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Strange. What's the difference between attacking transports, or their escorts? - Printable Version

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Strange. What's the difference between attacking transports, or their escorts? - Geeky - 08-04-2011

So, I'm wondering.

What's the difference between attacking a transport, and attacking the transports escort only, leaving the transport defenceless?

Reason I'm wondering is because I see a lot of bounties that are like this, however, I don't understand the purpose.

Would be nice to have an answer.


Strange. What's the difference between attacking transports, or their escorts? - SMGSterlin - 08-04-2011

Explain further please?

Strange. What's the difference between attacking transports, or their escorts? - DarthBindo - 08-04-2011

You can attack transport escorts with a capital ship.
Yay chainfired mortars.

Strange. What's the difference between attacking transports, or their escorts? - Hielor - 08-04-2011

Unless, of course, those escorts are also freighters or transports:)

And, attacking this escorts had better not be part of piracy, because that's a no-no.

Strange. What's the difference between attacking transports, or their escorts? - SMGSterlin - 08-04-2011

I don't think he's talking about cap ships... If he is, then yee, escorts have a fighting chance, transports don't.

Strange. What's the difference between attacking transports, or their escorts? - Daedric - 08-05-2011

Can you give us an example of the bounty you are referring too?

Strange. What's the difference between attacking transports, or their escorts? - Geeky - 08-05-2011

Well for one, RHA's bounty offer to the reavers on kruger/daumann ships. They target only fighting ships, and they do not target transports.

This inevitably harms the transports again, as I have seen so much whining on the forums about transports beeing defenceless, now that they are starting to have escorts on a regular basis, there are bounties like these who target specifically combat ships. Then the transport is defenceless, as if it brings an escort, he will die because of a bounty.

What I'm asking about is people on skype I asked said there was a difference between shooting Transports and their escorts directly, and shooting just their escorts. Same thing happens in the end, you're killed either by a pirate or a mercenary, I guess I'm just looking for more specific information and opinion on whether there really is a difference.

P.S: Haven't slept in about 18 hours, so if anything I said made sence at all, that's good.

Strange. What's the difference between attacking transports, or their escorts? - aerelm - 08-05-2011

Scenario A:
  • Hessians hire a bunch of mercs.
  • Hessians put a bounty on any and all Kruger/Daumann.
  • Mercs go out and claim transports for easy cash.
  • Hessians loose x millions per every transport killed.
  • Profit for Hessians? None.
Scenario B:
  • Hessians hire a bunch of mercs.
  • Hessians pay the mercs to get rid of combat ships only.
  • Mercs go out and wipe the place clean except fat, full transports.
  • Hessians come in and rip the transports dry, either taking their cargo or credits (Or both *Coughs*)
  • Hessians loose x millions per every escort, but instead earn at least 3 times the cash from those defenseless transports.
  • Profit for Hessians? A lot.
So in short:
In the example you brought up, the RHA board, we don't pay the mercs to clean the place up. We just pay them to get rid of unwanted hostiles to make our jobs easier, so we can come in and make a profit without having to worry about gettin escorts on our asses.

Now see the reasoning behind one type of such bounties?

Strange. What's the difference between attacking transports, or their escorts? - Jack_Henderson - 08-05-2011

It's likely partly a matter of oorp fairness.

If you fly a lot in transports and miners, every attack means pvp death as you die or are forced to land.

OORP reason:

a) This is frustrating even for more senior players, it is completely frustrating for the newer guys thus kills their activity. Kruger should know that well. So nice bounties focus on fighting ships only, not on the defenseless targets.

b) Many bounty hunters like a good fight. There is no challenge in wrecking a transport, or a miner. Either they are dumb (and have no armor, don't run fast enough, etc) and die all the time, or they are clever, have enough armor and escape almost all the time to a nearby base. Cat and mouse gaming is not so much fun when you know the outcome.

Ingame reason:

Many factions want to hurt a company agenda, not specifically its small workers. It would make no sense to kill exploited BMM miners if your goal is to free the workers from oppression.

On the other hand, the escorts are associated with "oppression", part of the system that needs to be fought. Thus they are legitimate targets.

Combination of ingame and out of game reasons create this distinction, in my opinion.

And it is a good distinction as it saves the soft targets a lot of frustration while granting the escorts some pvp action. There is hardly anything more boring than escorting/watching fields without anything happening. Just my indicidual view on the question. =)

Strange. What's the difference between attacking transports, or their escorts? - AeternusDoleo - 08-05-2011

' Wrote:This inevitably harms the transports again, as I have seen so much whining on the forums about transports beeing defenceless, now that they are starting to have escorts on a regular basis, there are bounties like these who target specifically combat ships. Then the transport is defenceless, as if it brings an escort, he will die because of a bounty.
The transport is not defenseless. If it is not targeted when a merc attacks, it can...
wait for it...

Yea. If you rely on escorts for safety and the escorts are taking a beating, don't stick around!
Better yet, dock your transport and switch to a fighting character to help your buddy out. It's not reengaging if the transport's shields were never hit. This of course on the premise that you actually keep a fighting character in a resourcing faction, and don't use it purely to leech credits.