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TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command - Printable Version

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TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command - shemkel - 08-08-2011

[Image: trans_bar_mike_oneal.png]

Admiral Hale,

Due to recent changes in Corona Battlegroup's status, I'd like to settle some matter regarding Liberty property that we have used until now.
We also have some requests to Liberty Navy Primary Fleet regarding this equipment.

Any vessels or equipment will be passed back to Primary Fleet... And then, probably scrapped. We are aware that most of our equipment is outdated... or just ancient. And that'€™s where our first request comes.
We would like to keep some of our vessels as well as some of our research equipment. We would pay the market price for them of course... which basically is scrap price.
Particulary, we would like to keep our rights to use:
1x Liberty Assault Carrier - namely the Scarlet.Pride - our mobile base of operations.
1x Liberty Dreadnought - as close escort for the Pride
2x Liberty Assault Battlecruiser and 2x Liberty Siege Cruiser - As two taskforces allowing us to cover two independent deep space research expeditions at the same time.
We would also like to keep 8 of our Guardian fighters - at least until we manage to replace them with other vessels.

And when it comes to scrap, it would be good to settle another issue. As you know, we have commenced an operation to rebuild the Junction station. All the works and supplies were performed for our own money.
Liberty has lost it'€™s interest in Junction many years ago. Only after NTF claimed Junction for it'€™s own purposes, there'€™s been a short period of time when Liberty forces was interested in Junction whereabouts. Since that time, the wreck was abandoned until a group of people with... shady history... repaired basic systems of Junction and used it as their home.
We would like to buy the Junction Wreck from Liberty Government. In fact it'€™s worthless. Still, we are willing to pay 100 millions of sirius credits for this piece of junk. We would suggest - as Liberty was not interested in this station for so many years and we are sure no one even thought about selling it - that the money we would pay for the wreck be contributed to Liberty Navy Widows and Orphans Fund. We are sure that such decision would be welcomed warmly by whole Liberty society.

Now one other issue to settle...
As you know, we have aquired an uncommon research subject - Nomad-infected brother of known... freelancer - Felicia Drum. Mr. Drum is being examined closely by our own specialists. We are also trying to aquire some help from independent nomad-specialised scientist.
We will of course share any knowledge gained during this tests and research with Liberty Navy.

I hope to hear from you soon

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TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command - Asgardian - 08-09-2011

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: insigniauploadflip.png] Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: insigniaupload.png]
[Image: jack2.png]

>Corona Battlegroup.


It seems you're asking High Command to essentially grant this new civilian organisation every military ship that was once in the Corona battlegroup. I'm a little baffled as to why an ex-battlegroup, turned research organisation requires a heavily-armed Dreadnought, with no less than three Assault Battlecruisers as backup and two Siege Cruisers to further back them up, along with a full fighter-wing escort of eight Guardians. That amount of firepower rivals a small fleet and even the outdated technology aboard those ships would pose a threat to house security if it fell into the wrong hands.

Your first request has been denied - All Liberty property is to be returned to Virginia within the week.

>Acquisition of junction wreck.

Unfortunately, I cannot comment on your proposed acquisition of the junction wreck - You'll have to redirect your question to the Liberty government.

All in all, I wish your research team the best of luck in knuckling down and solving those fractal equations and what-not...

Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End'€”
[Transmission End]

TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command - shemkel - 08-09-2011

[Image: trans_bar_mike_oneal.png]
Admiral Marlone...
What a pleasant surprise.
It's very good to see you in good health.

I hope Admiral Hale is in good health too? Or maybe he's unavailable?
Or maybe you took over his office and are intercepting all his comms? *smiles*

Well, anyway... With all due respect, I will wait for Admiral Hale's response as we've been talking to him about this matter earlier and he seemed to have slightly different vision then yours.


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TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command - Asgardian - 08-09-2011

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: insigniauploadflip.png] Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: insigniaupload.png]
[Image: jack2.png]

>Erroneous Transmission.


Seems this transmission has accidentally been forwarded to the entirety of High Command -
"TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command". I'm sure it was simply a processing error.

You're more than welcome to wait for the Fleet Admiral's reply - However, the one week property return is still in effect, unless I'm overruled by the Fleet Admiral himself. Those dang property clerks are quite scrupulous when it comes to Naval ships.

Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End'€”
[Transmission End]

TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command - shemkel - 08-09-2011

[Image: trans_bar_mike_oneal.png]


I might have misplaced "Destination" field with "CC" field i'm afraid then...
Anyway, we will of course return any Liberty property unless it will be decided that we can keep some of our ships.
However I don't agree with you about possible threat that those vessels might cause... At least, I was sure that Liberty Navy can handle much more... serious threat. Especially that those vessels are equipped for escorting and defense not assault duties.
But it's my personal opinion only.

Thank you for your time,

<div align="right][Image: sig_oneal.png]

TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command - shemkel - 08-26-2011

[Image: trans_bar_mike_oneal.png]

All the LN ships we have been using has been returned to Virginia. Besides one.
The one is =CB=CBW-Scarlet.Pride and is our base of operations - with half of the hangars refitted for scientific purposes.
I'd like to offer you - what I think is a fair trade.
I'd like to once more request that LN sold us the ship. In return, I'd offer "Design documents for the Denton artifical Jump Hole Creator (JHC)".
I believe this technology is much more valuable for LN than some old, rusty carrier.

I look forward for your answer,

Thank you for your time,

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TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command - shemkel - 08-28-2011

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TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command - Jihadjoe - 09-01-2011


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale
TARGET ID: Michael O'Neal - CB
SUBJECT: Re: Jumphole creator

Hale here.

Apologies for the delay in my reply. Between getting shot at by this week's terrorist wannabe and attempting to co-ordinate a war, this message seems to have missed me entirely.

With regards to the ship, something could be negotiated I'm sure. There are many things which may or may not be in your possession which may or may not be more valuable to us than the above mentioned ship.

However, I'd express my interest in the 'JHC' idea. As I understand it, Ageira's jumpgate network does something much the same, with a stability and reliability which make it safe for commercial and civilian shipping. Now admittedly a smaller scale and portable version of this may have a lot of possible military applications, but to determine exactly what this design would do, we would require significantly greater detail than just a name.

Hale out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command - Scarlet - 09-01-2011

[Image: trans_bar_scarlet_orias.png]

To; Fleet Admiral Hale

Your reaction was as good as we could have hoped for, now, onto your enquiries.

In my understanding, the JHC Designed, developed, and prototyped by a Mister Jack Denton is a portable Jump Gate device, capable of opening small Jump Holes based around a singular ship, and then acting like any other Jump Hole, bar the imensly usefull fact that the destination may be chosen by the Operating Ship, as per a rather complicated co-ordinate systems. I'm sure you can see the impact this device could have upon sirius, Fleets of Ships could move rapidly into a hostile system with no forwarning of an attack, and just as easily escape from insurmoutable odds, battle lines and ships in combat could be rearmed and resupplied with little danger and with imense rappidity.

The device is nigh-operational, we have yet to test it on our own ships, but Mister Denton supplied several documented 'test' jumps, and I imagine LN Engineers could have one or two ready for trials within, months?

[Image: transmission_terminated.png]

TO: Fleet Admiral Hale, Liberty Navy Primary Fleet High Command - Scarlet - 09-08-2011

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