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To: GMG - Printable Version

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To: GMG - TheOrangeButterfly - 08-03-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
***Location Planet Honshu***
***Com-ID Togo Heihachiro***

[Image: 420pxtgheihachir.jpg]

Konnichiwa, honorable Gas Miners Guild. It has been quite a while since we've had any kind of formal talks between our two peoples. I regret this fact. I believe we should further solidify the alliance we have between one another.

Kishiro Technologies requests the usage of your ships, and in return any ships that we produce or materials that we can bring you we would gladly send to your bases to aid your people. We at Kishiro miss the open-door policy with the Gas Miners guild and it is with great sorrow that we had to stop it for a temporary time. We believe it is time to re-open this door, even with your recent conflicts with Kusari, as we view you as friends in a place where that word has seemingly lost its meaning.

We are eager to hear from you.

Togo Heihachiro
Kishiro Technologies
National Relations Office

To: GMG - Gas Miners Guild - 08-03-2011

' Wrote:
***Incoming Transmission***
***Location Planet Honshu***
***Com-ID Togo Heihachiro***

[Image: 420pxtgheihachir.jpg]

Konnichiwa, honorable Gas Miners Guild. It has been quite a while since we've had any kind of formal talks between our two peoples. I regret this fact. I believe we should further solidify the alliance we have between one another.

Kishiro Technologies requests the usage of your ships, and in return any ships that we produce or materials that we can bring you we would gladly send to your bases to aid your people. We at Kishiro miss the open-door policy with the Gas Miners guild and it is with great sorrow that we had to stop it for a temporary time. We believe it is time to re-open this door, even with your recent conflicts with Kusari, as we view you as friends in a place where that word has seemingly lost its meaning.

We are eager to hear from you.

Togo Heihachiro
Kishiro Technologies
National Relations Office



Our Trade CEO Azuki Tamagochi offers her apologies for not being able to respond herself. She is still imprisoned on Fuchu, charged with the crime of belonging to the Gas Miners Guild. And she is still waiting for her Kishiro lawyer to present himself.

The Guild has wondered for some time if there was any friendship still to be had in Kusari. Your government seems determined to provoke the GMG at every conceivable turn, whilst Kishiro remains silent.

The perception is that Kishiro, as a corporate entity, is weak. Kishiro seems unable to impress the importance of Kusari's main fuel supply for their war efforts, allowing Samura and the Kusari government to make spurious claims about its 'abundant' fuel reserves.

If Kishiro is to be strong again, then it needs to protect itself from the slings and arrows of its enemies - both political and by means of force. To this end, the GMG is willing to grant Kishiro Technologies free and open access to our full range of ships and equipment.

In Kusari, where the odds are stacked against our Kishiro brethren, there are few advantages to being Kishiro. Sharing the Guild's technology is one of them.

The only thing we expect in return is open dialogue, and your word that Kishiro is genuine in its desire to explore our alliance.


To: GMG - TheOrangeButterfly - 08-03-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
***Location Planet Honshu***
***Com-ID Togo Heihachiro***

[Image: 420pxtgheihachir.jpg]

The time for Kishiro remaining silent in the politics of Kusari is coming to an end, Gas Miners. Kishiro is very serious about this alliance with the Gas Miners Guild. We were silent for fear of being squashed by the government and by Samura and their... people, so to speak. No longer. We are a Kusari Corporation with a voice just as loud as Samura's, especially with the fuel contracts of the Gas Miner's behind our sails and your ships leading our fleets.

Can I receive the name of the lawyer that was promised to you?

And if there is any other way we can aid our brothers in the Guild, please, let us know. Being the silent child of Kusari is no longer than option in this day and age. You have my personal guarantee.

Togo Heihachiro
Kishiro Technologies
National Relations Office

To: GMG - Friday - 08-04-2011

' Wrote:
***Incoming Transmission***
***Location Planet Honshu***
***Com-ID Togo Heihachiro***

[Image: 420pxtgheihachir.jpg]

The time for Kishiro remaining silent in the politics of Kusari is coming to an end, Gas Miners. Kishiro is very serious about this alliance with the Gas Miners Guild. We were silent for fear of being squashed by the government and by Samura and their... people, so to speak. No longer. We are a Kusari Corporation with a voice just as loud as Samura's, especially with the fuel contracts of the Gas Miner's behind our sails and your ships leading our fleets.

Can I receive the name of the lawyer that was promised to you?

And if there is any other way we can aid our brothers in the Guild, please, let us know. Being the silent child of Kusari is no longer than option in this day and age. You have my personal guarantee.

Togo Heihachiro
Kishiro Technologies
National Relations Office



I am forwarding on to you this offical communication from the KSP concerning the arrest of Azuki Tamagochi. We would request that a Kishiro Legal Representative visit Azuki to ascertain her status, and explore available options for her release. The channel lonked to you would be a suitable place to start.

Assisting Azuki would benefit Kishiro in two ways. Firstly Azuki is our Trade CEO, and was working on a series of major trade initiatives before her arrest. Secondly, Azuki is a moderate politician known for her humanitarian work. Her release would allow her voice to be heard once more - one that can speak against more militant politicians within the Guild. Moderate policies will be essential if peace is to be lasting.