 115 alive, and their pursuers need to be thrown off along the way. I suspect the Kusari may become an unwilling asset in the latter, given that I do not think they would approve of a Gallic warfleet entering Tau 31 or Tau 29. Their own operations would be jeoparized. I do not know if the Council has extra-heliospheric passenger transports in the event that such an amount of people need to be taking the several month long voyage between the stars.

If the hole is an option, a shortcut through Baffin would get those people where they need to be in a matter of days, and will hopefully leave the Gallic Navy wondering where their quarry has vanished to. If that hole stabilises before an evacuation is needed, getting some supplies through would help to prepare.
It's good to hear your relations with the Council have been positive. One way or another, you'll gain a friendly neighbour. Be it us, or they, for if the evacuation never happens, we'll likely end up settling the system ourselves.

- Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild

**** Transmission Closed ****

To: The Discordians - Yaoquizque - 08-05-2011

Fnordnet transmission, Node #23 Wrote:++ Source : "KSC" Mnemosym ++
++ Destination : Johnathan Sanders ++
++ Derivation : Goddess Discordia ++
++ Encryption level : omega ++
++ Transmission begins ++

[Image: eris.png]
The Sirius Greatest Association of What-ever-it-is-that-we-are
Kallisti again, Mr. Sanders.

Let me direct you to the Pentabarf.

There is basically two things we care about :
- The whole system is to be considered as a No Fire Zone. You won't be allowed to act against Outcasts or smugglers using the Barrier pass.
- Docking is restricted on our sacred sanctum, Pueblo Bonito.

We will keep an eye on this singularity.
If it stabilizes as you expect it, we will send a few supply ships to build depots in order to make the colonization of this system easier.

Keep us informed about your next moves regarding that matter.
++ You will find that the state is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly too ++
++ End of transmission ++

To: The Discordians - AeternusDoleo - 08-05-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Ms. Mnemosym;
CC: Mr. Triton
Subject: A delicate matter
Encryption: Strong

Ms Mnemosym,

There should be no problem in complying with your requests. Us miners are generally not the ones to instigate violence - even in the adjacent system of Coronado. Smuggling is a problem the House Navies have to deal with. I would only ask a clarification on your stance on slavery - it's a delicate point for most Guild members. We on occasion intercepted forced labor worker transports on their way towards Outcast controlled space, which strongly suggests the Maltans still use this despicable practise.

I'm not sure where Pueblo Bonito is located, but if you give us a general vicinity, we can instruct our ships to keep their distance. I suspect it's not on the triangle between the Tau and Coronado holes, and Shasta, as our ships on occasion travel along that route. Shasta is a place some of our miners visit while not on duty, especially those with an interest in your religion.

As to our next move, it will largely depend on the Council. It has been difficult to get into contact with their leadership in this hectic time. It would not be a bad idea to get yourselves, Colonial, Council, and Brigand leaders in close contact on the matter, and that of the GRN.

- Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independent Miners Guild

**** Transmission Closed ****