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Rogue LN Gunboat - Printable Version

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Rogue LN Gunboat - komarov - 08-01-2011

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Good day.

I address this message to all of the enforcers of Liberty, although the Navy should probably be most concerned about the matter here.

First off, who I am: I am nominally a civilian but have, in recent months, been compelled to take up arms against the increasing rot brought on by pirates, criminals and their likes. All my actions are within the bounds of the laws - strictly so - and while I operate an armed vessel, I have all the necessary permits to do just so.
Given the nature of this channel I will only give you my signature ID, "Hades'_Reach". A navy officer currently based near Houston has scans of my ship and ID and will provide you, the officials, with any further details you may require. Please keep this data confidential, if only for my own protection.

Now, the reason for this transmission. For all my bad luck, I have encountered a rogue, or possibly stolen, Liberty Navy gunboat. Resist the urge to terminate this transmission now. Simply inspect the logs attached.
At any rate, given my current 'profession', I by default scan all vessels I encounter. Vessels loitering nearby trade lanes I pay particular attention to, for obvious reasons. Flying between the lanes at Planet Houston, I found a far off contact. After some searching I finally caught up with the ship, realising it to be a gunboat. I assumed it was on patrol but, having come all the way I decided to approach for a scan anyway.
Though the ship was evasive, I eventually caught up and found, most unexpectedly, 35 kilos of cardamine. Here, I must admit fault. I should immediately have logged my findings, but thinking I was talking to a Navy officer, asked for an explanation instead. The logs will show that this was less than satisfactory, but by the time I grew suspicious, the bogey had already withdrawn from my immediate sensor range, prohibiting another detailed scan.

Fortunately, the communications logs should be sufficient to prove my findings, even without a verified cargo scan.

Attached is a compressed version, the raw data can be sent to you, should you require it. This would take up considerably more bandwidth, however, and hence also more time.

Civ-HR Logfiles (compressed)

Given that some feeble attempts were made by the bogey to frame me for his predicament, I also attached a post-operational comms log. I had returned to Houston where I voluntarily submitted myself to scans by a Navy vessel. It is also noteworthy that I was likely scanned before encountering this gunboat, again while passing by Houston. If this data is available to you, it should also clear my vessel of any suspicion before this mess began.

Civ-HR Logfiles addendum (Compressed)

I hope this is to your satisfaction, though perhaps not to your delight, and that you are able to track this ship down, and deal with it in a fitting manner. It would surely be a bad sign if we all had to get into the habit of scanning government ships for contraband.

At your service,
"Hades' Reach"

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