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Urgent Message to the Captain of Specops_Blade_Runner - Printable Version

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Urgent Message to the Captain of Specops_Blade_Runner - Bowex - 08-09-2011

[Image: Bowex-Main-Logo.png]


Sir, I am Alice Norton of the Bowex Legal Services offices on Lancaster Station. It has come to our attention that you have allegedly broken several laws in Rheinland, including a standing trade embargo, whist utilizing a Bowex ID transponder and a Bowex manufactured vessel. These actions are in direct violation with Bowex policies and regulations, and I'€™m sure you can understand, are of great concern to us

In addition, we can find no reference to your Freelance vessel as a Bowex independent contractor anywhere. This leads us to believe that you illegally purchased the vessel second-hand and acquired, on the black market, an absconded Bowex ID transponder.

We are offering you this opportunity to refute the reports against you that are coming out of Rheinland. We also offer you this opportunity to explain your possession of Bowex vessel and ID transponder without a proper contract.

Hopefully with your cooperation, we can get these issues straightened out and lay them to rest. If, however, you do not respond to this transmission in FOUR days time, we will have to assume that your silence is an admission of guilt, and then turn your case over to the proper authorities for necessary action including, but not limited to: Revocation of all Bretonian docking privileges, repossession of Bowex ID transponder and vessel, arrest and incarceration for crimes against a sovereign nation and government.

You have four days sir, starting now. We hope to hear from you soon.


Urgent Message to the Captain of Specops_Blade_Runner - Bowex - 08-10-2011


Urgent Message to the Captain of Specops_Blade_Runner - Bowex - 08-11-2011


Urgent Message to the Captain of Specops_Blade_Runner - Bowex - 08-12-2011


Sir, you have ONE day remaining. I am told that you and your partner vessel were intercepted by a Bowex) ExSec vessel and one of our mercenary contractors. You denied your guilt, but could not explain why there were photos of you commiting these crimes. Your partner vessel, Arnie, also threatened our team, and yet both of you were using Bowex ID transponders. ExSec has also repoted that your transponder numbers are not valid, and you were sighted by ExSec vessels entering Rheinland again today!

You have a great deal of explaining to do, and only 24 hours to do it in. I suggest you get to it, sir.

Urgent Message to the Captain of Specops_Blade_Runner - Bowex - 08-13-2011

Sir, your time is up. Anything I could have done for you, well you blew your chance, both with your silence and your actions. Your case will now be turned over to the proper authorities in Her Majesty's Government.
In addition, we will be taking the following actions:

1. You did not have a valid Bowex contract to begin with. Your actions now prevent you from ever receiving one.
2. Your docking priviledges at Bowex ports are hearby revoked.
3. An immediate request to repossess your ID will be filed.
4. Without a proper ID you will, of course, have to replace your vessel.
5. ALL information about your case that we possess will be turned over to the Rheinland authorities, for them to do with as they please, including your person.
6. You will no longer be eligible for Bowex Legal Services. Considering your circumstances, it is unlikely you would have been eligible anyway.
7. Certain.."parties" will be made aware of the need to keep an eye out for your vessel to insure repossession.

It's truly a shame. All you had to do was respond to the charges. You were contacted twice and insured us you would answer to them, and yet you did not. As my boss says: "Time to pay the bagpiper"

Alice Norton, Bowex Legal Services.