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Question to devs - Printable Version

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Question to devs - Decerebrated.Individual - 08-09-2011

I was thinking about a series of commands for the console, where a player just types the command, and a text is then displayed for him.

The text would be information providing him help on various subjects.

My question is, is it possible that instead of the text just being printed out in the chat history (like for all the other FLHook commands like /showerestart /help /showitems and so on), can the command also open an info box where the text will be displyed, like the info boxes of the "Welcome to Discovery" items or the boxes where the text of the people in the bar is displayed?

The reason I am asking is because, although it would be very easy to jsut have the text printed in the chat history, the chat history only allowed 50 characters per line, with 15 lines onscreen at the same time.

This makes longer texts very hard to read.

Does anyone know?

If yes, can you set the box size to a certain character length (I would say 100 chars per line would be best) and a scroll up/down bar?

If no one knows, can anyone direct me to a good tutorial for learning to write FLHook commands? I searched but couldnt find a good one.

Question to devs - Vexykin - 08-09-2011

New Players should receive an Info box about Rules which cannot be closed within let's say 20 seconds?

Question to devs - Decerebrated.Individual - 08-09-2011

Quote:New Players should receive an Info box about Rules which cannot be closed within let's say 20 seconds?

No, everyone should be able to read comfortably without having to alt tab or log out or carry cargo items with him. And also receive help on how to rep ther ship with bribes droprep and so on.

To read and the current rules you would rather need 20 minutes if you are fast anyway.

But I don't want to discuss the use of it atm, I jsut want an answer to the question if its possible or not.

Question to devs - Decerebrated.Individual - 08-09-2011


I wonder if one cries "Cannon!", Cannon magically appears.


Question to devs - Daedric - 08-09-2011

Cannon is busy, leave 'em be. You'll find plenty of help at the regarding this type of thing.

Question to devs - Ingenious - 08-10-2011

Yes, same implementation as /showinfo

Question to devs - Matthews - 08-10-2011

There are more important things than that. Delaying them just because of that is ridiculous.
With an old phrase, don't fix what isn't broken.